5 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Message | Date |
刘嘉炜 | 949e09327c |
add shower order style
4 months ago |
刘嘉炜 | 25271dc0ce |
Merge branch 'dev' of https://git.ouxuan.net/liujw/ox_zhiNengZhuShou into md0726
4 months ago |
刘嘉炜 | 22c167c5ef |
vtest 1.1.60
4 months ago |
刘嘉炜 | d2b0622697 |
finish tid1641
4 months ago |
刘嘉炜 | 33f45c5ca7 |
add tid1641 style && logic
4 months ago |
21 changed files with 891 additions and 111 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="lt-list"> |
<view class="ll-title">{{ optionsQuery.hardware_name || '-' }}</view> |
<view class="ll-list"> |
<view class="ll-item" v-for="(e, i) in timingLs" :key="i"> |
<view class="li-line"> |
<view class="ll-txt">指令:{{ getInstructTxt(e.operate) }}</view> |
<image class="ll-icon" @click="deleteItem(e)" mode="aspectFit" src="/subpackage/device/static/images/delete.png"></image> |
</view> |
<view class="li-line"> |
<view class="ll-txt">时间:{{ e.h_m_s || '-'}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="li-line"> |
<view class="ll-txt">日期:{{ e.day_of_week || '-' }}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="ll-fixed-space"></view> |
<view class="ll-fixed"> |
<view class="lf-btn" @click="addTask">添加定时任务</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import deviceServer from '../../js/device_server'; |
import deviceApi from '../../js/device_api'; |
import { showModal, showNone, showLoad, hideLoad, routeTo, jsonPar, jsonStr } from "@/utils/util"; |
export default { |
data(){ |
return { |
timingLs: [], |
optionsQuery: {}, |
} |
}, |
onLoad(options){ |
options.hardware_name = jsonPar(options?.hardware_name); |
this.optionsQuery = options; |
}, |
onShow(){ |
let { optionsQuery } = this; |
this.getTimingList({ |
hardware_id: optionsQuery?.hardware_id || '' |
}) |
}, |
methods: { |
addTask(){ |
let { hardware_id, hardware_name } = this.optionsQuery; |
let _qryStr = `hardware_id=${hardware_id || ''}&hardware_name=${jsonStr(hardware_name || '')}` |
routeTo(`/subpackage/device/pages/lighting_time/setting?${_qryStr}`, 'nT') |
}, |
deleteItem(e){ |
showModal({ |
title: '提示', |
content: '是否删除该项?', |
showCancel: true, |
confirmText: '是', |
cancelText: '否', |
success: res =>{ |
if(res?.confirm){ |
this.cacScheduledTaskDelete(e?.id) |
.then(res=>{ |
if(res === 'SUCCESS')this.getTimingList({ hardware_id: e?.hardware_id }) |
}) |
} |
} |
}) |
}, |
cacScheduledTaskDelete(id){ |
showLoad(); |
return deviceServer.post({ |
url: deviceApi.cacScheduledTaskDelete, |
data: { id }, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res => { |
hideLoad(); |
let _data = res?.data || {}; |
if(_data.code === 0){ |
showModal({ |
title: '提示', |
content: _data.message || '操作成功!' |
}) |
return "SUCCESS" |
}else{ |
return Promise.reject(_data); |
} |
}) |
.catch(err => { |
hideLoad(); |
showModal({ |
title: '提示', |
content: err.message || '操作失败!' |
}) |
console.warn('setting cacScheduledTaskSave err', err); |
}) |
}, |
getInstructTxt(operate){ |
let _obj = { |
'open': '开启', |
'close': '关闭' |
} |
return _obj?.[operate] || operate || '未知' |
}, |
getTimingList({ |
hardware_id = '', |
}){ |
showLoad(); |
return deviceServer.get({ |
url: deviceApi.cacScheduledTaskGet, |
data: { |
hardware_id, |
}, |
failMsg: '获取定时列表失败' |
}) |
.then(res => { |
hideLoad(); |
let _ls = res || []; |
this.timingLs = _ls; |
}) |
.catch(err => { |
hideLoad(); |
console.warn('lighting_time list getTimingList err --->', err); |
// return Promise.reject(err); |
}) |
}, |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.ll-title{ |
padding: 46upx 40upx 60upx; |
@include flcw(44upx, 60upx, #1a1a1a, 500); |
