package cos
import ( "context" "encoding/xml" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "strings" )
// ObjectService 相关 API
type ObjectService service
// ObjectGetOptions is the option of GetObject
type ObjectGetOptions struct { ResponseContentType string `url:"response-content-type,omitempty" header:"-"` ResponseContentLanguage string `url:"response-content-language,omitempty" header:"-"` ResponseExpires string `url:"response-expires,omitempty" header:"-"` ResponseCacheControl string `url:"response-cache-control,omitempty" header:"-"` ResponseContentDisposition string `url:"response-content-disposition,omitempty" header:"-"` ResponseContentEncoding string `url:"response-content-encoding,omitempty" header:"-"` Range string `url:"-" header:"Range,omitempty"` IfModifiedSince string `url:"-" header:"If-Modified-Since,omitempty"` }
// Get Object 请求可以将一个文件(Object)下载至本地。
// 该操作需要对目标 Object 具有读权限或目标 Object 对所有人都开放了读权限(公有读)。
// https://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7753
func (s *ObjectService) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, opt *ObjectGetOptions) (*Response, error) { sendOpt := sendOptions{ baseURL: s.client.BaseURL.BucketURL, uri: "/" + encodeURIComponent(name), method: http.MethodGet, optQuery: opt, optHeader: opt, disableCloseBody: true, } resp, err := s.client.send(ctx, &sendOpt) return resp, err }
// ObjectPutHeaderOptions the options of header of the put object
type ObjectPutHeaderOptions struct { CacheControl string `header:"Cache-Control,omitempty" url:"-"` ContentDisposition string `header:"Content-Disposition,omitempty" url:"-"` ContentEncoding string `header:"Content-Encoding,omitempty" url:"-"` ContentType string `header:"Content-Type,omitempty" url:"-"` ContentLength int `header:"Content-Length,omitempty" url:"-"` Expect string `header:"Expect,omitempty" url:"-"` Expires string `header:"Expires,omitempty" url:"-"` XCosContentSHA1 string `header:"x-cos-content-sha1,omitempty" url:"-"` // 自定义的 x-cos-meta-* header
XCosMetaXXX *http.Header `header:"x-cos-meta-*,omitempty" url:"-"` XCosStorageClass string `header:"x-cos-storage-class,omitempty" url:"-"` // 可选值: Normal, Appendable
//XCosObjectType string `header:"x-cos-object-type,omitempty" url:"-"`
// ObjectPutOptions the options of put object
type ObjectPutOptions struct { *ACLHeaderOptions `header:",omitempty" url:"-" xml:"-"` *ObjectPutHeaderOptions `header:",omitempty" url:"-" xml:"-"` }
// Put Object请求可以将一个文件(Oject)上传至指定Bucket。
// 当 r 不是 bytes.Buffer/bytes.Reader/strings.Reader 时,必须指定 opt.ObjectPutHeaderOptions.ContentLength
// https://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7749
func (s *ObjectService) Put(ctx context.Context, name string, r io.Reader, opt *ObjectPutOptions) (*Response, error) { sendOpt := sendOptions{ baseURL: s.client.BaseURL.BucketURL, uri: "/" + encodeURIComponent(name), method: http.MethodPut, body: r, optHeader: opt, } resp, err := s.client.send(ctx, &sendOpt) return resp, err }
// ObjectCopyHeaderOptions is the head option of the Copy
type ObjectCopyHeaderOptions struct { XCosMetadataDirective string `header:"x-cos-metadata-directive,omitempty" url:"-" xml:"-"` XCosCopySourceIfModifiedSince string `header:"x-cos-copy-source-If-Modified-Since,omitempty" url:"-" xml:"-"` XCosCopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince string `header:"x-cos-copy-source-If-Unmodified-Since,omitempty" url:"-" xml:"-"` XCosCopySourceIfMatch string `header:"x-cos-copy-source-If-Match,omitempty" url:"-" xml:"-"` XCosCopySourceIfNoneMatch string `header:"x-cos-copy-source-If-None-Match,omitempty" url:"-" xml:"-"` XCosStorageClass string `header:"x-cos-storage-class,omitempty" url:"-" xml:"-"` // 自定义的 x-cos-meta-* header
