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52 lines
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52 lines
1.9 KiB
namespace Home\Controller;
use Think\Controller;
class CommonController extends BaseController {
public function qrcode(){
$url = I("url");
$url = urldecode($url) ? urldecode($url) : $url;
$size = I("size") ? I("size") : 6;
$object = new \QRcode();
$object->png($url, false, 3 , $size, 2);
public function checkForUpdate(){
$option_data = D("Options")->where("option_name='version' ")->find();
$post_data = array(
"version" => $option_data['option_value'] ,
$version = $option_data['option_value'];
// TODO 此功能是留着检测更新用的。未完成。代码有空再写吧
//$url = "";
//$result = http_post($url , $post_data);
//$version_num = str_replace("v", '', $num);
//$result = version_compare($version_num, "2.1.5",'<');
//echo $result;
//若用官方自动脚本或者docker方式安装,则需在命令行里执行docker exec showdoc php /var/www/html/index.php home/common/repasswd
//若是手动安装php环境的,则在命令行中切换到showdoc目录,执行php index.php home/common/repasswd
public function repasswd(){
if (preg_match("/cli/i", php_sapi_name()) ) {
if(D("User")->where("username = 'showdoc' ")->find()){
D("User")->where("username = 'showdoc' ")->save(array("groupid"=> 1,'password'=>"a89da13684490eb9ec9e613f91d24d00" )) ;
D("User")->add(array('username'=>"showdoc" ,"groupid"=>1,'password'=>"a89da13684490eb9ec9e613f91d24d00" , 'reg_time'=>time()));
echo "ok \n" ;
echo "please run in command line";