7 changed files with 591 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ |
<?php |
// --------
// 如果你能在浏览器中看到本句话,则证明你没有安装好PHP运行环境。请先安装好PHP运行环境
// --------
ini_set("display_errors", "Off"); |
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); |
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); |
include("common.php"); |
if(file_exists('./install.lock') && $f = file_get_contents("./install.lock")){ |
ajax_out(L("lock"),10099); |
} |
if(!new_is_writeable("./")){ |
ajax_out(L("not_writable_install"),10098); |
} |
if(!new_is_writeable("../Public/Uploads")){ |
ajax_out(L("not_writable_upload"),10098); |
} |
if(!new_is_writeable("../server/Application/Runtime")){ |
ajax_out(L("not_writable_server_runtime"),10095); |
} |
if(!new_is_writeable("../server/Application/Home/Conf/config.php")){ |
ajax_out(L("not_writable_home_config"),10098); |
} |
$db_type = $_POST["db_type"] ? $_POST["db_type"] :"sqlite"; |
if ($db_type == "sqlite") { |
if(!new_is_writeable("../Sqlite")){ |
ajax_out(L("not_writable_sqlite"),10097); |
} |
if(!new_is_writeable("../Sqlite/showdoc.db.php")){ |
ajax_out(L("not_writable_sqlite_db"),10096); |
} |
user_sqlite(); |
} |
elseif ($db_type == "mysql") { |
//showdoc不再支持mysql http://www.showdoc.cc/help?page_id=31990
} |
function user_sqlite(){ |
write_js_lang(); |
$ret = write_home_config(); |
if ($ret) { |
file_put_contents("./install.lock","https://www.showdoc.cc/"); |
ajax_out(L("install_success")); |
}else{ |
ajax_out(L("not_writable_home_config"),10001); |
} |
} |
function write_home_config(){ |
$lang = $_REQUEST['lang'] ? $_REQUEST['lang'] :"zh"; |
if ($lang == 'en') { |
$DEFAULT_LANG = 'en-us'; |
}else{ |
$DEFAULT_LANG = 'zh-cn'; |
} |
$config = "<?php "; |
$config .= "
return array( |
'DB_TYPE' => 'Sqlite', |
'DB_NAME' => './Sqlite/showdoc.db.php', |
'LANG_SWITCH_ON' => true, // 开启语言包功能
'LANG_AUTO_DETECT' => false, // 自动侦测语言 开启多语言功能后有效
'DEFAULT_LANG' => '{$DEFAULT_LANG}', // 默认语言
'LANG_LIST' => 'zh-cn,en-us', // 允许切换的语言列表 用逗号分隔
'VAR_LANGUAGE' => 'l', // 默认语言切换变量
$ret = file_put_contents("../server/Application/Home/Conf/config.php", $config); |
return $ret ; |
} |
function write_js_lang(){ |
$lang = $_REQUEST['lang'] ? $_REQUEST['lang'] :"zh"; |
if ($lang == 'en') { |
replace_file_content("../web/index.html","zh-cn","en") ; |
replace_file_content("../web_src/index.html","zh-cn","en") ; |
} |
} |
function replace_file_content($file , $from ,$to ){ |
$content = file_get_contents($file); |
$content2 = str_replace($from,$to,$content); |
if ($content2) { |
file_put_contents($file,$content2); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ |
<?php |
/** |
* 判断语言 |
*/ |
function lang(){ |
$lang = $_REQUEST['lang'] ? $_REQUEST['lang'] :"zh"; |
if ($lang == 'zh-CN') { |
$lang = "zh"; |
} |
return include("lang.".$lang.".php"); |
} |
function L($field){ |
if (!isset($GLOBALS['lang'])) { |
$GLOBALS['lang'] = lang(); |
} |
return $GLOBALS['lang'][$field] ; |
} |
/** |
* 判断 文件/目录 是否可写(取代系统自带的 is_writeable 函数) |
* |
* @param string $file 文件/目录 |
* @return boolean |
*/ |
function new_is_writeable($file) { |
if (is_dir($file)){ |
$dir = $file; |
if ($fp = @fopen("$dir/test.txt", 'w')) { |
@fclose($fp); |
@unlink("$dir/test.txt"); |
$writeable = 1; |
} else { |
$writeable = 0; |
} |
} else { |
if ($fp = @fopen($file, 'a+')) { |
@fclose($fp); |
$writeable = 1; |
} else { |
$writeable = 0; |
} |
} |
return $writeable; |
} |
function clear_runtime($path = "../server/Application/Runtime"){ |
if(!is_dir($path)){ |
return null; |
} |
$fh = opendir($path); |
while(($row = readdir($fh)) !== false){ |
if($row == '.' || $row == '..'|| $row == 'index.html'){ |
continue; |
} |
if(!is_dir($path.'/'.$row)){ |
unlink($path.'/'.$row); |
} |
clear_runtime($path.'/'.$row); |
} |
//关闭目录句柄,否则出Permission denied
closedir($fh); |
return true; |
} |
function ajax_out($message,$error_code = 0){ |
echo json_encode(array("error_code"=>$error_code,"message"=>$message)); |
exit(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ |
<?php |
// ShowDoc安装脚本
// install Showdoc
// --------
// 如果你能在浏览器中看到本句话,则证明你没有安装好PHP运行环境。请先安装好PHP运行环境
// --------
include("common.php"); |
$cur_lang = $_REQUEST['lang'] ? $_REQUEST['lang'] :"zh"; |