XCosMetaXXX *http.Header `header:"x-cos-meta-*,omitempty" url:"-"` XCosCopySource string `header:"x-cos-copy-source" url:"-" xml:"-"` }
// ObjectCopyOptions is the option of Copy, choose header or body
type ObjectCopyOptions struct { *ObjectCopyHeaderOptions `header:",omitempty" url:"-" xml:"-"` *ACLHeaderOptions `header:",omitempty" url:"-" xml:"-"` }
// ObjectCopyResult is the result of Copy
type ObjectCopyResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CopyObjectResult"` ETag string `xml:"ETag,omitempty"` LastModified string `xml:"LastModified,omitempty"` }
// Copy 调用 PutObjectCopy 请求实现将一个文件从源路径复制到目标路径。建议文件大小 1M 到 5G,
// 超过 5G 的文件请使用分块上传 Upload - Copy。在拷贝的过程中,文件元属性和 ACL 可以被修改。
// 用户可以通过该接口实现文件移动,文件重命名,修改文件属性和创建副本。
// 注意:在跨帐号复制的时候,需要先设置被复制文件的权限为公有读,或者对目标帐号赋权,同帐号则不需要。
// https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/10881
func (s *ObjectService) Copy(ctx context.Context, name, sourceURL string, opt *ObjectCopyOptions) (*ObjectCopyResult, *Response, error) { var res ObjectCopyResult if opt == nil { opt = new(ObjectCopyOptions) } if opt.ObjectCopyHeaderOptions == nil { opt.ObjectCopyHeaderOptions = new(ObjectCopyHeaderOptions) } opt.XCosCopySource = encodeURIComponent(sourceURL)
sendOpt := sendOptions{ baseURL: s.client.BaseURL.BucketURL, uri: "/" + encodeURIComponent(name), method: http.MethodPut, body: nil, optHeader: opt, result: &res, } resp, err := s.client.send(ctx, &sendOpt) return &res, resp, err }
// Delete Object请求可以将一个文件(Object)删除。
// https://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7743
func (s *ObjectService) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string) (*Response, error) { sendOpt := sendOptions{ baseURL: s.client.BaseURL.BucketURL, uri: "/" + encodeURIComponent(name), method: http.MethodDelete, } resp, err := s.client.send(ctx, &sendOpt) return resp, err }
// ObjectHeadOptions is the option of HeadObject
type ObjectHeadOptions struct { IfModifiedSince string `url:"-" header:"If-Modified-Since,omitempty"` }
// Head Object请求可以取回对应Object的元数据,Head的权限与Get的权限一致
// https://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7745
func (s *ObjectService) Head(ctx context.Context, name string, opt *ObjectHeadOptions) (*Response, error) { sendOpt := sendOptions{ baseURL: s.client.BaseURL.BucketURL, uri: "/" + encodeURIComponent(name), method: http.MethodHead, optHeader: opt, } resp, err := s.client.send(ctx, &sendOpt) if resp.Header["X-Cos-Object-Type"] != nil && resp.Header["X-Cos-Object-Type"][0] == "appendable" { resp.Header.Add("x-cos-next-append-position", resp.Header["Content-Length"][0]) }
return resp, err }
// ObjectOptionsOptions is the option of object options
type ObjectOptionsOptions struct { Origin string `url:"-" header:"Origin"` AccessControlRequestMethod string `url:"-" header:"Access-Control-Request-Method"` AccessControlRequestHeaders string `url:"-" header:"Access-Control-Request-Headers,omitempty"` }
// Options Object请求实现跨域访问的预请求。即发出一个 OPTIONS 请求给服务器以确认是否可以进行跨域操作。
// 当CORS配置不存在时,请求返回403 Forbidden。
// https://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/8288
func (s *ObjectService) Options(ctx context.Context, name string, opt *ObjectOptionsOptions) (*Response, error) { sendOpt := sendOptions{ baseURL: s.client.BaseURL.BucketURL, uri: "/" + encodeURIComponent(name), method: http.MethodOptions, optHeader: opt, } resp, err := s.client.send(ctx, &sendOpt) return resp, err }
// TODO Append 接口在优化未开放使用
// Append请求可以将一个文件(Object)以分块追加的方式上传至 Bucket 中。使用Append Upload的文件必须事前被设定为Appendable。
// 当Appendable的文件被执行Put Object的操作以后,文件被覆盖,属性改变为Normal。
// 文件属性可以在Head Object操作中被查询到,当您发起Head Object请求时,会返回自定义Header『x-cos-object-type』,该Header只有两个枚举值:Normal或者Appendable。
// 追加上传建议文件大小1M - 5G。如果position的值和当前Object的长度不致,COS会返回409错误。
