4 years ago
8 changed files with 861 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,849 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="switch-manage"> |
<store-name></store-name> |
<view class="sm-tit"> |
<text>{{ || '-'}}</text> |
<text>{{ || ''}}</text> |
</view> |
<view class="sm-list"> |
<view class="sl-item" v-for="(e, i) in deviceList" :key="i"> |
<view class="si-top"> |
<image mode="aspectFit" :src="getIcon()"></image> |
<view class="st-right"> |
<view class="sr-name">{{e.hardware_name || '-'}}</view> |
<!-- 门闸没有状态查询 --> |
<!-- 请求接口自定义字段设备状态 1->在线,0->离线 --> |
<view class="sr-bot" v-if=" !=5"> |
<view :class="[e.defineStatusCode == 1?'active':'']"> |
<text>{{ e.defineStatusCode == 1 ? '设备在线' : e.defineStatusCode == 0?'设备离线' : '-' }}</text> |
</view> |
<image mode="aspectFit" src="/subpackage/device/static/images/refresh.png" |
@click="refreshStatusBtn({switchInfo:e, index:i})"></image> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<block v-if="'音响管理'"> |
<view class="si-bottom"> |
<view v-if="pageInfo.isOpen" @click="operateBtn({ switchInfo: e, status: 1 })"> |
<image mode="aspectFit" :src="pageInfo.openIcon || ''"></image> |
<view>{{pageInfo.openName || '-'}}</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="pageInfo.isClose" @click="operateBtn({ switchInfo: e, status: 0 })"> |
<image mode="aspectFit" :src="pageInfo.closeIcon || ''"></image> |
<view>{{pageInfo.closeName || '-'}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</block> |
<!-- <block v-else> |
<view class="si-bottom" v-if="pageInfo.isOpen || pageInfo.isClose"> |
<view v-if="pageInfo.isOpen" @click="operateBtn({ switchInfo: e, status: 1 })"> |
<image mode="aspectFit" :src="pageInfo.openIcon || ''"></image> |
<view>{{pageInfo.openName || '-'}}</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="pageInfo.isClose" @click="operateBtn({ switchInfo: e, status: 0 })"> |
<image mode="aspectFit" :src="pageInfo.closeIcon || ''"></image> |
<view>{{pageInfo.closeName || '-'}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</block> --> |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- 音频控制 --> |
<view class="voice_control_pad" v-if="voicePadConfig.showVoicePad"> |
<!-- 文字转语音 --> |
<view class="cover_bg" @click.stop="voicePadConfig.showVoicePad=false"> |
</view> |
<view class="v_box" v-if="voicePadConfig.step==0"> |
<textarea value="" v-model="voicePadConfig.txt" placeholder="请输您要说的话,输入标点符号,智能语音效果更好哦!" /> |
<view class="v_btns"> |
<view class="voice_btn btn_white" @click="sendVoice(voicePadConfig.txt)">发送</view> |
<view class="voice_btn btn_green" @click="listenVoice(voicePadConfig.txt)">试听</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- 录音 --> |
<view class="v_box" v-else> |
<view class="voice_title">请说话</view> |
<image class="voice_img" src="../../static/images/i_voice.png" :src="getVoiceIcon(voicePadConfig.step)" |
:class="voicePadConfig.step==2?'voice_img_playing':''"></image> |
<view class="voice_btn " @longpress="longPressHandle" @touchend="touchEndHandle" |
hover-class="btn_active" v-if="voicePadConfig.step<3">按住说话</view> |
