// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE
/*jshint unused:true, eqnull:true, curly:true, bitwise:true */ /*jshint undef:true, latedef:true, trailing:true */ /*global CodeMirror:true */
// erlang mode.
// tokenizer -> token types -> CodeMirror styles
// tokenizer maintains a parse stack
// indenter uses the parse stack
// TODO indenter:
// bit syntax
// old guard/bif/conversion clashes (e.g. "float/1")
// type/spec/opaque
(function(mod) { if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
mod(require("../../lib/codemirror")); else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); else // Plain browser env
mod(CodeMirror); })(function(CodeMirror) { "use strict";
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-erlang", "erlang");
CodeMirror.defineMode("erlang", function(cmCfg) { "use strict";
// constants
var typeWords = [ "-type", "-spec", "-export_type", "-opaque"];
var keywordWords = [ "after","begin","catch","case","cond","end","fun","if", "let","of","query","receive","try","when"];
var separatorRE = /[\->,;]/; var separatorWords = [ "->",";",","];
var operatorAtomWords = [ "and","andalso","band","bnot","bor","bsl","bsr","bxor", "div","not","or","orelse","rem","xor"];
var operatorSymbolRE = /[\+\-\*\/<>=\|:!]/; var operatorSymbolWords = [ "=","+","-","*","/",">",">=","<","=<","=:=","==","=/=","/=","||","<-","!"];
var openParenRE = /[<\(\[\{]/; var openParenWords = [ "<<","(","[","{"];
var closeParenRE = /[>\)\]\}]/; var closeParenWords = [ "}","]",")",">>"];
var guardWords = [ "is_atom","is_binary","is_bitstring","is_boolean","is_float", "is_function","is_integer","is_list","is_number","is_pid", "is_port","is_record","is_reference","is_tuple", "atom","binary","bitstring","boolean","function","integer","list", "number","pid","port","record","reference","tuple"];
var bifWords = [ "abs","adler32","adler32_combine","alive","apply","atom_to_binary", "atom_to_list","binary_to_atom","binary_to_existing_atom", "binary_to_list","binary_to_term","bit_size","bitstring_to_list", "byte_size","check_process_code","contact_binary","crc32", "crc32_combine","date","decode_packet","delete_module", "disconnect_node","element","erase","exit","float","float_to_list", "garbage_collect","get","get_keys","group_leader","halt","hd", "integer_to_list","internal_bif","iolist_size","iolist_to_binary", "is_alive","is_atom","is_binary","is_bitstring","is_boolean", "is_float","is_function","is_integer","is_list","is_number","is_pid", "is_port","is_process_alive","is_record","is_reference","is_tuple", "length","link","list_to_atom","list_to_binary","list_to_bitstring", "list_to_existing_atom","list_to_float","list_to_integer", "list_to_pid","list_to_tuple","load_module","make_ref","module_loaded", "monitor_node","node","node_link","node_unlink","nodes","notalive", "now","open_port","pid_to_list","port_close","port_command", "port_connect","port_control","pre_loaded","process_flag", "process_info","processes","purge_module","put","register", "registered","round","self","setelement","size","spawn","spawn_link", "spawn_monitor","spawn_opt","split_binary","statistics", "term_to_binary","time","throw","tl","trunc","tuple_size", "tuple_to_list","unlink","unregister","whereis"];
// upper case: [A-Z] [Ø-Þ] [À-Ö]
// lower case: [a-z] [ß-ö] [ø-ÿ]
var anumRE = /[\w@Ø-ÞÀ-Öß-öø-ÿ]/; var escapesRE = /[0-7]{1,3}|[bdefnrstv\\"']|\^[a-zA-Z]|x[0-9a-zA-Z]{2}|x{[0-9a-zA-Z]+}/;
// tokenizer
function tokenizer(stream,state) { // in multi-line string
if (state.in_string) { state.in_string = (!doubleQuote(stream)); return rval(state,stream,"string"); }
// in multi-line atom
if (state.in_atom) { state.in_atom = (!singleQuote(stream)); return rval(state,stream,"atom"); }
// whitespace
if (stream.eatSpace()) { return rval(state,stream,"whitespace"); }