@include tHide; |
} |
.ll-list{ |
.ll-item{ |
padding: 24upx 30upx; |
background: #fff; |
&+.ll-item{ |
margin-top: 24upx; |
} |
.li-line{ |
@include ctf(space-between); |
align-items: baseline; |
&+.li-line{ |
margin-top: 16upx; |
} |
.ll-txt{ |
@include flcw(28upx, 40upx, #1a1a1a); |
} |
.ll-icon { |
flex-shrink: 0; |
margin-left: 12upx; |
width: 44upx; |
height: 44upx; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
.ll-fixed-space{ |
padding-bottom: 132upx; |
@include isPd(132upx); |
} |
.ll-fixed{ |
position: fixed; |
bottom: 0; |
padding: 10upx 24upx; |
width: 100%; |
@include isPd(10upx); |
.lf-btn{ |
text-align: center; |
border-radius: 10upx; |
background: $mColor; |
@include flcw(32upx, 112upx, #fff, 500); |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="lt-setting"> |
<view class="ll-title">{{ optionsQuery.hardware_name || '-' }}</view> |
<view class="ls-container"> |
<view class="lc-select"> |
<view class="lc-name">指令</view> |
<view class="ls-options"> |
<view class="lp-item" @click="condition.instruct = 'open'"> |
<view class="li-txt">开</view> |
<image |
class="li-icon" |
mode="aspectFit" |
:class="{active: condition.instruct === 'open'}" |
:src="condition.instruct === 'open' ? '/subpackage/device/static/images/selected_987.png' : ''" |
></image> |
</view> |
<view class="lp-item" @click="condition.instruct = 'close'"> |
<view class="li-txt">关</view> |
<image |
class="li-icon" |
mode="aspectFit" |
:class="{active: condition.instruct === 'close'}" |
:src="condition.instruct === 'close' ? '/subpackage/device/static/images/selected_987.png' : ''" |
></image> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="lc-picker"> |
<view class="lc-name">时间点</view> |
<picker mode="time" @change="condition.time = $event.detail.value"> |
<view class="lp-box"> |
<input disabled type="text" class="lb-ipt" v-model="condition.time"> |
<image class="lb-icon" mode="aspectFit" src="/subpackage/device/static/images/arrow_b2.png"></image> |
</view> |
</picker> |
</view> |
<view class="lc-switch"> |
<view class="lc-name">日期</view> |
<view class="ls-right"> |
<switch class="lr-switch" color="#009874" @change="switchChange"></switch> |
<view class="lr-txt">全选</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="lc-week-ls"> |
<view |
class="lwl-item" |
v-for="(e, i) in weeks" |
:key="i" |
:class="{active: condition.weekLs.includes(e)}" |
@click="weekItemClick(e)" |
>{{ e }}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="ll-fixed-space"></view> |
<view class="ll-fixed"> |
<view class="lf-btn" @click="confirmBtn">添加定时任务</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import deviceServer from '../../js/device_server'; |
import deviceApi from '../../js/device_api'; |
import { showModal, showNone, showLoad, hideLoad, routeTo, jsonPar } from "@/utils/util"; |
export default { |
data(){ |
return { |
weeks: [ '日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六' ].map(e=>`星期${e}`), |
condition: { |
instruct: 'open', // 指令 open: 开, close: 关 |
time: '00:00', // 时间点 |
weekLs: [], // 日期 |
}, |
optionsQuery: {} |
} |
}, |
onLoad(options){ |
options.hardware_name = jsonPar(options?.hardware_name); |
this.optionsQuery = options || {} |
}, |
methods: { |
switchChange(e){ |
if(e.detail.value){ |
this.condition.weekLs = [ ...this.weeks]; |
}else{ |
this.condition.weekLs = []; |
} |
}, |
weekItemClick(e){ |
let { weekLs } = this.condition; |
if(weekLs.includes(e)){ |
weekLs.splice(weekLs.indexOf(e), 1); |
}else{ |
weekLs.push(e); |
} |
}, |
confirmBtn(){ |
let { optionsQuery, condition } = this; |
if(!condition?.weekLs?.length)return showNone('请选择日期!'); |
