You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
611 lines
20 KiB
611 lines
20 KiB
namespace Api\Controller;
use Think\Controller;
class ItemController extends BaseController {
public function info(){
$item_id = I("item_id/s");
$item_domain = I("item_domain/s");
$current_page_id = I("page_id/d");
if (! is_numeric($item_id)) {
$item_domain = $item_id ;
if ($item_domain) {
$item = D("Item")->where("item_domain = '%s'",array($item_domain))->find();
if ($item['item_id']) {
$item_id = $item['item_id'] ;
$login_user = session("login_user");
$uid = $login_user['uid'] ? $login_user['uid'] : 0 ;
if(!$this->checkItemVisit($uid , $item_id)){
return ;
$item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '%d' ",array($item_id))->find();
if (!$item || $item['is_del'] == 1) {
return false;
private function _show_regular_item($item){
$item_id = $item['item_id'];
$default_page_id = I("default_page_id/d");
$current_page_id = I("page_id/d");
$keyword = I("keyword");
$default_cat_id2 = $default_cat_id3 = 0 ;
$login_user = session("login_user");
$uid = $login_user['uid'] ? $login_user['uid'] : 0 ;
$is_login = $uid > 0 ? true :false;
$menu = array(
"pages" =>array(),
"catalogs" =>array(),
if ($keyword) {
$keyword = strtolower ($keyword) ;
$keyword = \SQLite3::escapeString($keyword) ;
$pages = D("Page")->where("item_id = '$item_id' and is_del = 0 and ( lower(page_title) like '%{$keyword}%' or lower(page_content) like '%{$keyword}%' ) ")->order(" s_number asc ")->field("page_id,author_uid,cat_id,page_title,addtime")->select();
$menu['pages'] = $pages ? $pages : array();
$menu = D("Item")->getMemu($item_id) ;
if($uid > 0 ){
$menu = D("Item")->filteMemberItem($uid , $item_id , $menu);
$domain = $item['item_domain'] ? $item['item_domain'] : $item['item_id'];
$share_url = get_domain().__APP__.'/'.$domain;
$ItemPermn = $this->checkItemPermn($uid , $item_id) ;
$ItemCreator = $this->checkItemCreator($uid , $item_id);
if ($default_page_id) {
$page = D("Page")->where(" page_id = '$default_page_id' ")->find();
if ($page) {
$default_cat_id4 = $page['cat_id'] ;
$cat1 = D("Catalog")->where(" cat_id = '$default_cat_id4' and parent_cat_id > 0 ")->find();
if ($cat1) {
$default_cat_id3 = $cat1['parent_cat_id'];
$default_cat_id3 = $default_cat_id4;
$default_cat_id4 = 0 ;
$cat2 = D("Catalog")->where(" cat_id = '$default_cat_id3' and parent_cat_id > 0 ")->find();
if ($cat2) {
$default_cat_id2 = $cat2['parent_cat_id'];
$default_cat_id2 = $default_cat_id3;
$default_cat_id3 = 0 ;
if (LANG_SET == 'en-us') {
$help_url = "";
$help_url = "";
$ItemPermn = $ItemCreator = false;
$return = array(
"item_id"=>$item_id ,
"item_domain"=>$item['item_domain'] ,
"is_archived"=>$item['is_archived'] ,
"item_name"=>$item['item_name'] ,
"default_page_id"=>(string)$default_page_id ,
"default_cat_id2"=>$default_cat_id2 ,
"default_cat_id3"=>$default_cat_id3 ,
"default_cat_id4"=>$default_cat_id4 ,
"unread_count"=>$unread_count ,
"item_type"=>$item['item_type'] ,
"menu"=>$menu ,
"ItemPermn"=>$ItemPermn ,
"ItemCreator"=>$ItemCreator ,
"current_page_id"=>$current_page_id ,
public function myList(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$member_item_ids = array(-1) ;
$item_members = D("ItemMember")->where("uid = '$login_user[uid]'")->select();
if ($item_members) {
foreach ($item_members as $key => $value) {
$member_item_ids[] = $value['item_id'] ;
$team_item_members = D("TeamItemMember")->where("member_uid = '$login_user[uid]'")->select();
if ($team_item_members) {
foreach ($team_item_members as $key => $value) {
$member_item_ids[] = $value['item_id'] ;
$items = D("Item")->field("item_id,uid,item_name,item_domain,item_type,last_update_time,item_description,is_del,password")->where("uid = '$login_user[uid]' or item_id in ( ".implode(",", $member_item_ids)." ) ")->order("item_id asc")->select();
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
if ($value['uid'] == $login_user['uid']) {
$items[$key]['creator'] = 1 ;
$items[$key]['creator'] = 0 ;
if ($value['password']) {
$items[$key]['is_private'] = 1 ;
