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// flex(主轴,交叉轴,方向,换行,多轴线对齐)
@mixin flex($justify: null, $align: null, $direction: null, $warp: null, $warpAlign: null) { display: flex;
@if $direction != null { @include flex-direction($direction); } @if $justify != null { @include flex-justify($justify); } @if $align != null { @include flex-align($align); } @if $warp != null { @include flex-warp($warp); } @if $warpAlign != null { @include flex-warpAlign($warpAlign); } }
// flex-self(对齐,(布满||固定),顺序)
@mixin flex-self($flex: null, $align: null, $order: null){ @if $flex != null { @if $flex == full { flex: auto; } @else if $flex == keep { flex: none; } @else { @include flexError($flex, 'flex-self'); } } @if $align != null { @include flex-selfAlign($align); } @if $order != null { @include flex-order($order); } }
// flex错误提示
@mixin flexError($param, $type) { position: relative; background-color: #ff3c00 !important; overflow: hidden;
&::after { position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; padding: 0.5em; color: #ff3c00 !important; background-color: white !important; font-size: 12px; content: 'ErrorParam: #{$param} in #{$type}'; } }
// 项目的排列方向
@mixin flex-direction($direction: row) { @if $direction == column { flex-direction: column; } @else if $direction == row { flex-direction: row; } @else if $direction == row-reverse { flex-direction: row-reverse; } @else if $direction == column-reverse { flex-direction: column-reverse; } @else { @include flexError($direction, 'flex-direction'); } }
// 主轴上的对齐方式
@mixin flex-justify($justify: start) { @if $justify == start { justify-content: start; } @else if $justify == center { justify-content: center; } @else if $justify == end { justify-content: flex-end; } @else if $justify == between { justify-content: space-between; } @else if $justify == around { justify-content: space-around; } @else { @include flexError($justify, 'flex-justify'); } }
// 交叉轴上的对齐方式
@mixin flex-align($align: top) { @if $align == top { align-items: flex-start; } @else if $align == center { align-items: center; } @else if $align == bottom { align-items: flex-end; } @else { @include flexError($align, 'flex-align'); } }
// 换行
@mixin flex-warp($warp: wrap) { @if $warp == wrap { flex-wrap: wrap; } @else if $warp == nowrap { flex-wrap: nowrap; } @else if $warp == wrap-reverse { flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; } @else { @include flexError($warp, 'flex-wrap'); } }
// 换行多根轴线的对齐方式,如果项目只有一根轴线,该属性不起作用
@mixin flex-warpAlign($align: stretch) { @if $align == stretch { align-content: stretch; } @else if $align == top { align-content: flex-start; } @else if $align == center { align-content: center; } @else if $align == bottom { align-content: flex-end; } @else if $align == between { align-content: space-between; } @else if $align == around { align-content: space-around; } @else { @include flexError($align, 'flex-wrapAlign'); } }
// 单个项目有与其他项目不一样的对齐方式
@mixin flex-selfAlign($align: auto){ @if $align == auto { align-self: auto; } @else if $align == top { align-self: flex-start; } @else if $align == center { align-self: center; } @else if $align == bottom { align-self: flex-end; } @else if $align == baseline { align-self: baseline ; } @else if $align == stretch { align-self: stretch; } @else { @include flexError($align, 'flex-self-align'); } }
// 项目的排列顺序,数值越小,排列越靠前,默认为0
@mixin flex-order($order: 0){ @if $order == round($order) { order: $order; } @else { @include flexError($order, 'flex-self-order'); } }