// 如果Append一个Normal的Object,COS会返回409 ObjectNotAppendable。
// Appendable的文件不可以被复制,不参与版本管理,不参与生命周期管理,不可跨区域复制。
// 当 r 不是 bytes.Buffer/bytes.Reader/strings.Reader 时,必须指定 opt.ObjectPutHeaderOptions.ContentLength
// https://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/7741
// func (s *ObjectService) Append(ctx context.Context, name string, position int, r io.Reader, opt *ObjectPutOptions) (*Response, error) {
// u := fmt.Sprintf("/%s?append&position=%d", encodeURIComponent(name), position)
// if position != 0{
// opt = nil
// }
// sendOpt := sendOptions{
// baseURL: s.client.BaseURL.BucketURL,
// uri: u,
// method: http.MethodPost,
// optHeader: opt,
// body: r,
// }
// resp, err := s.client.send(ctx, &sendOpt)
// return resp, err
// }
// ObjectDeleteMultiOptions is the option of DeleteMulti
type ObjectDeleteMultiOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Delete" header:"-"` Quiet bool `xml:"Quiet" header:"-"` Objects []Object `xml:"Object" header:"-"` //XCosSha1 string `xml:"-" header:"x-cos-sha1"`
// ObjectDeleteMultiResult is the result of DeleteMulti
type ObjectDeleteMultiResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DeleteResult"` DeletedObjects []Object `xml:"Deleted,omitempty"` Errors []struct { Key string Code string Message string } `xml:"Error,omitempty"` }
// DeleteMulti 请求实现批量删除文件,最大支持单次删除1000个文件。
// 对于返回结果,COS提供Verbose和Quiet两种结果模式。Verbose模式将返回每个Object的删除结果;
// Quiet模式只返回报错的Object信息。
// https://www.qcloud.com/document/product/436/8289
func (s *ObjectService) DeleteMulti(ctx context.Context, opt *ObjectDeleteMultiOptions) (*ObjectDeleteMultiResult, *Response, error) { var res ObjectDeleteMultiResult sendOpt := sendOptions{ baseURL: s.client.BaseURL.BucketURL, uri: "/?delete", method: http.MethodPost, body: opt, result: &res, } resp, err := s.client.send(ctx, &sendOpt) return &res, resp, err }
// Object is the meta info of the object
type Object struct { Key string `xml:",omitempty"` ETag string `xml:",omitempty"` Size int `xml:",omitempty"` PartNumber int `xml:",omitempty"` LastModified string `xml:",omitempty"` StorageClass string `xml:",omitempty"` Owner *Owner `xml:",omitempty"` }
type MultiUploadOptions struct { OptIni *InitiateMultipartUploadOptions PartSize int }
// MultiUpload 为高级upload接口,并发分块上传
// 需要指定分块大小 partSize >= 1 ,单位为MB
// 同时请确认分块数量不超过10000
func (s *ObjectService) MultiUpload(ctx context.Context, name string, r io.Reader, opt *MultiUploadOptions) (*CompleteMultipartUploadResult, *Response, error) {
optini := opt.OptIni res, _, err := s.InitiateMultipartUpload(ctx, name, optini) if err != nil { panic(err) } uploadID := res.UploadID bufSize := opt.PartSize * 1024 * 1024 buffer := make([]byte, bufSize) optcom := &CompleteMultipartUploadOptions{}
PartUpload := func(ch chan *Response, ctx context.Context, name string, uploadId string, partNumber int, data io.Reader, opt *ObjectUploadPartOptions) {
defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } }() resp, err := s.UploadPart(context.Background(), name, uploadId, partNumber, data, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } ch <- resp }
chs := make([]chan *Response, 10000) PartNumber := 0 for i := 1; true; i++ { bytesread, err := r.Read(buffer) if err != nil { if err != io.EOF { panic(err) } PartNumber = i break } chs[i] = make(chan *Response) go PartUpload(chs[i], context.Background(), name, uploadID, i, strings.NewReader(string(buffer[:bytesread])), nil) }
for i := 1; i < PartNumber; i++ { resp := <-chs[i] etag := resp.Header.Get("ETag") optcom.Parts = append(optcom.Parts, Object{ PartNumber: i, ETag: etag}, ) }
v, resp, err := s.CompleteMultipartUpload(context.Background(), name, uploadID, optcom)
return v, resp, err }