<!-- <view class="voice_btn btn_active" v-else-if="voicePadConfig.step==2">按住说话</view> --> |
<!-- hover-class --> |
<view class="v_btns" v-else-if="voicePadConfig.step==3"> |
<view class="voice_btn btn_white" @click="sendVoice()">发送</view> |
<view class="voice_btn btn_green" @click="listenVoice()">听取录音</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
const recorderManager = uni.getRecorderManager(); |
const innerAudioContext = uni.createInnerAudioContext(); |
innerAudioContext.autoplay = true; |
import store_name from '../../components/store_name/store_name'; |
import deviceServer from '../../js/device_server'; |
import deviceApi from '../../js/device_api'; |
const showArr = { |
's14': { |
id: 14, |
name: '音响管理', |
isOpen: true, |
isClose: true, |
openIcon: '/subpackage/device/static/images/i_txt.png', |
closeIcon: '/subpackage/device/static/images/i_voice.png', |
openName: '文转音', |
closeName: '语音', |
hardware_type: 'AudioPlayer', |
tips: "点击对应音响的麦克风可以进行说话,说话内容将通过音响播放。", |
}, |
} |
import { |
mapState |
} from 'vuex'; |
import util from '../../../../utils/util'; |
export default { |
components: { |
'store-name': store_name |
}, |
computed: { |
...mapState({ |
curStoreInfo: state => state.device.curStoreInfo, |
}), |
getVoiceIcon() { |
return i => { |
return `../../static/images/i_voice_${i}.png` |
} |
}, |
}, |
watch: { |
curStoreInfo(newVal, oldVal) { |
this.deviceList = []; |
this.getDeviceList({ |
stadium_id:, |
hardware_type: this.pageInfo.hardware_type |
}) |
} |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
pageInfo: {}, |
deviceList: [], |
voicePadConfig: { |
showVoicePad: true, |
step: 1, // 0,文字转语音 1 未录音, 2 录音中, 3 录音结束 |
txt: "", |
voicePath: "", |
voiceUrl: "", |
} |
} |
}, |
onLoad(options) { |
let self = this; |
recorderManager.onStop(function(res) { |
console.log('recorder stop' + JSON.stringify(res)); |
self.voicePadConfig.voicePath = res.tempFilePath; |
}); |
let _pageInfo = showArr[`s${options.sid}`] || {}; |
this.pageInfo = _pageInfo; |
uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ |
title: |
}); |
this.getDeviceList({ |
stadium_id:, |
hardware_type: _pageInfo.hardware_type |
}) |
}, |
methods: { |
longPressHandle(e) { |
console.log("长按开始..."); |
this.voicePadConfig.step = 2 |
console.log('开始录音'); |
recorderManager.start({ |
format: "wav" |
}); |
}, |
touchEndHandle(e) { |
console.log("触摸结束..."); |
this.voicePadConfig.step = 3 |
console.log('录音结束'); |
recorderManager.stop(); |
}, |
//处理音响数据 |
HandleVoiceOperate({ |
switchInfo, |
status |
}) { |
console.log(switchInfo, status); |
if (status === 1) { //文字转语音 |
console.log("文字转语音"); |
this.voicePadConfig.showVoicePad = true |
this.voicePadConfig.step = 0 |
// this.voicePadConfig |
} else { //语音发送 |
console.log("语音发送"); |
this.voicePadConfig.showVoicePad = true |
this.voicePadConfig.step = 1 |
} |
}, |
//发送语音到中控 |
async sendVoice() { |
let that = this |
console.log(deviceApi.ORIGIN) |
//文字转语音 |
let _url = ""; //需上传给后台的语音地址 |
if(this.voicePadConfig.step==0){ |
let txt = this.voicePadConfig.txt |
_url = `${deviceApi.ORIGIN}/ouxuanac/tts/textToVoice.wav?text=${txt}&voice_type=4&speed=-1&volume=10`; |
} |
//已录音 |