// attributes and type specs
if (!peekToken(state) && stream.match(/-\s*[a-zß-öø-ÿ][\wØ-ÞÀ-Öß-öø-ÿ]*/)) { if (is_member(stream.current(),typeWords)) { return rval(state,stream,"type"); }else{ return rval(state,stream,"attribute"); } }
var ch = stream.next();
// comment
if (ch == '%') { stream.skipToEnd(); return rval(state,stream,"comment"); }
// colon
if (ch == ":") { return rval(state,stream,"colon"); }
// macro
if (ch == '?') { stream.eatSpace(); stream.eatWhile(anumRE); return rval(state,stream,"macro"); }
// record
if (ch == "#") { stream.eatSpace(); stream.eatWhile(anumRE); return rval(state,stream,"record"); }
// dollar escape
if (ch == "$") { if (stream.next() == "\\" && !stream.match(escapesRE)) { return rval(state,stream,"error"); } return rval(state,stream,"number"); }
// dot
if (ch == ".") { return rval(state,stream,"dot"); }
// quoted atom
if (ch == '\'') { if (!(state.in_atom = (!singleQuote(stream)))) { if (stream.match(/\s*\/\s*[0-9]/,false)) { stream.match(/\s*\/\s*[0-9]/,true); return rval(state,stream,"fun"); // 'f'/0 style fun
} if (stream.match(/\s*\(/,false) || stream.match(/\s*:/,false)) { return rval(state,stream,"function"); } } return rval(state,stream,"atom"); }
// string
if (ch == '"') { state.in_string = (!doubleQuote(stream)); return rval(state,stream,"string"); }
// variable
if (/[A-Z_Ø-ÞÀ-Ö]/.test(ch)) { stream.eatWhile(anumRE); return rval(state,stream,"variable"); }
// atom/keyword/BIF/function
if (/[a-z_ß-öø-ÿ]/.test(ch)) { stream.eatWhile(anumRE);
if (stream.match(/\s*\/\s*[0-9]/,false)) { stream.match(/\s*\/\s*[0-9]/,true); return rval(state,stream,"fun"); // f/0 style fun
var w = stream.current();
if (is_member(w,keywordWords)) { return rval(state,stream,"keyword"); }else if (is_member(w,operatorAtomWords)) { return rval(state,stream,"operator"); }else if (stream.match(/\s*\(/,false)) { // 'put' and 'erlang:put' are bifs, 'foo:put' is not
if (is_member(w,bifWords) && ((peekToken(state).token != ":") || (peekToken(state,2).token == "erlang"))) { return rval(state,stream,"builtin"); }else if (is_member(w,guardWords)) { return rval(state,stream,"guard"); }else{ return rval(state,stream,"function"); } }else if (is_member(w,operatorAtomWords)) { return rval(state,stream,"operator"); }else if (lookahead(stream) == ":") { if (w == "erlang") { return rval(state,stream,"builtin"); } else { return rval(state,stream,"function"); } }else if (is_member(w,["true","false"])) { return rval(state,stream,"boolean"); }else if (is_member(w,["true","false"])) { return rval(state,stream,"boolean"); }else{ return rval(state,stream,"atom"); } }
// number
var digitRE = /[0-9]/; var radixRE = /[0-9a-zA-Z]/; // 36#zZ style int
if (digitRE.test(ch)) { stream.eatWhile(digitRE); if (stream.eat('#')) { // 36#aZ style integer
if (!stream.eatWhile(radixRE)) { stream.backUp(1); //"36#" - syntax error
} } else if (stream.eat('.')) { // float
if (!stream.eatWhile(digitRE)) { stream.backUp(1); // "3." - probably end of function
} else { if (stream.eat(/[eE]/)) { // float with exponent
if (stream.eat(/[-+]/)) { if (!stream.eatWhile(digitRE)) { stream.backUp(2); // "2e-" - syntax error
} } else { if (!stream.eatWhile(digitRE)) { stream.backUp(1); // "2e" - syntax error
} } } } } return rval(state,stream,"number"); // normal integer
// open parens
if (nongreedy(stream,openParenRE,openParenWords)) { return rval(state,stream,"open_paren"); }
// close parens
if (nongreedy(stream,closeParenRE,closeParenWords)) { return rval(state,stream,"close_paren"); }
// separators
if (greedy(stream,separatorRE,separatorWords)) { return rval(state,stream,"separator"); }
// operators
if (greedy(stream,operatorSymbolRE,operatorSymbolWords)) { return rval(state,stream,"operator"); }
