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<?php /** * @CreateTime: 2019/9/9 下午06:45 * @Author: huizhang <> * @Copyright: copyright(2019) Easyswoole all rights reserved * @Description: SplStream 单元测试 */ namespace EasySwoole\Spl\Test;
use EasySwoole\Spl\SplStream; use EasySwoole\Spl\Test\Stream\TestStream; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class StreamTest extends TestCase {
public function testConstruct() { $resource = fopen('./test.txt', 'ab+'); $stream = new SplStream($resource); $this->assertEquals( 'Easyswoole', $stream->__toString() );
$stream = new SplStream(new TestStream()); $this->assertEquals( 'EsObject', $stream->__toString() );
$stream = new SplStream('Es'); $this->assertEquals( 'Es', $stream->__toString() );
public function testToString() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $this->assertEquals( 'Es', $stream->__toString() ); }
public function testClose() { $resource = fopen('./test.txt', 'ab+'); $stream = new SplStream($resource); $stream->close(); $this->assertEquals('', $stream->__toString()); }
public function testDetach() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $stream->detach(); // 抛异常,所以返回为''
$this->assertEquals('', $stream->__toString()); }
public function testGetSize() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $this->assertEquals(2, $stream->getSize()); }
public function testTell() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $stream->seek(1); $this->assertEquals(1, $stream->tell()); }
public function testEof() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $stream->seek(1); $this->assertNotTrue($stream->eof()); }
public function testIsSeekable() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $this->assertTrue($stream->isSeekable()); }
public function testSeek() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $stream->seek(1); $this->assertEquals(1, $stream->tell()); }
public function testRewind() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $stream->rewind(); $this->assertEquals(0, $stream->tell()); }
public function testIsWritable() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $this->assertEquals(true, $stream->isWritable()); }
public function testWrite() { $stream = new SplStream(''); $stream->write('Es'); $this->assertEquals('Es', $stream->__toString()); }
public function testIsReadable() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $this->assertTrue($stream->isReadable()); }
public function testRead() { $resource = fopen('./test.txt', 'rb'); $stream = new SplStream($resource); $this->assertEquals('E', $stream->read(1)); }
public function testGetContents() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $stream->seek(0); $this->assertEquals('Es', $stream->getContents()); }
public function testGetMetadata() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $this->assertEquals('MEMORY', $stream->getMetadata()['stream_type']); }
public function testGetStreamResource() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $source = $stream->getStreamResource(); fseek($source, 0, SEEK_SET); $this->assertEquals('Es', stream_get_contents($source)); }
public function testTruncate() { $stream = new SplStream('Es'); $stream->truncate(1); $this->assertEquals('E', $stream->__toString()); } }