package cos import ( "fmt" "net/http" "testing" ) // func Test_checkResponse_error(t *testing.T) { // setup() // defer teardown() // mux.HandleFunc("/test_409", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // w.WriteHeader(http.StatusConflict) // fmt.Fprint(w, ` // // BucketAlreadyExists // The requested bucket name is not available. // // NTk0NTRjZjZfNTViMjM1XzlkMV9hZTZh // OGVmYzZiMmQzYjA2OWNhODk0NTRkMTBiOWVmMDAxODc0OWRkZjk0ZDM1NmI1M2E2MTRlY2MzZDhmNmI5MWI1OTBjYzE2MjAxN2M1MzJiOTdkZjMxMDVlYTZjN2FiMmI0NTk3NWFiNjAyMzdlM2RlMmVmOGNiNWIxYjYwNDFhYmQ= // `) // }) // req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", client.BaseURL.ServiceURL.String()+"/test_409", nil) // resp, _ := client.client.Do(req) // err := checkResponse(resp) // if e, ok := err.(*ErrorResponse); ok { // if e.Error() == "" { // t.Errorf("Expected e.Error() not empty, got %+v", e.Error()) // } // if e.Code != "BucketAlreadyExists" { // t.Errorf("Expected BucketAlreadyExists error, got %+v", e.Code) // } // } else { // t.Errorf("Expected ErrorResponse error, got %+v", err) // } // } func Test_checkResponse_no_error(t *testing.T) { setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/test_200", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprint(w, `test`) }) req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", client.BaseURL.ServiceURL.String()+"/test_200", nil) resp, _ := client.client.Do(req) err := checkResponse(resp) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Expected error == nil, got %+v", err) } } func Test_checkResponse_with_error(t *testing.T) { setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/test_409", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusConflict) fmt.Fprint(w, ` BucketAlreadyExists The requested bucket name is not available. NTk0NTRjZjZfNTViMjM1XzlkMV9hZTZh OGVmYzZiMmQzYjA2OWNhODk0NTRkMTBiOWVmMDAxODc0OWRkZjk0ZDM1NmI1M2E2MTRlY2MzZDhmNmI5MWI1OTBjYzE2MjAxN2M1MzJiOTdkZjMxMDVlYTZjN2FiMmI0NTk3NWFiNjAyMzdlM2RlMmVmOGNiNWIxYjYwNDFhYmQ= `) }) req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", client.BaseURL.ServiceURL.String()+"/test_409", nil) resp, _ := client.client.Do(req) err := checkResponse(resp) if e, ok := err.(*ErrorResponse); ok { if e.Error() == "" { t.Errorf("Expected e.Error() not empty, got %+v", e.Error()) } if e.Code != "BucketAlreadyExists" { t.Errorf("Expected BucketAlreadyExists error, got %+v", e.Code) } } else { t.Errorf("Expected ErrorResponse error, got %+v", err) } } func Test_IsNotFoundError(t *testing.T) { setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/test_404", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) fmt.Fprint(w, ` NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist. NjA3OGY4NGFfNjJkMmMwYl8*** OGVmYzZiMmQzYjA2OWNh*** `) }) req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", client.BaseURL.ServiceURL.String()+"/test_404", nil) resp, _ := client.client.Do(req) err := checkResponse(resp) e, ok := IsCOSError(err) if !ok { t.Errorf("IsCOSError Return Failed") } ok = IsNotFoundError(e) if !ok { t.Errorf("IsNotFoundError Return Failed") } if e.Code != "NoSuchKey" { t.Errorf("Expected NoSuchKey error, got %+v", e.Code) } }