7 changed files with 899 additions and 63 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ |
import downloadImg from "./download.js" |
/* |
fileName: 需要查询的目录名 |
*/ |
async function getFileChildrenList(fileName){ |
let fs = await downloadImg.requestFileSystem(plus.io.PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS); //获取所要操作根目录File System
let faceSyncEntry = await downloadImg.getDirectory({ |
//在PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS下定义人脸库同步文件夹"Face-Sync" Success-Import
OriginPathEntry: fs.root, |
newFileName: fileName |
}); |
return downloadImg.getFileChildrenList(faceSyncEntry).then((res)=>{ |
return res |
}).catch((e)=>{ |
console.log("获取文件列表失败:",e) |
}) |
} |
/* |
fileName: 需要删除的文件名 |
*/ |
async function deleteAndroidFaceImage(fileName){ |
let item = { |
"deleteFile" : true, |
"name": fileName |
} |
let fs = await downloadImg.requestFileSystem(plus.io.PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS); //获取所要操作根目录File System
let url = item.url; //测试url---------
let newName = item.name; |
let faceSyncEntry = await downloadImg.getDirectory({ |
//在PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS下定义人脸库同步文件夹"Face-Sync" Success-Import
OriginPathEntry: fs.root, |
newFileName: 'Face-Sync' |
}); |
let newNameFileEntry = await downloadImg.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(faceSyncEntry.fullPath + newName).catch(e => { |
console.log('目标文件可以操作', e); |
}); |
if (newNameFileEntry) { |
console.log('存在缓存的同名文件:', newNameFileEntry.fullPath); |
if(item.deleteFile){ |
let delResult = await downloadImg.removeFile(newNameFileEntry); //删除已存在的文件
console.log("删除同名文件结果:",delResult) |
return delResult |
} |
let delResult = await downloadImg.removeFile(newNameFileEntry); //删除已存在的文件
}else{ |
return newNameFileEntry.fullPath //返回已缓存文件路径
} |
}else{ |
console.log("不存在同名文件:"+fileName) |
} |
} |
/* |
直接处理接口数据,下载列表并返回下载结果 |
并同时处理request_time,检测确保当完成列表下载后,本地再存储request_time |
*/ |
async function downloadFileList(res){ |
// await asyncSetTimeOut(3000) //延时,手动断网,模拟下载失败
return new Promise(async(rs,rj)=>{ |
let {list,request_time,total} = res |
console.log(request_time,total); |
let downloadSuccessList = [] |
for (var i=0; i < list.length; i++) { |
try{ |
await checkNetworkUsable() |
console.log("当前第"+(i+1)+"张, 总需下载:"+(list.length)) |
let local_path = await downloadFileImg(list[i]) |
downloadSuccessList.push(local_path); |
list[i]['local_path'] = local_path |
}catch(e){ |
//TODO handle the exception
// util.showNone(e)
console.error("下载失败:",e); |
list[i]['error'] = e |
continue |
} |
} |
res.list = list |
checkRequestTime(res) |
rs(list) |
}) |
} |
/*检测下载完成后列表,全部下载完成时,设置下载时间到本地 |
*/ |
function checkRequestTime(res){ |
if(res.list.every(e=>e.local_path)){ |
setRequestTime(res) |
} |
} |
/*传入downloadFileList 结果,返回plugin要求的成功图片user_id拼接string |
如: 15,17 |
*/ |
function getDataForPlugin(list){ |
return list.map(e=>{ |
if(e.local_path)return e.user_id |
}).join(",") |
} |
/*检测当前网络是否可用 |
*/ |
function checkNetworkUsable(){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
uni.getNetworkType({ |
success: function (res) { |
console.log("checkNetworkUsable 当前可用网络:",res.networkType); |
rs(true) |
}, |
fail: function (err) { |
console.log(err); |
rj(false) |
} |
}); |
}) |
} |
/*存储请求时间到本地 |
后台约定,人脸更新机制为带时间请求 |
*/ |
function setRequestTime(res){ |
if(res.request_time){ |
uni.setStorageSync("request_time",res.request_time) |
} |
} |
/*返回请求时间戳 |
*/ |
function getRequestTime(){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
let _time = "" |
try{ |
_time = uni.getStorageSync("request_time") |
}catch(e){ |