if(!condition?.time)return showNone('请选时间点!'); |
this.cacScheduledTaskSave({ |
hardware_id: optionsQuery?.hardware_id || '', |
day_of_week: condition?.weekLs?.join(','), |
h_m_s: `${condition?.time}:00`, |
operate: condition?.instruct, |
}) |
}, |
cacScheduledTaskSave({ |
hardware_id = '', |
day_of_week = '', |
h_m_s = '', |
operate = '' |
}){ |
showLoad(); |
return deviceServer.post({ |
url: deviceApi.cacScheduledTaskSave, |
data: { hardware_id, day_of_week, h_m_s, operate }, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res => { |
hideLoad(); |
let _data = res?.data || {}; |
if(_data.code === 0){ |
showModal({ |
title: '提示', |
content: _data.message || '操作成功!', |
}) |
}else{ |
return Promise.reject(_data); |
} |
}) |
.catch(err => { |
hideLoad(); |
showModal({ |
title: '提示', |
content: err.message || '操作失败!' |
}) |
console.warn('setting cacScheduledTaskSave err', err); |
}) |
}, |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.ll-title{ |
padding: 46upx 40upx 60upx; |
@include flcw(44upx, 60upx, #1a1a1a, 500); |
@include tHide; |
} |
.ls-container{ |
margin: 0 auto; |
padding: 50upx 30upx 100upx; |
width: 678upx; |
border-radius: 10upx; |
background: #fff; |
.lc-name{ |
flex-shrink: 0; |
@include flcw(32upx, 44upx, #1a1a1a); |
} |
.lc-select{ |
@include ctf(space-between); |
.ls-options{ |
width: 480upx; |
@include ctf; |
.lp-item{ |
width: 50%; |
@include ctf; |
.li-txt{ |
@include flcw(32upx, 44upx, #1a1a1a); |
} |
.li-icon{ |
margin-left: 22upx; |
flex-shrink: 0; |
width: 40upx; |
height: 40upx; |
border: 2upx solid #D8D8D8; |
border-radius: 50%; |
&.active{ |
border-width: 0upx; |
border-color: transparent; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
.lc-picker{ |
margin-top: 50upx; |
@include ctf(space-between); |
.lp-box{ |
@include ctf(space-between); |
width: 480upx; |
height: 96upx; |
border: 2upx solid #D8D8D8; |
border-radius: 10upx; |
padding: 0 20upx; |
.lb-ipt{ |
flex-grow: 1; |
@include flcw(32upx, 44upx, #1a1a1a); |
} |
.lb-icon{ |
flex-shrink: 0; |
width: 28upx; |
height: 28upx; |
transform: rotateZ(90deg); |
} |
} |
} |
.lc-switch{ |
margin-top: 50upx; |
@include ctf(space-between); |
.ls-right{ |
width: 480upx; |
@include ctf; |
.lr-switch{ |
transform: scale(.8); |
} |
.lr-txt{ |
margin-left: 20upx; |
@include flcw(32upx, 44upx, #1a1a1a); |
} |
} |
} |
.lc-week-ls{ |
margin-top: 60upx; |
display: flex; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
.lwl-item{ |
margin: 0 20upx; |
width: 160upx; |
height: 88upx; |
border-radius: 6upx; |
border: 2upx solid #979797; |
text-align: center; |
@include flcw(32upx, 84upx, #979797); |
&:nth-child(n + 4){ |
margin-top: 40upx; |
} |
&.active{ |
color: $mColor; |
border-color: $mColor; |
background: rgba($color: $mColor, $alpha: .12); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
.ll-fixed-space{ |
padding-bottom: 132upx; |
@include isPd(132upx); |
} |
.ll-fixed{ |
position: fixed; |
bottom: 0; |
padding: 10upx 24upx; |
width: 100%; |
@include isPd(10upx); |
.lf-btn{ |
text-align: center; |
border-radius: 10upx; |
background: $mColor; |
@include flcw(32upx, 112upx, #fff, 500); |
} |
} |
</style> |
After Width: 36 | Height: 36 | Size: 365 B |
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="kv-line"> |
<view class="kl-name">{{ label || '' }}</view> |
<view class="kl-val"><slot name="default">value</slot></view> |
<slot name="right"></slot> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
props: { |
label: { |
type: String, |
default: '' |
}, |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.kv-line{ |
@include ctf; |
.kl-name{ |
flex-shrink: 0; |