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); |
// 检测PHP环境
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.3.0','<')) die(L('require_php_version')); |
if(file_exists('./install.lock') && $f = file_get_contents("./install.lock")){ |
echo L("lock").'<br>'; |
exit(); |
} |
$go = 1 ; |
if(!new_is_writeable("./")){ |
echo L("not_writable_install").'<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
if(!new_is_writeable("../Public/Uploads")){ |
echo L("not_writable_upload").'<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
if(!new_is_writeable("../server/Application/Runtime")){ |
echo L("not_writable_server_runtime").'<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
if(!new_is_writeable("../server/Application/Common/Conf/config.php")){ |
echo L("not_writable_config").'<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
if(!new_is_writeable("../server/Application/Home/Conf/config.php")){ |
echo L("not_writable_home_config").'<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
if ($cur_lang == 'en') { |
if(!new_is_writeable("../web/index.html")){ |
echo L("not_writable_web_docconfig").'<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
if(!new_is_writeable("../web_src/index.html")){ |
echo L("not_writable_web_src_docconfig").'<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
} |
if(!extension_loaded("gd")){ |
echo '请安装php-gd<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
/* |
if(!extension_loaded("mcrypt")){ |
echo '请安装php-mcrypt<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
*/ |
if(!extension_loaded("mbstring")){ |
echo '请安装php-mbstring<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
if(!extension_loaded("zlib")){ |
echo '请安装php-zlib<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
if(!extension_loaded("PDO") && !extension_loaded("pdo") ){ |
echo '请安装php-pdo<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
/*if(extension_loaded("sqlite") || extension_loaded("sqlite3")){ |
echo '请安装php-sqlite<br>'; |
$go = 0; |
} |
*/ |
if (!$go) { |
exit(); |
} |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<title> ShowDoc</title> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> |
<meta name="description" content=""> |
<meta name="author" content=""> |
<link href="../Public/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
<style type="text/css"> |
@charset "utf-8"; |
body { |
font:14px/1.5 "Microsoft Yahei","微软雅黑",Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,STHeiti; |
} |
.form-signin{ |
display: none; |
} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../Public/css/login.css" /> |
<div class="container"> |
<form class="form-signin" method="post"> |
<h3 class="form-signin-heading"><?php echo L("install_title");?></h3>
<br> |
<div> |
<select id="db_type"> |
<option value="sqlite"><?php echo L("use_sqlite");?></option>
<option value="mysql"><?php echo L("use_mysql");?></option>
</select> |
</div> |
<br> |
<div class="mysql-info" style="display:none"> |
<input type="text" class="input-block-level" name="db_host" id = "db_host" placeholder="<?php echo L("server_address");?>"> |
<input type="text" class="input-block-level" name="db_port" id = "db_port" placeholder="<?php echo L("server_port");?>"> |
<input type="text" class="input-block-level" name="db_name" id = "db_name" placeholder="<?php echo L("db_name");?>"> |
<input type="text" class="input-block-level" name="db_user" id = "db_user" placeholder="<?php echo L("db_user");?>"> |
<input type="text" class="input-block-level" name="db_password" id = "db_password" placeholder="<?php echo L("db_password");?>"> |
</div> |
<div class="sqlite_tips" ><?php echo L("sqlite_tips");?></div>
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $cur_lang;?>" id="lang"> |
<br> |
<div> |
<button class="btn btn-large btn-primary " id="start" type="submit"><?php echo L("go");?> <i class="icon-circle-arrow-right"></i></button>
<a href="https://www.showdoc.cc/help?page_id=16118" target="_blank"><?php echo L("FAQ");?></a>
</div> |
</form> |
</div> <!-- /container --> |
<script src="../Public/js/common/jquery.min.js"></script> |