$items[$key]['is_private'] = 0 ;
if ($value['is_del'] == 1) {
$items = array_values($items);
$top_items = D("ItemTop")->where("uid = '$login_user[uid]'")->select();
if ($top_items) {
$top_item_ids = array() ;
foreach ($top_items as $key => $value) {
$top_item_ids[] = $value['item_id'];
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
$items[$key]['top'] = 0 ;
if (in_array($value['item_id'], $top_item_ids) ) {
$items[$key]['top'] = 1 ;
$tmp = $items[$key] ;
array_unshift($items,$tmp) ;
$item_sort = D("ItemSort")->where("uid = '$login_user[uid]'")->find();
if ($item_sort) {
$item_sort_data = json_decode(htmlspecialchars_decode($item_sort['item_sort_data']) , true) ;
foreach ($items as $key => &$value) {
if ($item_sort_data[$value['item_id']]) {
$value['s_number'] = $item_sort_data[$value['item_id']] ;
$value['s_number'] = 0 ;
$items = $this->_sort_by_key($items , 's_number' ) ;
$items = $items ? array_values($items) : array();
private function _sort_by_key($array , $mykey){
for ($i=0; $i < count($array) ; $i++) {
for ($j = $i + 1 ; $j < count($array) ; $j++) {
if ($array[$i][$mykey] > $array[$j][$mykey] ) {
$tmp = $array[$i] ;
$array[$i] = $array[$j] ;
$array[$j] = $tmp ;
return $array;
public function detail(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$item_id = I("item_id/d");
$uid = $login_user['uid'] ;
if(!$this->checkItemCreator($uid , $item_id)){
return ;
$items = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
$items = $items ? $items : array();
public function update(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$item_id = I("item_id/d");
$item_name = I("item_name");
$item_description = I("item_description");
$item_domain = I("item_domain");
$password = I("password");
$uid = $login_user['uid'] ;
if(!$this->checkItemCreator($uid , $item_id)){
return ;
if ($item_domain) {
if(!ctype_alnum($item_domain) || is_numeric($item_domain) ){
//echo '个性域名只能是字母或数字的组合';exit;
return false;
$item = D("Item")->where("item_domain = '%s' and item_id !='%s' ",array($item_domain,$item_id))->find();
if ($item) {
return false;
$save_data = array(
"item_name" => $item_name ,
"item_description" => $item_description ,
"item_domain" => $item_domain ,
"password" => $password ,
$items = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->save($save_data);
$items = $items ? $items : array();
public function attorn(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$username = I("username");
$item_id = I("item_id/d");
$password = I("password");
$item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
if(!$this->checkItemCreator($login_user['uid'] , $item['item_id'])){
return ;
if(! D("User")-> checkLogin($item['username'],$password)){
return ;
$member = D("User")->where(" username = '%s' ",array($username))->find();
if (!$member) {
return ;
$data['username'] = $member['username'] ;
$data['uid'] = $member['uid'] ;
$id = D("Item")->where(" item_id = '$item_id' ")->save($data);
$return = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
if (!$return) {
public function delete(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$item_id = I("item_id/d");
$password = I("password");
$item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
if(!$this->checkItemCreator($login_user['uid'] , $item['item_id'])){
return ;
if(! D("User")-> checkLogin($item['username'],$password)){
return ;
$return = D("Item")->soft_delete_item($item_id);
if (!$return) {
public function archive(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$item_id = I("item_id/d");
$password = I("password");
$item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
if(!$this->checkItemCreator($login_user['uid'] , $item['item_id'])){
return ;
if(! D("User")-> checkLogin($item['username'],$password)){
return ;
$return = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->save(array("is_archived"=>1));
if (!$return) {
public function getKey(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$item_id = I("item_id/d");
$item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