if(this.voicePadConfig.step==3){ |
console.log("88888",that.voicePadConfig.voicePath); |
let e = await deviceServer.uploadFile({ |
url: deviceApi.uploadAudio, |
filePath: that.voicePadConfig.voicePath |
}); |
let _res = util.jsonPar(; |
if (_res.code == 0) { |
console.log(123, _res) |
that.voicePadConfig.voiceUrl = |
console.log("上传成功:", that.voicePadConfig.voiceUrl); |
_url = // 上传后地址 |
} else { |
console.error('上传录音失败--->', _res); |
util.showNone(_res.message || '上传录音失败,请重试!') |
return |
} |
} |
//组装中控所需data |
let _data = { |
"device": this.curStoreInfo.device_name, |
"data": { |
"name": "audio-player", |
"value": { |
"url": _url |
} |
}, |
"token": "f0d5c19b-b87e-11eb-bc7d-5254005df464" |
} |
//发送命令到中控 |
this.operateReq({ |
data: _data |
}) |
}, |
//试听语音 TODO |
async listenVoice() { |
let txt = this.voicePadConfig.txt |
console.log('播放录音', txt); |
if(this.voicePadConfig.step==0){ |
//需要将语音下载到本地,然后播放 |
let url =`${deviceApi.ORIGIN}/ouxuanac/tts/textToVoice.wav?text=${txt}&voice_type=4&speed=-1&volume=10`; |
let updated_url = await this.getDownloadUrl(url) |
innerAudioContext.src = updated_url |
} |
if(this.voicePadConfig.step==3){ |
innerAudioContext.src = this.voicePadConfig.voicePath; |
} |
if(innerAudioContext.src); |
}, |
//TODO |
getDownloadUrl(url) { |
console.log('下载录音'); |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
}) |
return "下载录音" |
}, |
getDeviceList({ |
stadium_id, |
hardware_type, |
limit = 100, |
page = 1 |
}) { |
util.showLoad(); |
deviceServer.get({ |
url: deviceApi.hardwareList, |
data: { |
'filter[hardware_type]': hardware_type, |
'filter[stadium_id]': stadium_id, |
'limit': limit, |
'page': page, |
}, |
failMsg: '加载失败!' |
}) |
.then(res => { |
util.hideLoad(); |
let _list = res.list || []; |
this.deviceList = _list; |
console.log(res) |
}) |
.catch(util.hideLoad) |
}, |
// 按钮操作, status 0 -> 关(左), 1 -> 开(右) |
operateBtn: util.debounce(function({ |
switchInfo, |
status |
}) { |
if (switchInfo.hardware_type === "AudioPlayer") return this.HandleVoiceOperate({ |
switchInfo, |
status |
}); //单独处理音响操作0704 |
let _data = this.getOperateReqData({ |
switchInfo, |
status |
}) |
//针对门禁没有关按钮发两条命令->开&关 20201224 后端: 直接发两条 关的那条这里填5 然后你那边不用管返回 |
if (switchInfo.hardware_type === 'AccessControl' && status == 1) { |
this.operateReq({ |
data: this.getOperateReqData({ |
switchInfo, |
status: 0 |
}), |
isTip: false, |
isLoad: false |
}); |
} |
this.operateReq({ |
data: _data |
}); |
}, 300, 300), |
// 获取接口参数结构 |
getOperateReqData({ |
switchInfo, |
status |
}) { |
let { |
curStoreInfo |
} = this; |
let _query = switchInfo.hardware_type === 'GateControl' ? |
this.getGateQuery({ |
switchInfo, |
status |
}) : |
this.getSwitchQuery({ |
switchInfo, |
status |
}); |
let _data = { |
device: curStoreInfo.device_name, // 中控名, |
data: _query, // 后端数据结构, 参考src\subpackage\device\js\ |
}; |
//针对门禁没有关按钮发两条命令->开&关 20201224 后端: 直接发两条 关的那条这里填5 然后你那边不用管返回 |
if (switchInfo.hardware_type === 'AccessControl' && status == 0) _data['delay'] = '5'; |
return _data; |
}, |
// 操作接口请求 |
operateReq({ |
data, |
isTip = true, |
isLoad = true |
}) { |
let that = this |
if (isLoad) util.showLoad(); |
