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<template> <view class="uni-container"> <view class="uni-hello-text"> <text class="hello-text">uni原生插件示例1</text> </view> <view class="uni-panel" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="item.id"> <view class="uni-panel-h" :class="item.open ? 'uni-panel-h-on' : ''" @click="triggerCollapse(index)"> <text class="uni-panel-text">{{item.name}}</text> <text class="uni-panel-icon uni-icon" :class="item.open ? 'uni-panel-icon-on' : ''">{{item.pages ? '' : ''}}</text> </view> <view class="uni-panel-c" v-if="item.open"> <view class="uni-navigate-item" v-for="(item2,key) in item.pages" :key="key" @click="goDetailPage(item2.url)"> <text class="uni-navigate-text">{{item2.name ? item2.name : item2}}</text> <text class="uni-navigate-icon uni-icon"></text> </view> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { list: [{ id: 'ext-module', name: '扩展 module', open: false, url: '/pages/sample/ext-module' }, { id: 'ext-component', name: '扩展 component', open: false, url: '/pages/sample/ext-component' }, { id:'richAlert', name:'插件示例RichAlert', open:false, url:'/pages/sample/richAlert' }], navigateFlag: false } }, onLoad() {}, methods: { triggerCollapse(e) { if (!this.list[e].pages) { this.goDetailPage(this.list[e].url); return; } for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; ++i) { if (e === i) { this.list[i].open = !this.list[e].open; } else { this.list[i].open = false; } } }, goDetailPage(e) { if (this.navigateFlag) { return; } this.navigateFlag = true; uni.navigateTo({ url: e }); setTimeout(() => { this.navigateFlag = false; }, 200) return false; } } } </script>
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