You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
317 lines
9.8 KiB
317 lines
9.8 KiB
package pay_service
import (
core2 ""
const CallbackOrderUrl = ""
func Order(content, ip, openid string, fee, goodType int, userId, activityId int64) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
client, err := Client()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
now := time.Now()
timeStart := now.Format("20060101150405")
timeExpire := now.Add(2 * time.Hour).Format("20060101150405")
outTradeNo := utils.RandomStr(32)
nonceStr := utils.RandomStr(32)
resp, err := pay.UnifiedOrder2(client, &pay.UnifiedOrderRequest{
Body: content,
OutTradeNo: outTradeNo,
TotalFee: int64(fee),
SpbillCreateIP: ip,
NotifyURL: CallbackOrderUrl,
TradeType: "JSAPI",
DeviceInfo: "WEB",
NonceStr: nonceStr,
SignType: core2.SignType_MD5,
TimeStart: now,
OpenId: openid,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
userOrder := new(models.UserOrder)
userOrder.DeviceInfo = "WEB"
userOrder.Desc = content
userOrder.UserId = userId
userOrder.ActivityId = activityId
userOrder.FeeType = "CNY"
userOrder.GoodType = goodType
userOrder.OpenId = openid
userOrder.OutTradeNo = outTradeNo
userOrder.TimeStart = timeStart
userOrder.TimeExpire = timeExpire
userOrder.TotalFee = fee
userOrder.TradeType = "JSAPI"
userOrder.PrepayId = resp.PrepayId
userOrder.Status = 0
userOrder.IsDelete = false
userOrder.CreatedAt = time.Now()
userOrder.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
if _, err = userOrder.AddUserOrder(); err != nil {
return nil, err
timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
pac := "prepay_id=" + resp.PrepayId
paySign := core2.JsapiSign(client.AppId(), nonceStr, pac, core2.SignType_MD5, timestamp, ApiKey)
return map[string]interface{}{
"appid": Appid,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"nonce_str": nonceStr,
"package": pac,
"sign_type": core2.SignType_MD5,
"pay_sign": paySign,
"out_trade_no": outTradeNo,
"user_order_id": userOrder.Id,
}, nil
func UnifiedOrder(content, ip, openid string, fee int64) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
client, err := Client()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
now := time.Now()
outTradeNo := utils.RandomStr(32)
nonceStr := utils.RandomStr(32)
resp, err := pay.UnifiedOrder2(client, &pay.UnifiedOrderRequest{
Body: content,
OutTradeNo: outTradeNo,
TotalFee: int64(fee),
SpbillCreateIP: ip,
NotifyURL: CallbackOrderUrl,
TradeType: "JSAPI",
DeviceInfo: "WEB",
NonceStr: nonceStr,
SignType: core2.SignType_MD5,
TimeStart: now,
OpenId: openid,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
pac := "prepay_id=" + resp.PrepayId
paySign := core2.JsapiSign(client.AppId(), nonceStr, pac, core2.SignType_MD5, timestamp, ApiKey)
return map[string]interface{}{
"appid": Appid,
"timestamp": timestamp,
"nonce_str": nonceStr,
"package": pac,
"sign_type": core2.SignType_MD5,
"pay_sign": paySign,
"out_trade_no": outTradeNo,
}, nil
// Notify
type NotifyRequest struct {
ReturnCode string `xml:"return_code,omitempty" json:"return_code,omitempty"`
ReturnMsg string `xml:"return_msg,omitempty" json:"return_msg,omitempty"`
ResultCode string `xml:"result_code,omitempty" json:"result_code,omitempty"`
ErrCode string `xml:"err_code,omitempty" json:"err_code,omitempty"`
ErrCodeDes string `xml:"err_code_des,omitempty" json:"err_code_des,omitempty"`
Appid string `xml:"appid,omitempty" json:"appid,omitempty"`
MchId string `xml:"mch_id,omitempty" json:"mch_id,omitempty"`
DeviceInfo string `xml:"device_info,omitempty" json:"device_info,omitempty"`
NonceStr string `xml:"nonce_str,omitempty" json:"nonce_str,omitempty"`
Sign string `xml:"sign,omitempty" json:"sign,omitempty"`
SignType string `xml:"sign_type,omitempty" json:"sign_type,omitempty"`
Openid string `xml:"openid,omitempty" json:"openid,omitempty"`
IsSubscribe string `xml:"is_subscribe,omitempty" json:"is_subscribe,omitempty"`
TradeType string `xml:"trade_type,omitempty" json:"trade_type,omitempty"`
BankType string `xml:"bank_type,omitempty" json:"bank_type,omitempty"`
TotalFee int `xml:"total_fee,omitempty" json:"total_fee,omitempty"`
SettlementTotalFee int `xml:"settlement_total_fee,omitempty" json:"settlement_total_fee,omitempty"`
FeeType string `xml:"fee_type,omitempty" json:"fee_type,omitempty"`
CashFee int `xml:"cash_fee,omitempty" json:"cash_fee,omitempty"`
CashFeeType string `xml:"cash_fee_type,omitempty" json:"cash_fee_type,omitempty"`