@include flcw(28upx, 48upx, #9C9C9F); |
} |
.kl-val{ |
@include flcw(28upx, 48upx, #1A1A1A); |
@include tHide; |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="order-detail"> |
<view class="od-header"> |
<view class="oh-stadium"> |
<image class="os-img"></image> |
<view class="os-name">欧轩智能场馆(羽毛球永泰店)</view> |
</view> |
<view class="oh-bot"> |
<kv-line label="手机号码:"> |
<template slot="default">13800138000</template> |
<template slot="right"> |
<view class="ob-status">交易完成</view> |
</template> |
</kv-line> |
<kv-line label="用户昵称:">yiming</kv-line> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="od-goods"> |
<view class="og-tit">商品详情</view> |
<view class="og-lines"> |
<kv-line label="名称:">沐浴</kv-line> |
<kv-line label="时长:">10分钟</kv-line> |
<kv-line label="价格:">¥4</kv-line> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="od-price-info"> |
<kvs-line label="金额小计">¥4</kvs-line> |
<kvs-line label="积分抵扣">-¥0.5</kvs-line> |
<kvs-line label="折扣金额">-¥0</kvs-line> |
<kvs-line label="优惠券优惠">-¥0</kvs-line> |
<view class="opi-total"> |
合计支付:<text class="ot-num">¥3.5</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="od-pay-info"> |
<view class="opi-tit">支付详情</view> |
<view class="opi-lines"> |
<kv-line label="订单编号:"> |
<template slot="default">sc20 0822 0815 6894</template> |
<template slot="right"> |
<view class="ob-copy">复制</view> |
</template> |
</kv-line> |
<kv-line label="支付方式:">微信支付</kv-line> |
<kv-line label="支付时间:">2020-08-22 10:12:25</kv-line> |
<kv-line label="交易流水号:">202009181255364564612622</kv-line> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import kv_line from "@/components/kv_line.vue"; |
import kvs_line from "@/components/kvs_line.vue"; |
export default { |
components: { |
'kv-line': kv_line, |
'kvs-line': kvs_line, |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.order-detail{ |
.od-header{ |
padding: 0 24upx; |
background: #fff; |
.oh-stadium{ |
padding: 24upx 0; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #D8D8D8; |
@include ctf; |
.os-img{ |
flex-shrink: 0; |
margin-right: 14upx; |
width: 40upx; |
height: 40upx; |
background: skyblue; |
} |
.os-name{ |
@include flcw(28upx, 40upx, #1A1A1A, 500); |
@include tHide; |
} |
} |
.oh-bot{ |
padding-top: 24upx; |
padding-bottom: 30upx; |
.ob-status{ |
text-align: right; |
@include flcw(28upx, 40upx, #9A9A9D); |
} |
} |
} |
.od-goods{ |
margin-top: 24upx; |
padding: 20upx 24upx 0; |
background: #fff; |
.opi-tit{ |
@include flcw(32upx, 44upx, #1A1A1A); |
} |
.og-lines{ |
margin-top: 28upx; |
padding-bottom: 30upx; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #D8D8D8; |
} |
} |
.od-price-info{ |
padding: 30upx; |
background: #fff; |
.opi-total{ |
text-align: right; |
@include flcw(28upx, 50upx, #9A9A9D); |
.ot-num{ |
color: #1A1A1A; |
font-weight: 500; |
} |
} |
} |
.od-pay-info{ |
margin-top: 24upx; |
padding: 30upx 24upx; |
background: #fff; |
.opi-tit{ |
@include flcw(32upx, 44upx, #1A1A1A); |
} |
.opi-lines{ |
margin-top: 16upx; |
.ob-copy{ |
margin-left: 20upx; |
@include flcw(28upx, 40upx, $mColor); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="order-list"> |
<order-filter |
ref="orderFilter" |
@change:stadium="condition.stadium_id = $event.id" |
@click:time="showPeriodModal" |
@click:filter="showFilterModal" |
:start-time="condition.start_time" |
:end-time="condition.end_time" |
></order-filter> |
<view class="ol-ls"> |
<view class="ol-item" v-for="i in 10" :key="i" @click="itemClick"> |
<view class="oi-header"> |
<view class="oh-top"> |
<view class="ot-name">广州欧轩智能羽毛球馆(永泰店)</view> |
<view class="ot-status">交易成功</view> |
</view> |
<view class="oh-device-name"> |
