checkLogin(); $json = file_get_contents($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]) ; //$json = file_get_contents("../Public/swagger.json") ;//test $json_array = json_decode($json ,1 ); unset($json); if ($json_array['info']) { $this->_fromSwaggerV2($json_array); return ; } $this->sendError(10303); } private function _fromSwaggerV2($json_array){ $login_user = $this->checkLogin(); // TODO 这里需要检查下合法性。比如关键字检查/黑名单检查/字符串过滤 $from = I("from") ? I("from") : '' ; $item_array = array( "item_name" => $json_array['info']['title'] ? $json_array['info']['title'] : 'from swagger' , "item_type" => '1' , "item_description" => $json_array['info']['description'] ? $json_array['info']['description'] :'', "password" => time().rand(), "members" => array(), "pages" =>array( "pages" => array(), "catalogs" => array( array( "cat_name" =>'from swagger', "pages" =>array() ) ) ) ) ; $level = 2 ; $item_array['pages']['catalogs'][0]['pages'] = $this->_getPageByPaths($json_array); $item_id = D("Item")->import( json_encode($item_array) , $login_user['uid'] ); //echo D("Item")->export(196053901215026 ); //echo json_encode($item_array); $this->sendResult(array('item_id' => $item_id)); } private function _getPageByPaths($json_array){ $return = array() ; $paths = $json_array['paths'] ; foreach ($paths as $url => $value) { foreach ($value as $method => $value2) { $return[] = $this->_requestToDoc($method , $url , $value2 , $json_array); } } return $return ; } private function _requestToDoc($method , $url , $request , $json_array){ $from = I("from") ? I("from") : '' ; if($from == 'runapi'){ return $this->_requestToApi($method , $url , $request , $json_array); //如果是来自runapi的导入请求,则已经return不再执行下面 } $return = array() ; $return['page_title'] = $request['summary'] ; $return['s_number'] = 99 ; $return['page_comments'] = '' ; $content = ' **简要描述:** - '.$request['description'].' **请求URL:** - ` '.$url.' ` **请求方式:** - '.$method.' '; if ($request['header']) { $content .=' **Header:** |Header名|是否必选|类型|说明| |:---- |:---|:----- |----- |'."\n"; foreach ($request['headerData'] as $key => $value) { $content .= '|'.$value["key"].' | | text | '.$value["value"].' |'."\n"; } } if ($request['rawModeData']) { $content .= ' **请求参数示例** ``` '.$request['rawModeData'].' ``` '; } if ($request['parameters']) { $content .=' **参数:** |参数名|是否必选|类型|说明| |:---- |:---|:----- |----- |'."\n"; foreach ($request['parameters'] as $key => $value) { $content .= '|'.$value["name"].' | '.($value["required"] ? '是' : '否' ).' |'.$value["type"].' | '.$value["description"].' |'."\n"; } } if ($request['responses']['200']) { $responses = $request['responses']['200'] ; //如果返回信息是引用对象 if ($request['responses']['200']['schema'] && $request['responses']['200']['schema']['$ref'] ) { $str_array = explode("/", $request['responses']['200']['schema']['$ref']) ; if ($str_array[1] && $str_array[2]) { $responses = $json_array[$str_array[1]][$str_array[2]] ; $content .=' **返回参数说明:** |参数名|类型|说明| |:---- |:---|:----- |----- |'."\n"; foreach ($responses['properties'] as $key => $value) { $content .= '|'.$key.'|'.$value["type"].' | '.$value["description"].' |'."\n"; } } }else{ //如果返回的是普通json $content .= ' **返回示例** ``` '.$this->_indent_json(json_encode($responses)).' ``` '; } } $return['page_content'] = $content ; return $return ; } private function _requestToApi($method , $url , $request , $json_array){ $return = array() ; $return['page_title'] = $request['summary'] ; $return['s_number'] = 99 ; $return['page_comments'] = '' ; $content_array = array( "info"=>array( "from" => 'runapi' , "type" => 'api' , "title" => $request['summary'] , "description" => $request['description'] , "method" => strtolower($method) , "url" => $url , "remark" => '' , ), "request" =>array( "params"=> array( 'mode' => "formdata", 'json' => "", 'urlencoded' => array(), 'formdata' => array(), ), "headers"=> array(), "cookies"=> array(), "auth"=> array(), ), "response" =>array(), "extend" =>array(), ); if ($request['headerData']) { $tmp_array = array(); foreach ($request['headerData'] as $key => $value) { $content_array['request']['headers'][] = array( "name" =>$value["key"], "type" =>'string', "value" =>$value["value"], "require" =>'1', "remark" =>'', ); } } if ($request['parameters']) { foreach ($request['parameters'] as $key => $value) { $content_array['request']['params']['formdata'][] = array( "name" =>$value["name"], "type" =>'string', "value" =>$value["value"], "require" =>'1', "remark" =>$value["description"], ); } } $return['page_content'] = json_encode($content_array); return $return ; } /** * Indents a flat JSON string to make it more human-readable. * * @param string $json The original JSON string to process. * * @return string Indented version of the original JSON string. */ private function _indent_json($json) { $result = ''; $pos = 0; $strLen = strlen($json); $indentStr = ' '; $newLine = "\n"; $prevChar = ''; $outOfQuotes = true; for ($i=0; $i<=$strLen; $i++) { // Grab the next character in the string. $char = substr($json, $i, 1); // Are we inside a quoted string? if ($char == '"' && $prevChar != '\\') { $outOfQuotes = !$outOfQuotes; // If this character is the end of an element, // output a new line and indent the next line. } else if(($char == '}' || $char == ']') && $outOfQuotes) { $result .= $newLine; $pos --; for ($j=0; $j<$pos; $j++) { $result .= $indentStr; } } // Add the character to the result string. $result .= $char; // If the last character was the beginning of an element, // output a new line and indent the next line. if (($char == ',' || $char == '{' || $char == '[') && $outOfQuotes) { $result .= $newLine; if ($char == '{' || $char == '[') { $pos ++; } for ($j = 0; $j < $pos; $j++) { $result .= $indentStr; } } $prevChar = $char; } return $result; } }