console.warn("请求时间戳异常:",e); |
} |
rs(_time) |
}) |
} |
async function asyncSetTimeOut(time){ |
const res = await new Promise(resolve => { |
setTimeout(() => resolve("asyncSetTimeOut"), time||1000); |
}); |
return res |
} |
/* |
item:{ |
pic_url:"",user_id:"",update_time:"" |
} |
*/ |
async function downloadFileImg(item) { |
let fs = await downloadImg.requestFileSystem(plus.io.PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS); //获取所要操作根目录File System
let url = item.pic_url; //测试url---------
let onProgresCallBack = function(e) { |
console.log('下载中...user_id:'+item.user_id, e); |
}; |
let tempDownloadFilePath = await downloadImg.getDownloadFile({ |
url, |
onProgresCallBack |
}); //获取下载文件临时路径
let savedFilePath = await downloadImg.getSaveFile(tempDownloadFilePath); //将文件临时路径长久存储并清除
let newName = item.user_id + '.' + (savedFilePath.split('.')[1] || |
'jpg'); //命名与android约定的文件名: [user_id].jpg------------
newName = item.user_id + getName(url); |
// console.log(tempDownloadFilePath, savedFilePath.split('.')[1], savedFilePath);
let savedFilePathEntry = await downloadImg.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(savedFilePath); //获取下载后存储的文件Entry
let faceSyncEntry = await downloadImg.getDirectory({ |
OriginPathEntry: fs.root, |
newFileName: 'Face-Sync' |
}); |
let newNameFileEntry = await downloadImg.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(faceSyncEntry.fullPath + newName).catch( |
e => { |
console.log('目标文件可以操作', e); |
}); |
if (newNameFileEntry) { |
console.log('删除存在的同名文件:', newNameFileEntry.fullPath); |
let delResult = await downloadImg.removeFile(newNameFileEntry); //删除已存在的文件
} |
let reNamePathEntry = await downloadImg.moveFileTo(savedFilePathEntry, faceSyncEntry, newName); //重命名文件到人脸库同步文件夹
// console.log(savedFilePath,newName,reNamePathEntry.fullPath)
return reNamePathEntry.fullPath; |
} |
function getName(url) { |
let end = '.'; |
let urlarr = url.split('.'); |
let endname = urlarr[urlarr.length]; |
if (endname != 'jpg' || endname != 'png' || endname != 'jpeg' || endname != 'PNG' || endname != 'JPG' || endname != 'JPEG') endname = 'jpg'; |
return (end += endname); |
} |
async function clearDownloadFace(fileName){ |
let fs = await downloadImg.requestFileSystem(plus.io.PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS); //获取所要操作根目录File System
let faceSyncEntry = await downloadImg.getDirectory({ |
OriginPathEntry: fs.root, |
newFileName: fileName |
}); |
let newNameFileEntry = await downloadImg.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(faceSyncEntry.fullPath).catch( |
e => { |
console.log('操作目标文件', e); |
}); |
await downloadImg.removeFileAll(newNameFileEntry).then(e=>{ |
console.log(fileName,"删除:",e); |
}) |
} |
module.exports = { |
downloadFileImg, |
clearDownloadFace, |
downloadFileList, |
getRequestTime, |
getDataForPlugin, |
asyncSetTimeOut, |
deleteAndroidFaceImage, |
getFileChildrenList |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,391 @@ |
let downloadTask; |
async function readLocal(){ |
let fs = await requestFileSystem(plus.io.PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS); //获取所要操作根目录File System
let mFileEntry = await getDirectory({ |
OriginPathEntry: fs.root, |
newFileName: 'OXSyncConfig' |
}); |
let mConfigEntry = await mGetFile(mFileEntry,"config.json") |
let mReadResult = await mFile(mConfigEntry) |
console.log("读取结果:",mReadResult); |
return mReadResult |
} |
async function writeLocal(msg){ |
let fs = await requestFileSystem(plus.io.PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS); //获取所要操作根目录File System
let mFileEntry = await getDirectory({ |
OriginPathEntry: fs.root, |