<image class="odn-img" mode="aspectFit" src="/subpackage/shower/static/images/locate.png"></image> |
<view class="odn-txt">1号女沐浴间</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="oi-lines"> |
<kv-line label="订单编号:">sc20 0822 0815 6894</kv-line> |
<kv-line label="名称:">豆奶</kv-line> |
<kv-line label="时长:">10分钟</kv-line> |
<kv-line label="购买时间:">2020-08-22 10:30:40</kv-line> |
</view> |
<view class="oi-total"> |
合计支付:<text class="ot-price">¥2</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- 时间段选择 --> |
<period-modal ref="periodModal"></period-modal> |
<!-- status窗口 --> |
<filter-modal ref="filterModal"></filter-modal> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import orderFilter from "@/components/filter/header.vue"; |
import periodModal from "@/components/filter/period_modal.vue"; |
import filterModal from "@/components/filter/filter_modal.vue"; |
import kv_line from "@/components/kv_line.vue"; |
import { routeTo, formatDate } from "@/utils/util"; |
export default { |
components: { |
'order-filter': orderFilter, |
'period-modal': periodModal, |
'filter-modal': filterModal, |
'kv-line': kv_line |
}, |
data(){ |
return { |
condition: { |
stadium_id: '', |
start_time: '', |
end_time: '', |
} |
} |
}, |
onLoad(options){ |
this.$refs.orderFilter.initStadiumSelect({ brand_id: options?.brand_id }); |
this.initDate(); // watch 监听触发 |
}, |
methods: { |
itemClick(){ |
routeTo(`/subpackage/shower/pages/order/detail`, 'nT'); |
}, |
// 默认显示三个月内的水阀卡数据 |
initDate(){ |
let _Date = new Date(); |
let _timeStamp = _Date.getTime(); |
let _start = _timeStamp - 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; |
this.condition.start_time = formatDate({ date: _start }); |
this.condition.end_time = formatDate({ date: _timeStamp }); |
}, |
// 时间段选择 |
showPeriodModal(){ |
let { start_time, end_time } = this.condition; |
this.$refs.periodModal.init({ |
start: start_time, |
end: end_time, |
success: res=>{ |
this.condition.start_time = res.start; |
this.condition.end_time = res.end; |
} |
}); |
}, |
// 订单状态筛选 |
showFilterModal(){ |
this.$refs.filterModal.init({ |
title: '订单状态', |
list: [ |
{ label: '全部', value: '' }, |
{ label: '已完成', value: '1' }, |
{ label: '已退款', value: '0' }, |
], |
curValue: this.condition.status, |
success: res=>{ |
this.condition.status = res.value; |
} |
}); |
}, |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.order-list{ |
} |
.ol-ls{ |
padding: 24upx; |
.ol-item{ |
padding: 30upx 20upx; |
border-radius: 10upx; |
background: #fff; |
&+.ol-item{ |
margin-top: 24upx; |
} |
.oi-header{ |
padding-bottom: 20upx; |
border-bottom: 1px solid #D8D8D8; |
.oh-top{ |
@include ctf(space-between); |
.ot-name{ |
@include flcw(28upx, 40upx, #1A1A1A, 500); |
@include tHide; |
} |
.ot-status{ |
margin-left: 10upx; |
flex-shrink: 0; |
@include flcw(28upx, 40upx, #9A9A9D); |
} |
} |
.oh-device-name{ |
margin-top: 10upx; |
@include ctf; |
.odn-img{ |
margin-right: 12upx; |
flex-shrink: 0; |
width: 28upx; |
height: 28upx; |
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.odn-txt{ |
@include flcw(28upx, 40upx, #9A9A9D); |
@include tHide; |
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} |
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.oi-lines{ |
padding-top: 20upx; |
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.oi-total{ |
text-align: right; |
@include flcw(28upx, 40upx, #9A9A9D); |
.ot-price{ |
font-weight: 500; |
color: #333333; |
} |
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} |
} |
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After Width: 28 | Height: 28 | Size: 714 B |
Reference in new issue