|{ |
url: deviceApi.ouxuanac, |
data: data, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res => { |
if (isLoad) util.hideLoad(); |
if ( == 0) { |
if (isTip) util.showNone( || '操作成功!'); |
that.voicePadConfig.showVoicePad = false; //操作成功后关闭voicePad |
} else { |
if (isTip) util.showNone( || '操作失败!'); |
} |
}) |
.catch(err => { |
if (isLoad) util.hideLoad() |
}) |
}, |
// 门闸数据结构 // 门闸数据结构不统一 |
getGateQuery({ |
switchInfo, |
status |
}) { |
let { |
enter_id, |
leave_id, |
hardware_net_addr |
} = switchInfo; |
// 进出控制ID |进入-> enter_id 离开-> leave_id| |
let _cid = status === 1 ? enter_id : |
status === 0 ? leave_id : ''; |
return { |
name: 'gate', |
value: { |
tcp: hardware_net_addr + '', |
cid: _cid + '' |
}, |
is_delay: true, |
queue_group: 'gate' |
} |
}, |
// |
refreshStatusBtn: util.debounce(function({ |
switchInfo, |
index |
}) { |
this.getStatusReq({ |
data: this.getSwitchStatusQuery(switchInfo), |
index, |
}) |
}, 300, 300), |
// 获取设备状态 |
getStatusReq({ |
data, |
index |
}) { |
let _deviceList = this.deviceList.slice(); |
util.showLoad(); |
|{ |
url: deviceApi.ouxuanac, |
data: data, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res => { |
util.hideLoad(); |
let _data = || {}; |
console.log(this.changeLowerCase( |
if (_data.code == 504 || this.changeLowerCase('timeout') != -1) { |
_deviceList[index]['defineStatusCode'] = 0; |
} else if (_data.code == 0 && this.changeLowerCase('timeout') == -1) { |
_deviceList[index]['defineStatusCode'] = 1; |
} else { |
util.showNone(_data.message || '操作失败!'); |
} |
this.deviceList = _deviceList; |
// if( == 0){ |
// if(isTip)util.showNone( || '操作成功!'); |
// }else{ |
// if(isTip)util.showNone( || '操作失败!'); |
// } |
}) |
.catch(util.hideLoad) |
}, |
// 咖啡机和门闸暂时没有状态 |
// 设备状态请求参数数据结构 |
getSwitchStatusQuery(switchInfo) { |
let { |
curStoreInfo |
} = this; |
let { |
hardware_connect_method, |
hardware_type, |
hardware_id, |
node_id, |
hardware_net_addr |
} = switchInfo; |
const _query = { |
name: this.getStatusQueryName(switchInfo), |
value: { |
id: hardware_id + '', |
} // value 内值全为String |
}; |
if (this.changeLowerCase(hardware_connect_method) === 'tcp') _query.value['tcp'] = hardware_net_addr + ''; |
let _flag = this.changeLowerCase(hardware_connect_method) === 'serialport485' || this.changeLowerCase( |
hardware_connect_method) === 'tcp'; |
if (_flag) { |
if (hardware_type === 'Air') { // 空调开关状态 key为 op |
_query.value['op'] = 'status' |
_query['name'] = this.getAirQueryName(switchInfo) |
} else { |
_query.value['p'] = node_id + ''; // 硬件子id |
// postData.value['o'] = this.getRelayStatus(status); // 开关状态 |
} |
} |
return { |
device: curStoreInfo.device_name, // 中控名, |
data: _query, // 后端数据结构, 参考src\subpackage\device\js\ |
} |
// this.getStatusReq({ |
// index, |
// data: { |
// device: curStoreInfo.device_name, // 中控名, |
// data: _query, // 后端数据结构, 参考src\subpackage\device\js\ |
// } |
// }) |
}, |
// switchInfo -> 当前开关信息 |
// status -> 开关状态 0 -> 关(右), 1 -> 开(左) |
// 数据结构参考 src\subpackage\device\js\ |
// 空调开关数据结构独立判断处理 hardware_type === 'Air' |
getSwitchQuery({ |
switchInfo, |
status |
}) { |
let { |