newFileName: 'OXSyncConfig' |
}); |
let mConfigEntry = await mGetFile(mFileEntry,"config.json") |
// console.log(mConfigEntry.fullPath);
let mWriteResult = await mCreateWriter(mConfigEntry,msg) |
console.log("写入结果:",mWriteResult); |
return mWriteResult |
} |
async function writeLocalOld(msg){ |
//存储信息到本地,如没有文件,则创建, 有则读取存入
let fs = await requestFileSystem(plus.io.PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS); //获取所要操作根目录File System
let mFileEntry = await getDirectory({ |
OriginPathEntry: fs.root, |
newFileName: 'OXSyncConfig' |
}); |
// let newNameFileEntry = await resolveLocalFileSystemURL(mFileEntry.fullPath + newName).catch(e => {
// console.log('目标文件可以操作', e);
// });
let savedFilePathEntry = await resolveLocalFileSystemURL(mFileEntry.fullPath + "config.json"); //获取下载后存储的文件Entry
let write_result = writeFile(mFileEntry,"config.json",msg) |
console.log(9999,JSON.stringify(write_result)) |
} |
async function readLocalOld(){ |
// 读取本地文件
console.log("readLocal begin") |
let newName = "oxconfig.txt" |
let fs = await requestFileSystem(plus.io.PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS); //获取所要操作根目录File System
let mFileEntry = await getDirectory({ |
OriginPathEntry: fs.root, |
newFileName: 'OXSyncConfig' |
}); |
let newNameFileEntry = await resolveLocalFileSystemURL(mFileEntry.fullPath + newName).catch(e => { |
console.log('目标文件可以操作', e); |
}); |
if (newNameFileEntry) { |
console.log("配置文件已存在准:",newNameFileEntry.fullPath) |
// return newNameFileEntry.fullPath //返回已缓存文件路径
} |
// mFileEntry是操作对象DirectoryEntry
let result = getFile(mFileEntry,"config.json") |
console.log("result: "+JSON.stringify(result)) |
} |
//item.url 下载地址
//item.name 文件名
//item.forceDownload 当本地存在缓存时,是否强制删除后重新下载
//item.deleteFile 仅删除文件名为item.name 的文件
async function adDownloadFileAuto(item) { |
let fs = await download.requestFileSystem(plus.io.PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS); //获取所要操作根目录File System
let url = item.url; //测试url---------
let newName = item.name; |
let faceSyncEntry = await download.getDirectory({ |
OriginPathEntry: fs.root, |
newFileName: 'ad' |
}); |
let newNameFileEntry = await download.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(faceSyncEntry.fullPath + newName).catch(e => { |
console.log('目标文件可以操作', e); |
}); |
if (newNameFileEntry) { |
console.log('存在缓存的同名文件:', newNameFileEntry.fullPath); |
if(item.deleteFile){ |
let delResult = await download.removeFile(newNameFileEntry); //删除已存在的文件
console.log("删除同名文件结果:",delResult) |
return delResult |
} |
let delResult = await download.removeFile(newNameFileEntry); //删除已存在的文件
}else{ |
return newNameFileEntry.fullPath //返回已缓存文件路径
} |
} |
let onProgresCallBack = function(e) { |
// console.log('下载中...', url, e);
}; |
let tempDownloadFilePath = await download.getDownloadFile({ url, onProgresCallBack }); //获取下载文件临时路径
let savedFilePath = await download.getSaveFile(tempDownloadFilePath); //将文件临时路径长久存储并清除
// let newName = item.user_id + '.' + (adType); //命名与android约定的文件名: [user_id].jpg------------
// newName = item.user_id + this.getName(url);
console.log(tempDownloadFilePath, 123456, savedFilePath.split('.')[1], savedFilePath); |
let savedFilePathEntry = await download.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(savedFilePath); //获取下载后存储的文件Entry
let reNamePathEntry = await download.moveFileTo(savedFilePathEntry, faceSyncEntry, newName); //重命名文件到人脸库同步文件夹
// console.log(666,savedFilePath,newName,reNamePathEntry.fullPath)
return reNamePathEntry.fullPath; |
} |
function getDownloadFile({ |
url, |
onProgresCallBack |
}) { |
return new Promise((rs, rj) => { |