if(!$this->checkItemCreator($login_user['uid'] , $item['item_id'])){
return ;
$item_token = D("ItemToken")->getTokenByItemId($item_id);
if (!$item_token) {
public function resetKey(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$item_id = I("item_id/d");
$item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
if(!$this->checkItemCreator($login_user['uid'] , $item['item_id'])){
return ;
$ret = D("ItemToken")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->delete();
if ($ret) {
public function updateByApi(){
public function top(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$item_id = I("item_id/d");
$action = I("action");
if ($action == 'top') {
$ret = D("ItemTop")->add(array("item_id"=>$item_id,"uid"=>$login_user['uid'],"addtime"=>time()));
elseif ($action == 'cancel') {
$ret = D("ItemTop")->where(" uid = '$login_user[uid]' and item_id = '$item_id' ")->delete();
if ($ret) {
public function pwd(){
$item_id = I("item_id/d");
$password = I("password");
$v_code = I("v_code");
$refer_url = I('refer_url');
//检查用户输错密码的次数。如果超过一定次数,则需要验证 验证码
$key= 'item_pwd_fail_times_'.$item_id;
if (!$v_code || $v_code != session('v_code')) {
session('v_code',null) ;
$item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
if ($item['password'] == $password) {
session("visit_item_".$item_id , 1 );
$error_code = 10307 ;
$error_code = 10308 ;
public function itemList(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$items = D("Item")->where("uid = '$login_user[uid]' ")->select();
$items = $items ? $items : array();
public function add(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$item_name = I("item_name");
$item_domain = I("item_domain") ? I("item_domain") : '';
$copy_item_id = I("copy_item_id");
$password = I("password");
$item_description = I("item_description");
$item_type = I("item_type");
if ($item_domain) {
if(!ctype_alnum($item_domain) || is_numeric($item_domain) ){
//echo '个性域名只能是字母或数字的组合';exit;
return false;
$item = D("Item")->where("item_domain = '%s' ",array($item_domain))->find();
if ($item) {
return false;
if ($copy_item_id > 0) {
if (!$this->checkItemPermn($login_user['uid'] , $copy_item_id)) {
$item_id = D("Item")->copy($copy_item_id,$login_user['uid'],$item_name,$item_description,$password,$item_domain);
if ($item_id) {
return ;
$insert = array(
"uid" => $login_user['uid'] ,
"username" => $login_user['username'] ,
"item_name" => $item_name ,
"password" => $password ,
"item_description" => $item_description ,
"item_domain" => $item_domain ,
"item_type" => $item_type ,
"addtime" =>time()
$item_id = D("Item")->add($insert);
if ($item_id) {
if ($item_type == 2 ) {
$insert = array(
'author_uid' => $login_user['uid'] ,
'author_username' => $login_user['username'],
"page_title" => $item_name ,
"item_id" => $item_id ,
"cat_id" => 0 ,
"page_content" => '欢迎使用showdoc。点击右上方的编辑按钮进行编辑吧!' ,
"addtime" =>time()
$page_id = D("Page")->add($insert);
if ($item_type == 4 ) {
$insert = array(
'author_uid' => $login_user['uid'] ,
'author_username' => $login_user['username'],
"page_title" => $item_name ,
"item_id" => $item_id ,
"cat_id" => 0 ,
"page_content" => '' ,
"addtime" =>time()
$page_id = D("Page")->add($insert);
public function sort(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$data = I("data");
D("ItemSort")->where(" uid = '$login_user[uid]' ")->delete();
$ret = D("ItemSort")->add(array("item_sort_data"=>$data,"uid"=>$login_user['uid'],"addtime"=>time()),array(),true);
if ($ret) {
public function exitItem(){
$login_user = $this->checkLogin();
$item_id = I("item_id/d");
$ret = D("ItemMember")->where("item_id = '$item_id' and uid ='$login_user[uid]' ")->delete();
$row = D("TeamItemMember")->join(" left join team on = team_item_member.team_id ")->where("item_id = '$item_id' and member_uid ='$login_user[uid]' ")->find();
if ($row) {
$ret = D("TeamItemMember")->where(" member_uid = '$login_user[uid]' and team_id = '$row[team_id]' ")->delete();
$ret = D("TeamMember")->where(" member_uid = '$login_user[uid]' and team_id = '$row[team_id]' ")->delete();
if ($ret) {