<script src="../Public/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> |
</body> |
</html> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
$(function(){ |
$("#db_type").change(function(){ |
if ($("#db_type").val() == 'mysql') { |
$(".mysql-info").show(); |
$(".sqlite_tips").hide(); |
}; |
if ($("#db_type").val() == 'sqlite') { |
$(".mysql-info").hide(); |
$(".sqlite_tips").show(); |
}; |
}); |
function install(){ |
var db_type = $("#db_type").val(); |
var db_host = $("#db_host").val(); |
var db_port = $("#db_port").val(); |
var db_name = $("#db_name").val(); |
var db_user = $("#db_user").val(); |
var lang = $("#lang").val(); |
var db_password = $("#db_password").val(); |
$.post( |
'ajax.php', |
{"lang":lang,"db_type":db_type,"db_host":db_host,"db_port":db_port,"db_name":db_name,"db_user":db_user,"db_password":db_password}, |
function(data){ |
if (data.error_code === 0) { |
var text = '<div><?php echo L("install_success_help");?></div><br>'; |
text += '<div><a href="../" ><?php echo L("home");?></a></div>'; |
$(".form-signin").html(text); |
$(".form-signin").show(); |
}else{ |
alert(data.message); |
} |
}, |
"json" |
); |
} |
$("#start").click(function(){ |
install(); |
return false; |
}); |
install(); |
}); |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
<?php |
// ShowDoc安装脚本
// install Showdoc
// --------
// 如果你能在浏览器中看到本句话,则证明你没有安装好PHP运行环境。请先安装好PHP运行环境
// --------
include("common.php"); |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<title> ShowDoc</title> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> |
<meta name="description" content=""> |
<meta name="author" content=""> |
<link href="../Public/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
<style type="text/css"> |
@charset "utf-8"; |
body { |
font:14px/1.5 "Microsoft Yahei","微软雅黑",Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,STHeiti; |
} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../Public/css/login.css" /> |
<div class="container"> |
<form class="form-signin" method="get" action="database.php"> |
<h3 class="form-signin-heading">选择语言<br>(Choose language)</h3> |
<br> |
<div> |
<select id="db_type" name="lang"> |
<option value="zh">中文</option> |
<option value="en">English</option> |
</select> |
</div> |
<br> |
<br> |
<div> |
<button class="btn btn-large btn-primary " id="start" type="submit">ok <i class="icon-circle-arrow-right"></i></button> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> <!-- /container --> |
<script src="../Public/js/common/jquery.min.js"></script> |
<script src="../Public/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
<?php |
return array( |
"install_title"=>'Install ShowDoc', |
"use_sqlite"=>'Use Sqlite Database', |
"use_mysql"=>'Use Mysql Database', |
"server_address"=>'Server address (e.g: localhost)', |
"server_port"=>'Port(e.g:3306)', |
"db_name"=>'Database Name(e.g:showdoc)', |
"db_user"=>'Database Username', |
"db_password"=>' Database Password', |
"sqlite_tips"=>'Sqlite has supported by PHP and you just need to click the Go buttun', |
"go"=>'Go', |
"install_success_help"=>'Installation success!The password of the default administrator account is showdoc/123456 ,After login, you can see the management backstage access in the upper right corner.In addition, it is strongly recommended to modify the administrator password .<br>More help :<a href="https://www.showdoc.cc/help-en" target="_blank">https://www.showdoc.cc/help-en</a>', |
"home"=>'Website Home', |
"FAQ"=>'FAQ', |
"lock"=>'ShowDoc has been installed!If you want to reinstall,please delete file /install/install.lock ', |
"not_writable_install"=>' Directory install is not writable !', |
"not_writable_upload"=>'Directory Public/Uploads/ is not writable !', |
"not_writable_runtime"=>'Directory server/Application/Runtime is not writable !', |
"not_writable_server_runtime"=>'Directory server/Application/Runtime is not writable !', |
"not_writable_config"=>'File server/Application/Common/Conf/config.php is not writable !', |
"not_writable_home_config"=>'File server/Application/Home/Conf/config.php is not writable !', |
"not_writable_sqlite"=>'Directory Sqlite is not writable !', |
"not_writable_sqlite_db"=>'File Sqlite/showdoc.db.php is not writable !', |
