You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
216 lines
8.7 KiB
216 lines
8.7 KiB
return array(
'attorn_item'=>'Attorn item',
'receiver_name'=>"Receiver's username",
'verify_identity'=>'Verify identity',
'your_password'=>'Your password',
'new_or_edit_catalog' => 'New/Edit catalog',
'catalog_name' => 'Catalog name',
's_number' => 'Order',
's_number_explain' => 'Optional: order number',
'last_catalog' => 'Parent catalog',
'save' => 'Sava',
'delete_catalog' => 'Delete catalog',
'catalog_list' => 'Catalog list',
'click_to_edit' => 'Click to edit',
'help' => 'Help',
'demo' => 'Demo',
'index_login_or_register' => 'Login / Register',
'my_item' => 'My items',
'section_title1' => 'ShowDoc',
'section_description1' => ' A tool greatly applicable for an IT team',
'section_title2' => 'API Document',
'section_description2' => 'ShowDoc can compile exquisite API documents <br>in a very fast and convenient way',
'section_title3' => 'Data Dictionary',
'section_description3' => 'A good Data Dictionary can easily exhibit database structure to other people<br>ShowDoc can compile exquisite Data Dictionary',
'section_title4' => 'Explanation Document',
'section_description4' => 'You can absolutely use ShowDoc to compile the explanation documents for some tools',
'section_title5' => 'Team Work',
'section_description5' => 'Your team will work with ShowDoc together very well ',
'section_title6' => 'Open Source',
'section_description6' => 'ShowDoc is a free, open source tool that <br>you can deploy it to your own server',
'section_title7' => 'Hosted online',
'section_description7' => ' provide security and stability of the document hosting service',
'section_title8' => 'Try it now',
'section_description8' => 'Over 6000+ IT team is using ShowDoc',
//Common message
'redirect_message' => 'If your browser does not automatically jump, please click on this link.',
'click_to_goback' => 'Click to goback',
'home' => 'Home',
'item_name' => "Item's name",
'item_description' => "Item's description",
'item_domain' => '(Optional)domain hack',
'item_domain_illegal' => 'Domain hack must be a combination of letters and numbers',
'domain_already_exists' => 'Domain already exists',
'visit_password_placeholder' => 'Access password(Optional: private project required)',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'goback' => 'Goback',
'delete_item' => 'Delete item',
'verify_your_identity' => 'Verify your identity',
'creator_password' => "creator's password",
'delete' => 'Delete',
'close' => 'Close',
'personal_setting'=>'Personal setting',
'share_home'=>'Share home',
'web_home'=>'Website home',
'add_an_item'=>'Add an item',
'new_item'=>'New item',
'share_my_home'=>'Share my home',
'feedback' => "feedback",
'home_address'=>'Home address',
'home_address_description'=>'The others will be able to see all of your public items When he visits your home page.You can copy the address to your friends.',
'input_visit_password'=>'Please enter the access password',
'verification_code'=>'Verification code',
'more_item'=>'More items',
'about_showdoc'=>'About ShowDoc',
'my_item'=>'My items',
'new_page'=>'New page',
'new_catalog'=>'New catalog',
'share_address_to_your_friends'=>'Share address to your friends',
'copy_interface_to_new'=>'Copy page to new ',
'edit_interface'=>'Edit page',
'delete_interface'=>'Delete page',
'comfirm_delete'=>'Are you sure that you want to delete it?',
'item_address'=>'Item address',
'copy_address_to_your_friends'=>'You can copy the address to your friend.',
'share_page'=>'Share page',
'page_address'=>'Page address',
'copy_address_to_your_friends'=>'You can copy the address to your friend.',
'my_item'=>'My items',
'about_showdoc'=>'About ShowDoc',
'all_pubilc_item'=>"'s all public items",
'new_member'=>'New member',
'member_list'=>'member list',
'click_to_delete'=>'Click to delete',
"member_group_id" => "Read-only(can read item ,but not edit or delete )",
'input_page_title'=>'Please enter a page title',
'level_2_directory'=>'Second-level catalog',
'level_3_directory'=>'Third-level catalog',
's_number_explain'=>'Optional: order number',
'history_version'=>'History version',
'inser_apidoc_template'=>'Insert apidoc template',
'inser_database_doc_template'=>'Insert db-doc template',
'json_tools'=>'Json tools',
'json_to_table'=>'Json to table',
'beautify_json'=>'Beautify Json',
'beautify_json_description'=>'Make your json more beautiful ',
'http_test_api'=>'Api test online',
'json_to_table_description'=>'Please paste a section of JSON, the program will automatically parse and generate JSON parameters table. This feature is suitable for the rapid preparation of API documents returned to the parameter table',
'history_version'=>'History version',
'update_time'=>'Modification time',
'update_by_who'=>'Modified by who',
'recover_to_this_version'=>'Restore to this version',
'api_test_title'=>'Test for GET and POST',
'api_address_description'=>'Api address(e.g:ttp://',
'api_address'=>'Api address',
'save_to_templ'=>'Save as template',
'more_templ'=>'More template',
'saved_templ_list'=>'Template list you saved',
'page_comments'=>'Page comments',
'add_page_comments'=>'Add comments before save',
'cur_page_content'=>'The latest version ',
'history_page_content'=>'History version',
'verification_code'=>'Verification code',
'no_account'=>'Go to register →',
'register_new_account'=>'Register new user',
'username_description'=>'English name or Email',
'password_again'=>'Enter password again',
'verification_code'=>'Verification code',
'had_a_account'=>' Sign on right now→',
'update_personal_info'=>'Modify personal information',
'new_password_description'=>'The new password',
'old_password_description'=>'Original password',
//message 弹出信息有关的文案
'no_permissions'=>'No permissions',
'incorrect_password'=>'Incorrect password',
'user_does_not_exist'=>'User does not exist',
'operation_succeeded'=>'Operation succeeded',
'operation_failed'=>'Operation failed',
'access_password_are_incorrect'=>'Access password are incorrect',
'verification_code_are_incorrect'=>'Verification code are incorrect',
'no_permissions_to_delete_page'=>'No permissions!The page is created by {$author_username}',
'delete_succeeded'=>'Delete succeeded',
'delete_failed'=>'Delete failed',
'register_succeeded'=>'Register succeeded',
'username_or_password_incorrect'=>'Username or password are incorrect',
'username_exists'=>'Username exists',
'code_much_the_same'=>'Password much be the same',
'verification_code_are_incorrect'=>'Verification code are incorrect',
'auto_login_succeeded'=>'Automatic login success! Jumping...',
'login_succeeded'=>'Login succeeded',
'modify_succeeded'=>'Modify succeeded',
'modify_faild'=>'Modify failed',
'old_password_incorrect'=>'The original password is not correct',
'logout_succeeded'=>'Logout succeeded',
"no_delete_empty_catalog"=>'In order to secure, do not allow direct delete an empty catalog. Please delete or move all the pages in the catalog',
"default_title" =>'Default',