CouponFee int `xml:"coupon_fee,omitempty" json:"coupon_fee,omitempty"`
CouponCount int `xml:"coupon_count,omitempty" json:"coupon_count,omitempty"`
CouponType0 string `xml:"coupon_type_0,omitempty" json:"coupon_type_0,omitempty"`
CouponType1 string `xml:"coupon_type_1,omitempty" json:"coupon_type_1,omitempty"`
CouponId0 string `xml:"coupon_id_0,omitempty" json:"coupon_id_0,omitempty"`
CouponId1 string `xml:"coupon_id_1,omitempty" json:"coupon_id_1,omitempty"`
CouponFee0 int `xml:"coupon_fee_0,omitempty" json:"coupon_fee_0,omitempty"`
CouponFee1 int `xml:"coupon_fee_1,omitempty" json:"coupon_fee_1,omitempty"`
TransactionId string `xml:"transaction_id,omitempty" json:"transaction_id,omitempty"`
OutTradeNo string `xml:"out_trade_no,omitempty" json:"out_trade_no,omitempty"`
Attach string `xml:"attach,omitempty" json:"attach,omitempty"`
TimeEnd string `xml:"time_end,omitempty" json:"time_end,omitempty"`
func NotifyOrder(req *http.Request) error {
res := new(NotifyRequest)
if err := xml.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(res); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("xml.NewDecoder.Decode:%w", err)
if res.ReturnCode != CODE_SUCCESS {
return fmt.Errorf("network error, retrun_code: %v and return_msg: %v", res.ReturnCode, res.ReturnMsg)
if res.ResultCode != CODE_SUCCESS {
return fmt.Errorf("trade error, err_code: %v and err_code_des: %v", res.ErrCode, res.ErrCodeDes)
userOrder := new(models.UserOrder)
exist, err := userOrder.GetByOutTradeNo(res.OutTradeNo)
if err != nil {
return err
if !exist {
return fmt.Errorf("user order not exist")
userOrder.TimeEnd = res.TimeEnd
userOrder.TransactionId = res.TransactionId
userOrder.Status = 1
if _, err = userOrder.UpdateStatusById(userOrder.Id); err != nil {
return err
// 设置一下
if userOrder.GoodType == 1 { // 霸屏
_, err = new(models.BullyScreenHistory).UpdateStatusByUserOrderId(userOrder.Id, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if userOrder.GoodType == 2 {
_, err = new(models.RewardHistory).UpdateStatusByUserOrderId(userOrder.Id, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func Query(outTradeNo string) (*models.UserOrder, error) {
client, err := Client()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 请求订单查询,成功后得到结果
res, err := pay.OrderQuery2(client, &pay.OrderQueryRequest{
OutTradeNo: outTradeNo,
NonceStr: utils.RandomStr(32),
SignType: core2.SignType_MD5,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
userOrder := new(models.UserOrder)
userOrder.TransactionId = res.TransactionId
userOrder.TimeEnd = core2.FormatTime(res.TimeEnd)
switch res.TradeState {
userOrder.Status = -1
userOrder.Status = 1
userOrder.Status = 2
userOrder.Status = 3
userOrder.Status = 4
userOrder.Status = 0
if _, err = userOrder.UpdateStatusByOutTradeNo(outTradeNo, userOrder.Status); err != nil {
return nil, err
return userOrder, nil
func BatchQueryByUserId(userId int64) error {
orders, err := models.GetUserOrdersByStatusAndUserId(userId, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
return batchQuery(orders)
func BatchQueryByActivityId(activityId int64) error {
orders, err := models.GetUserOrdersByStatusAndActivityId(activityId, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil
return batchQuery(orders)
func batchQuery(orders []*models.UserOrder) error {
for _, order := range orders {
userOrder, err := Query(order.OutTradeNo)
if err != nil {
return err
order.Status = userOrder.Status
order.TransactionId = userOrder.TransactionId
order.TimeEnd = userOrder.TimeEnd
if order.Status == 1 { // 付款成功
if order.GoodType == 1 {
_, err = new(models.BullyScreenHistory).UpdateStatusByUserOrderId(order.Id, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if order.GoodType == 2 {
_, err = new(models.RewardHistory).UpdateStatusByUserOrderId(order.Id, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
} else if order.TimeExpire <= time.Now().Format("20060101150405") {
err = Close(order.OutTradeNo)
if err != nil {
return err
order.Status = -1 // 关闭支付
_, err = order.UpdateStatusById(order.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func Close(outTradeNo string) error {
//client := wechat.NewClient(Appid, Mchid, ApiKey, true)
client, err := Client()
if err != nil {
return err
err = pay.CloseOrder2(client, &pay.CloseOrderRequest{
OutTradeNo: outTradeNo,
NonceStr: utils.RandomStr(32),
SignType: core2.SignType_MD5,
// 请求关闭订单,成功后得到结果
if err != nil {
return err
return nil