package models import ( "time" "" ) const CustomerOrderTableName = TableNamePrefix + "customer_order" type CustomerOrder struct { Id int64 `json:"id" xorm:"not null pk autoincr comment('主键') INT(11)"` IsDelete bool `json:"is_delete" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('软删除') TINYINT(1)"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" xorm:"not null created comment('创建时间') DATETIME"` UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" xorm:"not null updated comment('更新时间') DATETIME"` UserPrizeId int64 `json:"user_prize_id" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('用户奖品id') INT(11)"` ActivityId int64 `json:"activity_id" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('主活动id') INT(11)"` AreaId int64 `json:"area_id" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('地区id') INT(11)"` AreaName string `json:"area_name" xorm:"not null default '' comment('地区名字') VARCHAR(255)"` RehearsalId int64 `json:"rehearsal_id" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('彩排id/0正式') BIGINT(20)"` OutTradeNo string `json:"out_trade_no" xorm:"not null default '' comment('订单流水号') VARCHAR(255)"` OrderEntryPersonId int64 `json:"order_enter_person_id" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('订单录入人员id') BIGINT(20)"` BuyerId int64 `json:"buyer_id" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('user表id') BIGINT(20)"` GoodsId int64 `json:"goods_id,omitempty" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('customer_goods表id') BIGINT(20)"` GoodsName string `json:"goods_name,omitempty" xorm:"not null default '' comment('商品名字') VARCHAR(255)"` GoodsNum int `json:"goods_num,omitempty" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('商品数量') INT(11)"` TotalAmount float64 `json:"total_amount" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('订单总额') DECIMAL(18)"` PayAmount float64 `json:"pay_amount" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('支付金额') DECIMAL(18)"` Postage float64 `json:"postage" xorm:"not null default 0.00 comment('邮费[0免邮]') DECIMAL(18)"` Status int `json:"status" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('订单状态[0未支付1已支付2待发货3已发货4确认收货5申请退款6已退款]')"` // 快递信息 Receiver string `json:"receiver" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收件人') VARCHAR(128)"` Address string `json:"address" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收件人地址') VARCHAR(255)"` Phone string `json:"phone" xorm:"not null default '' comment('收件人电话') VARCHAR(128)"` IsDrawCash int `json:"is_draw_cash" xorm:"not null default 0 comment('订单是否提取贷款0否1是') TINYINT(1)"` ExpressId int `json:"express_id" xorm:"not null default '0' comment('快递公司名字') INT(11)"` ExpressName string `json:"express_name" xorm:"not null default '' comment('快递名字') VARCHAR(128)"` ExpressNo string `json:"express_no" xorm:"not null default '' comment('快递单号') VARCHAR(128)"` CancelTime time.Time `json:"cancel_time" xorm:"not null default '1970-01-01 08:00:00' comment('取消时间') TIMESTAMP"` AutoReceiveTime time.Time `json:"auto_receive_time" xorm:"not null default '1970-01-01 08:00:00' comment('自动收货时间') TIMESTAMP"` // 无关变量 OrderTime string `json:"order_time,omitempty" xorm:"-"` Good *CustomerGoods `json:"good,omitempty" xorm:"-"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty" xorm:"-"` OrderEntryPersonName string `json:"order_entry_person_name,omitempty" xorm:"-"` // 无关变量 SubOrders []map[string]string `json:"sub_orders,omitempty" xorm:"-"` } func (t *CustomerOrder) TableName() string { return CustomerOrderTableName } func (t *CustomerOrder) SoftDeleteById(id int64) (int64, error) { t.IsDelete = true return core.GetXormAuto().Where("id=?", id).Cols("is_delete").Update(t) } func (t *CustomerOrder) Add() (int64, error) { return core.GetXormAuto().InsertOne(t) } func (t *CustomerOrder) GetByOutTradeNO(outTradeNo string) (bool, error) { return core.GetXormAuto().Where("is_delete=0 and out_trade_no=?", outTradeNo).Get(t) } func (t *CustomerOrder) Count(activityId, rehearsalId int64, limitTime time.Time) (int64, error) { return core.GetXormAuto().Where("created_at >= ? and activity_id=? and rehearsal_id=? and is_delete=0", limitTime, activityId, rehearsalId).Count(t) } func GetCustomerOrdersByActivityId(userId, activityId, rehearsalId, areaId int64, status, page, pageSize int) ([]*CustomerOrder, error) { orders := make([]*CustomerOrder, 0) err := core.GetXormAuto().Where("is_delete=0 and buyer_id=? and activity_id=? and "+ "rehearsal_id=? and area_id=? and status=?", userId, activityId, rehearsalId, areaId, status). Asc("created_at").Limit(pageSize, page*pageSize).Find(&orders) return orders, err } func (t *CustomerOrder) UpdateStatusBy(outTradeNo string, originStatus, status int) (int64, error) { t.Status = status return core.GetXormAuto().Where("is_delete=0 and status=? and out_trade_no=?", originStatus, outTradeNo).Cols("status").Update(t) }