"not_writable_web_docconfig"=>'File web/index.html is not writable !', |
"not_writable_web_src_docconfig"=>'File web_src/index.html is not writable !', |
"install_success"=>'Installation success!Please delete the /install directory, avoid the script to be executed again', |
"install_config_not_writable"=>'Fail to write config file ', |
"db_wrong"=>'Database connection error', |
"db_has_data"=>'Database tables already exists,please clear up and try again', |
"create_table_fail"=>'Fail to create table', |
"install_config_not_writable"=>'Fail to write config file', |
"require_php_version" => "require PHP > 5.3.0 ", |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
<?php |
return array( |
"install_title"=>'安装ShowDoc', |
"use_sqlite"=>'使用Sqlite数据库', |
"use_mysql"=>'使用Mysql数据库', |
"server_address"=>'服务器地址,一般为localhost', |
"server_port"=>'端口,一般为3306', |
"db_name"=>'数据库名,建议数据库名为showdoc', |
"db_user"=>'数据库用户名', |
"db_password"=>'数据库密码', |
"sqlite_tips"=>'PHP内置支持Sqlite数据库,你无须再配置数据库,直接点击开始即可', |
"go"=>'开始', |
"install_success_help"=>'安装成功!默认管理员账户密码是showdoc/123456。登录后,在右上角可以看到管理后台入口。此外,强烈建议修改管理员初始密码。若再遇到问题,可参考ShowDoc帮助文档:<a href="https://www.showdoc.cc/help" target="_blank">https://www.showdoc.cc/help</a>', |
"home"=>'进入网站首页', |
"FAQ"=>'常见问题', |
"lock"=>'本程序已经安装过!如果要解除安装锁定,则可删除install目录下的install.lock文件后再重新访问本页面', |
"not_writable_install"=>'请赋予 install 目录以可写权限!', |
"not_writable_upload"=>'请赋予 Public/Uploads/ 目录以可写权限!', |
"not_writable_runtime"=>'请赋予 server/Application/Runtime 目录以可写权限!', |
"not_writable_server_runtime"=>'请赋予 server/Application/Runtime 目录以可写权限!', |
"not_writable_config"=>'请赋予 server/Application/Common/Conf/config.php 文件以可写权限!', |
"not_writable_home_config"=>'请赋予 server/Application/Home/Conf/config.php 文件以可写权限!<br>(如果你确定赋予了文件权限但却一直看到此信息,则可考虑关闭selinux试试)', |
"not_writable_sqlite"=>'请赋予 Sqlite 目录以可写权限!', |
"not_writable_sqlite_db"=>'请赋予 Sqlite/showdoc.db.php 以可写权限!', |
"not_writable_web_docconfig"=>'请赋予 web/index.html 以可写权限!', |
"not_writable_web_src_docconfig"=>'请赋予 web_src/index.html 以可写权限!', |
"install_success"=>'安装成功!建议删除install目录,以免安装脚本被再次执行。', |
"install_config_not_writable"=>'安装失败,配置文件写入错误!', |
"db_wrong"=>'数据库链接错误,请检查配置信息是否填写正确', |
"db_has_data"=>'检测到该数据库已经存在数据。请清理后再重试', |
"create_table_fail"=>'创建数据库表失败!', |
"install_config_not_writable"=>'安装失败,配置文件写入错误!', |
"require_php_version" => "需要PHP5.3.0以上版本", |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ |
<?php |
// --------
// 如果你能在浏览器中看到本句话,则证明你没有安装好PHP运行环境。请先安装好PHP运行环境
// --------
ini_set("display_errors", "Off"); |
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); |
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); |
include("common.php"); |
if(file_exists('./install.lock') && $f = file_get_contents("./install.lock")){ |
echo L("lock")."\n"; |
}else{ |
user_sqlite(); |
} |
function user_sqlite(){ |
write_js_lang(); |
$ret = write_home_config(); |
if ($ret) { |
file_put_contents("./install.lock","https://www.showdoc.cc/"); |
echo 'install success !!!'."\n"; |
}else{ |
echo "\n".L("not_writable_home_config")."\n"; |
} |
} |
function write_home_config(){ |
$lang = $_REQUEST['lang'] ? $_REQUEST['lang'] :"zh"; |
if ($lang == 'en') { |
$DEFAULT_LANG = 'en-us'; |
}else{ |
$DEFAULT_LANG = 'zh-cn'; |
} |
$config = "<?php "; |
$config .= "
return array( |
'DB_TYPE' => 'Sqlite', |
'DB_NAME' => './Sqlite/showdoc.db.php', |
'LANG_SWITCH_ON' => true, // 开启语言包功能
'LANG_AUTO_DETECT' => false, // 自动侦测语言 开启多语言功能后有效
'DEFAULT_LANG' => '{$DEFAULT_LANG}', // 默认语言
'LANG_LIST' => 'zh-cn,en-us', // 允许切换的语言列表 用逗号分隔
'VAR_LANGUAGE' => 'l', // 默认语言切换变量
$ret = file_put_contents("../server/Application/Home/Conf/config.php", $config); |
return $ret ; |
} |
function write_js_lang(){ |
$lang = $_REQUEST['lang'] ? $_REQUEST['lang'] :"zh"; |
if ($lang == 'en') { |
replace_file_content("../web/index.html","zh-cn","en") ; |
replace_file_content("../web_src/index.html","zh-cn","en") ; |
} |
} |
function replace_file_content($file , $from ,$to ){ |
$content = file_get_contents($file); |
$content2 = str_replace($from,$to,$content); |
if ($content2) { |
file_put_contents($file,$content2); |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue