You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
/*! * Image (upload) dialog plugin for * * @file image-dialog.js * @author pandao * @version 1.3.4 * @updateTime 2015-06-09 * {@link}
* @license MIT */
(function() {
var factory = function (exports) {
var pluginName = "image-dialog";
exports.fn.imageDialog = function() {
var _this = this; var cm =; var lang = this.lang; var editor = this.editor; var settings = this.settings; var cursor = cm.getCursor(); var selection = cm.getSelection(); var imageLang = lang.dialog.image; var classPrefix = this.classPrefix; var iframeName = classPrefix + "image-iframe"; var dialogName = classPrefix + pluginName, dialog;
var loading = function(show) { var _loading = dialog.find("." + classPrefix + "dialog-mask"); _loading[(show) ? "show" : "hide"](); };
if (editor.find("." + dialogName).length < 1) { var guid = (new Date).getTime(); var action = settings.imageUploadURL + (settings.imageUploadURL.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?") + "guid=" + guid;
if (settings.crossDomainUpload) { action += "&callback=" + settings.uploadCallbackURL + "&dialog_id=editormd-image-dialog-" + guid; }
var dialogContent = ( (settings.imageUpload) ? "<form action=\"" + action +"\" target=\"" + iframeName + "\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" class=\"" + classPrefix + "form\">" : "<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "form\">" ) + ( (settings.imageUpload) ? "<iframe name=\"" + iframeName + "\" id=\"" + iframeName + "\" guid=\"" + guid + "\"></iframe>" : "" ) + "<label>" + imageLang.url + "</label>" + "<input type=\"text\" data-url />" + (function(){ return (settings.imageUpload) ? "<div class=\"" + classPrefix + "file-input\">" + "<input type=\"file\" name=\"" + classPrefix + "image-file\" accept=\"image/*\" />" + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" + imageLang.uploadButton + "\" />" + "</div>" : ""; })() + "<br/>" + "<label>" + imageLang.alt + "</label>" + "<input type=\"text\" value=\"" + selection + "\" data-alt />" + "<br/>" + "<label>" + + "</label>" + "<input type=\"text\" value=\"http://\" data-link />" + "<br/>" + ( (settings.imageUpload) ? "</form>" : "</div>");
//var imageFooterHTML = "<button class=\"" + classPrefix + "btn " + classPrefix + "image-manager-btn\" style=\"float:left;\">" + imageLang.managerButton + "</button>";
dialog = this.createDialog({ title : imageLang.title, width : (settings.imageUpload) ? 465 : 380, height : 254, name : dialogName, content : dialogContent, mask : settings.dialogShowMask, drag : settings.dialogDraggable, lockScreen : settings.dialogLockScreen, maskStyle : { opacity : settings.dialogMaskOpacity, backgroundColor : settings.dialogMaskBgColor }, buttons : { enter : [lang.buttons.enter, function() { var url = this.find("[data-url]").val(); var alt = this.find("[data-alt]").val(); var link = this.find("[data-link]").val();
if (url === "") { alert(imageLang.imageURLEmpty); return false; }
var altAttr = (alt !== "") ? " \"" + alt + "\"" : "";
if (link === "" || link === "http://") { cm.replaceSelection(""); } else { cm.replaceSelection("[](" + link + altAttr + ")"); }
if (alt === "") { cm.setCursor(cursor.line, + 2); }
return false; }],
cancel : [lang.buttons.cancel, function() { this.hide().lockScreen(false).hideMask();
return false; }] } });
dialog.attr("id", classPrefix + "image-dialog-" + guid);
if (!settings.imageUpload) { return ; }
var fileInput = dialog.find("[name=\"" + classPrefix + "image-file\"]");
fileInput.bind("change", function() { var fileName = fileInput.val(); var isImage = new RegExp("(\\.(" + settings.imageFormats.join("|") + "))$"); // /(\.(webp|jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|png))$/
if (fileName === "") { alert(imageLang.uploadFileEmpty); return false; } if (!isImage.test(fileName)) { alert(imageLang.formatNotAllowed + settings.imageFormats.join(", ")); return false; }
var submitHandler = function() {
var uploadIframe = document.getElementById(iframeName);
uploadIframe.onload = function() { loading(false);
var body = (uploadIframe.contentWindow ? uploadIframe.contentWindow : uploadIframe.contentDocument).document.body; var json = (body.innerText) ? body.innerText : ( (body.textContent) ? body.textContent : null);
json = (typeof JSON.parse !== "undefined") ? JSON.parse(json) : eval("(" + json + ")");
if (json.success === 1) { dialog.find("[data-url]").val(json.url); } else { alert(json.message); }
return false; }; };
dialog.find("[type=\"submit\"]").bind("click", submitHandler).trigger("click"); }); }
dialog = editor.find("." + dialogName); dialog.find("[type=\"text\"]").val(""); dialog.find("[type=\"file\"]").val(""); dialog.find("[data-link]").val("http://");
this.dialogShowMask(dialog); this.dialogLockScreen();;
// CommonJS/Node.js
if (typeof require === "function" && typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object") { module.exports = factory; } else if (typeof define === "function") // AMD/CMD/Sea.js
{ if (define.amd) { // for Require.js
define(["editormd"], function(editormd) { factory(editormd); });
} else { // for Sea.js
define(function(require) { var editormd = require("./../../editormd"); factory(editormd); }); } } else { factory(window.editormd); }