if (downloadTask) downloadTask.abort(); |
downloadTask = uni.downloadFile({ |
url: url, |
timeout:60000, |
// header:{
// "content-type":"image/png"
// },
success: res => { |
if (res.statusCode == 200) { |
console.log(url+" downloadFile:"+JSON.stringify(res)) |
rs(res.tempFilePath) |
} else { |
console.warn('下载失败--->', res); |
console.warn('下载失败链接--->', url); |
rj(res) |
} |
}, |
fail: failRes => { |
console.warn('下载失败--->', failRes); |
console.warn('下载失败链接--->', url); |
rj(failRes) |
} |
}) |
downloadTask.onProgressUpdate(res => { |
onProgresCallBack && onProgresCallBack(res); |
}) |
}) |
} |
function getSaveFile(url) { |
return new Promise((rs, rj) => { |
uni.saveFile({ |
tempFilePath: url, |
success: function(res_save) { |
var savedFilePath = res_save.savedFilePath; //相对路径
// var absFilePath = plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(savedFilePath); //绝对路径
// console.log('相对路径: ' + savedFilePath);
// console.log("绝对路径: " + absFilePath);
rs(savedFilePath) |
// uni.getSavedFileList({
// success: function (res) {
// console.log(res.fileList);
// }
// });
}, |
fail: function(e) { |
rj(e); |
} |
}); |
}) |
} |
function resolveLocalFileSystemURL(FilefullPath) { |
return new Promise((rs, rj) => { |
plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(FilefullPath, |
function(fs) { |
rs(fs) |
}, |
function(err) { |
rj(err) |
}); |
}) |
} |
// 请求本地文件系统对象Entry
// type:
// 应用私有资源目录,对应常量plus.io.PRIVATE_WWW,仅应用自身可读
// 应用私有文档目录,对应常量plus.io.PRIVATE_DOC,仅应用自身可读写
// 应用公共文档目录,对应常量plus.io.PUBLIC_DOCUMENTS,多应用时都可读写,常用于保存应用间共享文件
// 应用公共下载目录,对应常量plus.io.PUBLIC_DOWNLOADS,多应用时都可读写,常用于保存下载文件
//fs.root 为相应Entry
function requestFileSystem(type) { |
return new Promise((rs, rj) => { |
plus.io.requestFileSystem(type, |
function(fs) { |
rs(fs) |
}, |
function(err) { |
rj(err) |
}); |
}) |
} |
function moveFileTo(fromPathEntry, toPathEntry, newFileName) { |
return new Promise((rs, rj) => { |
// remove this directory
// entry.remove( function ( entry ) {
// plus.console.log( "Remove succeeded" );
// }, function ( e ) {
// alert( e.message );
// } );
fromPathEntry.moveTo(toPathEntry, newFileName, function(entry) { |
// console.log("新文件路径: " + entry.fullPath);
rs(entry) |
}, function(e) { |
console.log(e.message); |
rj(e); |
}); |
}) |
} |
// 删除文件
function removeFile(entry){ |
// return new Promise(rs=>entry.remove( rs, rs ))
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
entry.remove( function ( entry ) { |
console.log(entry) |
rs( "Remove succeeded: "+entry.name ); |
}, function ( e ) { |
rj( e.message ); |
} ); |
}) |
} |
// 递归删除目录
function removeFileAll(entry){ |
return new Promise(rs=>entry.removeRecursively( rs, rs )) |
} |
// 废弃
// function getFile(mFileEntry,path){
// // entry.getFile( path, flag, succesCB, errorCB );
// mFileEntry.getFile(path,{create:true}, function(fileEntry){
// fileEntry.file( function(file){
// var fileReader = new plus.io.FileReader();
// console.log("getFile:" + JSON.stringify(file));
// fileReader.readAsText(file, 'utf-8');
// fileReader.onloadend = function(evt) {
// console.log("evt:" + evt);
// console.log("evt.target" + evt.target);
// console.log(evt.target.result);
// rs(evt.target.result)
// }
// console.log( ">>>>>>>文件信息:"+file.name + ' : ' + file.size +" Kb <<<<<<<<");
// } );
// });
// }
// //废弃
// function writeFile(mFileEntry,path,msg){
// // Write data to file
// mFileEntry.getFile(path,{create:true}, function(fileEntry){
// fileEntry.createWriter( function ( writer ) {
// writer.onwrite = function ( e ) {
// console.log( "Write data success!" );
// rs(true)
// };
// // Write data to the end of file.
