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package coscrypto
import (
const (
aesKeySize = 32
ivSize = 16
type aesCtrCipherBuilder struct {
MasterCipher MasterCipher
type aesCtrCipher struct {
CipherData CipherData
Cipher Cipher
func CreateAesCtrBuilder(cipher MasterCipher) ContentCipherBuilder {
return aesCtrCipherBuilder{MasterCipher: cipher}
func (builder aesCtrCipherBuilder) createCipherData() (CipherData, error) {
var cd CipherData
var err error
err = cd.RandomKeyIv(aesKeySize, ivSize)
if err != nil {
return cd, err
cd.WrapAlgorithm = builder.MasterCipher.GetWrapAlgorithm()
cd.CEKAlgorithm = AesCtrAlgorithm
cd.MatDesc = builder.MasterCipher.GetMatDesc()
// EncryptedKey
cd.EncryptedKey, err = builder.MasterCipher.Encrypt(cd.Key)
if err != nil {
return cd, err
// EncryptedIV
cd.EncryptedIV, err = builder.MasterCipher.Encrypt(cd.IV)
if err != nil {
return cd, err
return cd, nil
func (builder aesCtrCipherBuilder) contentCipherCD(cd CipherData) (ContentCipher, error) {
cipher, err := newAesCtr(cd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &aesCtrCipher{
CipherData: cd,
Cipher: cipher,
}, nil
func (builder aesCtrCipherBuilder) ContentCipher() (ContentCipher, error) {
cd, err := builder.createCipherData()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return builder.contentCipherCD(cd)
func (builder aesCtrCipherBuilder) ContentCipherEnv(envelope Envelope) (ContentCipher, error) {
var cd CipherData
cd.EncryptedKey = make([]byte, len(envelope.CipherKey))
copy(cd.EncryptedKey, []byte(envelope.CipherKey))
plainKey, err := builder.MasterCipher.Decrypt([]byte(envelope.CipherKey))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cd.Key = make([]byte, len(plainKey))
copy(cd.Key, plainKey)
cd.EncryptedIV = make([]byte, len(envelope.IV))
copy(cd.EncryptedIV, []byte(envelope.IV))
plainIV, err := builder.MasterCipher.Decrypt([]byte(envelope.IV))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cd.IV = make([]byte, len(plainIV))
copy(cd.IV, plainIV)
cd.MatDesc = envelope.MatDesc
cd.WrapAlgorithm = envelope.WrapAlg
cd.CEKAlgorithm = envelope.CEKAlg
return builder.contentCipherCD(cd)
func (builder aesCtrCipherBuilder) GetMatDesc() string {
return builder.MasterCipher.GetMatDesc()
func (cc *aesCtrCipher) EncryptContent(src io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
reader := cc.Cipher.Encrypt(src)
return &CryptoEncrypter{Body: src, Encrypter: reader}, nil
func (cc *aesCtrCipher) DecryptContent(src io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
reader := cc.Cipher.Decrypt(src)
return &CryptoDecrypter{Body: src, Decrypter: reader}, nil
func (cc *aesCtrCipher) GetCipherData() *CipherData {
return &(cc.CipherData)
func (cc *aesCtrCipher) GetEncryptedLen(plainTextLen int64) int64 {
return plainTextLen
func (cc *aesCtrCipher) GetAlignLen() int {
return len(cc.CipherData.IV)
func (cc *aesCtrCipher) Clone(cd CipherData) (ContentCipher, error) {
cipher, err := newAesCtr(cd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &aesCtrCipher{
CipherData: cd,
Cipher: cipher,
}, nil