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<?php namespace Api\Model; use Api\Model\BaseModel; /** * * @author star7th */ class AttachmentModel extends BaseModel {
Protected $autoCheckFields = false; //一定要关闭字段缓存,不然会报找不到表的错误
public function getUserFlow($uid){ $month = Date("Y-m") ; $file_flow = D("FileFlow")->where(" uid = '%s' and date_month = '$month' " , array($uid))->find() ; if($file_flow){ return intval($file_flow['used']) ; }else{ D("FileFlow")->add(array( "uid" => $uid , "used" => 0 , "date_month" => $month ,
)); return 0 ; } }
public function recordUserFlow($uid , $file_size){ $month = Date("Y-m") ; $used = $this->getUserFlow($uid) ; return D("FileFlow")->where(" uid = '%s' and date_month = '$month' " , array($uid))->save(array( "used" => $used + intval($file_size) )); }
public function deleteFile($file_id){
$file = D("UploadFile")->where("file_id = '$file_id' ")->find(); $real_url = $file['real_url'] ; $array = explode("/Public/Uploads/", $real_url) ; $file_path = "../Public/Uploads/".$array[1] ; if (file_exists($file_path)) { @unlink($file_path); } D("UploadFile")->where(" file_id = '$file_id' ")->delete(); return true ;