return rval(state,stream,null); }
// utilities
function nongreedy(stream,re,words) { if (stream.current().length == 1 && re.test(stream.current())) { stream.backUp(1); while (re.test(stream.peek())) { stream.next(); if (is_member(stream.current(),words)) { return true; } } stream.backUp(stream.current().length-1); } return false; }
function greedy(stream,re,words) { if (stream.current().length == 1 && re.test(stream.current())) { while (re.test(stream.peek())) { stream.next(); } while (0 < stream.current().length) { if (is_member(stream.current(),words)) { return true; }else{ stream.backUp(1); } } stream.next(); } return false; }
function doubleQuote(stream) { return quote(stream, '"', '\\'); }
function singleQuote(stream) { return quote(stream,'\'','\\'); }
function quote(stream,quoteChar,escapeChar) { while (!stream.eol()) { var ch = stream.next(); if (ch == quoteChar) { return true; }else if (ch == escapeChar) { stream.next(); } } return false; }
function lookahead(stream) { var m = stream.match(/([\n\s]+|%[^\n]*\n)*(.)/,false); return m ? m.pop() : ""; }
function is_member(element,list) { return (-1 < list.indexOf(element)); }
function rval(state,stream,type) {
// parse stack
// map erlang token type to CodeMirror style class
// erlang -> CodeMirror tag
switch (type) { case "atom": return "atom"; case "attribute": return "attribute"; case "boolean": return "atom"; case "builtin": return "builtin"; case "close_paren": return null; case "colon": return null; case "comment": return "comment"; case "dot": return null; case "error": return "error"; case "fun": return "meta"; case "function": return "tag"; case "guard": return "property"; case "keyword": return "keyword"; case "macro": return "variable-2"; case "number": return "number"; case "open_paren": return null; case "operator": return "operator"; case "record": return "bracket"; case "separator": return null; case "string": return "string"; case "type": return "def"; case "variable": return "variable"; default: return null; } }
function aToken(tok,col,ind,typ) { return {token: tok, column: col, indent: ind, type: typ}; }
function realToken(type,stream) { return aToken(stream.current(), stream.column(), stream.indentation(), type); }
function fakeToken(type) { return aToken(type,0,0,type); }
function peekToken(state,depth) { var len = state.tokenStack.length; var dep = (depth ? depth : 1);
if (len < dep) { return false; }else{ return state.tokenStack[len-dep]; } }
function pushToken(state,token) {
if (!(token.type == "comment" || token.type == "whitespace")) { state.tokenStack = maybe_drop_pre(state.tokenStack,token); state.tokenStack = maybe_drop_post(state.tokenStack); } }
function maybe_drop_pre(s,token) { var last = s.length-1;
if (0 < last && s[last].type === "record" && token.type === "dot") { s.pop(); }else if (0 < last && s[last].type === "group") { s.pop(); s.push(token); }else{ s.push(token); } return s; }
function maybe_drop_post(s) { var last = s.length-1;
if (s[last].type === "dot") { return []; } if (s[last].type === "fun" && s[last-1].token === "fun") { return s.slice(0,last-1); } switch (s[s.length-1].token) { case "}": return d(s,{g:["{"]}); case "]": return d(s,{i:["["]}); case ")": return d(s,{i:["("]}); case ">>": return d(s,{i:["<<"]}); case "end": return d(s,{i:["begin","case","fun","if","receive","try"]}); case ",": return d(s,{e:["begin","try","when","->", ",","(","[","{","<<"]}); case "->": return d(s,{r:["when"], m:["try","if","case","receive"]}); case ";": return d(s,{E:["case","fun","if","receive","try","when"]}); case "catch":return d(s,{e:["try"]}); case "of": return d(s,{e:["case"]}); case "after":return d(s,{e:["receive","try"]}); default: return s; } }
function d(stack,tt) { // stack is a stack of Token objects.