// // writer.seek( writer.length );
// writer.write(JSON.stringify(msg));
// }, function ( e ) {
// console.log( e.message );
// rj(false)
// } );
// });
// }
//获取file Entry
function mGetFile(mFileEntry,path){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
mFileEntry.getFile(path,{create:true}, function(fileEntry){ |
rs(fileEntry) |
}); |
}) |
} |
function mFile(fileEntry){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
fileEntry.file( function(file){ |
var fileReader = new plus.io.FileReader(); |
// console.log("getFile:" + JSON.stringify(file));
fileReader.readAsText(file, 'utf-8'); |
fileReader.onloadend = function(evt) { |
// console.log("evt:" + evt);
// console.log("evt.target" + evt.target);
// console.log(evt.target.result);
rs(evt.target.result) |
} |
console.log( ">>>>>>>文件信息:"+file.name + ' : ' + file.size +" B <<<<<<<<"+ JSON.stringify(file)); |
} ); |
}) |
} |
function mCreateReader(fileEntry){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
fileEntry.createWriter( function ( writer ) { |
writer.onwrite = function ( e ) { |
console.log( "Write data success!" ); |
rs("success") |
}; |
// Write data to the end of file.
// writer.seek( writer.length );
writer.write(JSON.stringify(msg)); |
}, function ( e ) { |
console.log( e.message ); |
rj(e.message) |
} ); |
}) |
} |
function mCreateWriter(fileEntry,msg){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
fileEntry.createWriter( function ( writer ) { |
writer.onwrite = function ( e ) { |
console.log( "Write data success!" ); |
rs("success") |
}; |
// Write data to the end of file.
// writer.seek( writer.length );
writer.write(JSON.stringify(msg)); |
}, function ( e ) { |
console.log( e.message ); |
rj(e.message) |
} ); |
}) |
} |
// 从父目录下创建或打开子目录
function getDirectory({ |
OriginPathEntry, |
newFileName |
}) { |
return new Promise((rs, rj) => { |
// Retrieve an existing directory, or create it if it does not already exist
OriginPathEntry.getDirectory(newFileName, { |
create: true, |
exclusive: false |
}, function(dir) { |
// console.log("Directory Entry Name: " + dir.name);
rs(dir) |
}, function(e) { |
console.log(dir.name,e.message); |
rj(e) |
}); |
}) |
} |
function getFileChildrenList(DirectoryEntry){ |
return new Promise((rs, rj) => { |
// 创建读取目录信息对象
var directoryReader = DirectoryEntry.createReader(); |
directoryReader.readEntries( function( entries ){ |
var i,res=[]; |
for( i=0; i < entries.length; i++ ) { |
// console.log( entries[i].name );
res.push( entries[i].name) |
} |
rs(res) |
}, function ( e ) { |
console.log( "Read entries failed: " + e.message ); |
rj(e.message) |
} ); |
}) |
} |
module.exports = { |
getSaveFile, |
getDownloadFile, |
requestFileSystem, |
resolveLocalFileSystemURL, |
moveFileTo, |
getDirectory, |
removeFile, |
removeFileAll, |
readLocal, |
writeLocal, |
getFileChildrenList |
} |
Reference in new issue