hardware_connect_method, |
hardware_type, |
hardware_id, |
node_id, |
hardware_net_addr |
} = switchInfo; |
const postData = { |
name: this.getQueryName(switchInfo), |
value: { |
id: hardware_id + '', |
} // value 内值全为String |
}; |
if (this.changeLowerCase(hardware_connect_method) === 'gpio') postData.value['status'] = this |
.getRelayStatus(status); |
// tcp 连接需要 hardware_net_addr |
if (this.changeLowerCase(hardware_connect_method) === 'tcp') postData.value['tcp'] = hardware_net_addr + |
''; |
let _flag = this.changeLowerCase(hardware_connect_method) === 'serialport485' || this.changeLowerCase( |
hardware_connect_method) === 'tcp'; |
if (_flag) { |
if (hardware_type === 'Air') { // 空调开关状态 key为 op |
postData.value['op'] = this.getAirRelayStatus(status); |
postData['name'] = this.getAirQueryName(switchInfo) |
} else { |
// 空调设备不需要以下两个字段 |
postData.value['p'] = node_id + ''; // 硬件子id |
postData.value['o'] = this.getRelayStatus(status); // 开关状态 |
} |
} |
return postData; |
}, |
changeLowerCase(str) { |
return str.toString().toLocaleLowerCase(); |
}, |
// 常规开关状态 |
// Low = "low", // 低电位,为开启 |
// High = "high", // 高电位, 为关闭 |
getRelayStatus(status) { |
return ['high', 'low'][status] || '' |
}, |
// 空调状态 |
// status = "status", |
// on = "on", |
// off = "off", |
getAirRelayStatus(status) { |
return ['off', 'on'][status] || '' |
}, |
// 非空调获取状态name |
getStatusQueryName(switchInfo) { |
let { |
hardware_connect_method |
} = switchInfo; |
let _obj = { |
'Gpio': 'get-rpio', // 全设备 |
'SerialPort485': 'zzio404d-gpio-status', |
'Tcp': 'zzio404d-gpio-status-tcp', |
}; |
return _obj[hardware_connect_method] || '' |
}, |
// 非空调获取设置name |
getQueryName(switchInfo) { |
let { |
hardware_connect_method |
} = switchInfo; |
let _obj = { |
'Gpio': 'set-rpio', // 全设备 |
'SerialPort485': 'zzio404d-gpio', |
'Tcp': 'zzio404d-gpio-tcp', |
}; |
return _obj[hardware_connect_method] || '' |
}, |
// 空调name获取 |
getAirQueryName(switchInfo) { |
let { |
hardware_connect_method, |
hardware_model |
} = switchInfo; |
let _flag = this.changeLowerCase(hardware_connect_method) === 'tcp' && this.changeLowerCase( |
hardware_model) === 'jianda'; |
if (_flag) return 'ray-air-rs-tcp'; |
let _obj = { |
'acmelec': 'acmelec', |
'zhongnan': 'zhongnan', |
'jianda': 'ray-air-rs' |
}; |
return _obj[this.changeLowerCase(hardware_model)] || ''; |
}, |
getIcon() { |
let { |
pageInfo |
} = this; |
if (! return ''; |
return `/subpackage/device/static/images/devices/${}.png` |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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width: 100rpx; |
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.voice_img_playing { |
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height: 100rpx; |
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height: 88rpx; |
background-color: #009874; |
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After Width: 200 | Height: 200 | Size: 11 KiB |
After Width: 200 | Height: 200 | Size: 9.9 KiB |
After Width: 103 | Height: 50 | Size: 2.9 KiB |
After Width: 102 | Height: 100 | Size: 2.4 KiB |
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