// tt is an object; {type:tokens}
// type is a char, tokens is a list of token strings.
// The function returns (possibly truncated) stack.
// It will descend the stack, looking for a Token such that Token.token
// is a member of tokens. If it does not find that, it will normally (but
// see "E" below) return stack. If it does find a match, it will remove
// all the Tokens between the top and the matched Token.
// If type is "m", that is all it does.
// If type is "i", it will also remove the matched Token and the top Token.
// If type is "g", like "i", but add a fake "group" token at the top.
// If type is "r", it will remove the matched Token, but not the top Token.
// If type is "e", it will keep the matched Token but not the top Token.
// If type is "E", it behaves as for type "e", except if there is no match,
// in which case it will return an empty stack.
for (var type in tt) { var len = stack.length-1; var tokens = tt[type]; for (var i = len-1; -1 < i ; i--) { if (is_member(stack[i].token,tokens)) { var ss = stack.slice(0,i); switch (type) { case "m": return ss.concat(stack[i]).concat(stack[len]); case "r": return ss.concat(stack[len]); case "i": return ss; case "g": return ss.concat(fakeToken("group")); case "E": return ss.concat(stack[i]); case "e": return ss.concat(stack[i]); } } } } return (type == "E" ? [] : stack); }
// indenter
function indenter(state,textAfter) { var t; var unit = cmCfg.indentUnit; var wordAfter = wordafter(textAfter); var currT = peekToken(state,1); var prevT = peekToken(state,2);
if (state.in_string || state.in_atom) { return CodeMirror.Pass; }else if (!prevT) { return 0; }else if (currT.token == "when") { return currT.column+unit; }else if (wordAfter === "when" && prevT.type === "function") { return prevT.indent+unit; }else if (wordAfter === "(" && currT.token === "fun") { return currT.column+3; }else if (wordAfter === "catch" && (t = getToken(state,["try"]))) { return t.column; }else if (is_member(wordAfter,["end","after","of"])) { t = getToken(state,["begin","case","fun","if","receive","try"]); return t ? t.column : CodeMirror.Pass; }else if (is_member(wordAfter,closeParenWords)) { t = getToken(state,openParenWords); return t ? t.column : CodeMirror.Pass; }else if (is_member(currT.token,[",","|","||"]) || is_member(wordAfter,[",","|","||"])) { t = postcommaToken(state); return t ? t.column+t.token.length : unit; }else if (currT.token == "->") { if (is_member(prevT.token, ["receive","case","if","try"])) { return prevT.column+unit+unit; }else{ return prevT.column+unit; } }else if (is_member(currT.token,openParenWords)) { return currT.column+currT.token.length; }else{ t = defaultToken(state); return truthy(t) ? t.column+unit : 0; } }
function wordafter(str) { var m = str.match(/,|[a-z]+|\}|\]|\)|>>|\|+|\(/);
return truthy(m) && (m.index === 0) ? m[0] : ""; }
function postcommaToken(state) { var objs = state.tokenStack.slice(0,-1); var i = getTokenIndex(objs,"type",["open_paren"]);
return truthy(objs[i]) ? objs[i] : false; }
function defaultToken(state) { var objs = state.tokenStack; var stop = getTokenIndex(objs,"type",["open_paren","separator","keyword"]); var oper = getTokenIndex(objs,"type",["operator"]);
if (truthy(stop) && truthy(oper) && stop < oper) { return objs[stop+1]; } else if (truthy(stop)) { return objs[stop]; } else { return false; } }
function getToken(state,tokens) { var objs = state.tokenStack; var i = getTokenIndex(objs,"token",tokens);
return truthy(objs[i]) ? objs[i] : false; }
function getTokenIndex(objs,propname,propvals) {
for (var i = objs.length-1; -1 < i ; i--) { if (is_member(objs[i][propname],propvals)) { return i; } } return false; }
function truthy(x) { return (x !== false) && (x != null); }
// this object defines the mode
return { startState: function() { return {tokenStack: [], in_string: false, in_atom: false}; },
token: function(stream, state) { return tokenizer(stream, state); },
indent: function(state, textAfter) { return indenter(state,textAfter); },
lineComment: "%" }; });