9 months ago
8 changed files with 1396 additions and 481 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,869 @@ |
<template> |
<!-- 弹窗 --> |
<!-- :class="[directionClass,{'b-popup-round':round||''},{'b-popup-animation':animation||''}]" --> |
<view class="m-popup b-popup " v-if="true" > |
<view class="b-popup-shade" @click="showPopup = false"></view> |
<view class="b-popup-content"> |
<view class="b-content-view b-flex-y b-flex-c"> |
<!-- 右上角关闭按钮 --> |
<view class="b-flex-x b-flex-e b-mb-20 b-flex-as-e"> |
<text class="b-icon icon-close b-t-gray b-t-44" @click="closeChange"></text> |
</view> |
<view class="b-t-B b-t-36 b-mb-40">小程序类目设置</view> |
<!-- 可修改次数,已修改次数 --> |
<!-- <view class="b-flex-x b-mb-20"> |
<text class="b-t-28 b-t-gray">可修改次数:</text> |
<text class="b-t-28 b-t-green">{{appInfo.nickname_info.modify_quota}}</text> |
<text class="b-t-28 b-t-gray">次</text> |
<text class="b-t-28 b-t-gray b-ml-40">已修改次数:</text> |
<text class="b-t-28 b-t-red">{{appInfo.nickname_info.modify_used_count}}</text> |
<text class="b-t-28 b-t-gray">次</text> |
</view> --> |
<!-- 一键选择类目 --> |
<view class="b-flex-x b-flex-as-e b-pr-40 b-mb-40 b-mt-30"> |
<text class="b-t-28 b-t-gray" @click="fastAddCategory">一键选择体育场馆</text> |
</view> |
<picker mode="multiSelector" |
@change="bindPickerChange_queryCategories" |
@columnchange="bindPickerChange_queryCategories_column" |
:value="queryCategories_index" |
range-key="name" |
:range="queryCategories"> |
<input @click="" class="bc-input b-mb-50" disabled="true" v-model="queryCategories_show" type="text" placeholder="请选择" |
placeholder-class="input-hold-class"> |
</input> |
</picker> |
<!-- <input @click="" class="bc-input b-mb-50" disabled="true" v-model="userInputName" type="text" placeholder="请选择" |
placeholder-class="input-hold-class"> |
</input> --> |
<!-- <text class=" bc-arrow b-icon icon-right b-t-gray b-t-28 b-t-B"></text> --> |
<!-- <view class=" b-flex-x b-mt-10 b-mb-60" v-if="!checkNameRes"> |
<button class="b-btn b-btn-green b-btn-line " @click="closeChange">取消</button> |
<button class="b-btn b-btn-green b-ml-40" @click="clickSure">确定</button> |
</view> --> |
<view class="rb-line" v-if="exterList.length>0"></view> |
<view class="rb-text b-t-24 b-t-red b-p-40" v-if="exterList.length>0"> |
<text >{{exterInfo.scope||""}}</text> |
<!-- <text v-else>你申请的名称涉及特定地域范围或地理名称,需要经过平台审核后才可使用,你可以直接提交审核,或提供《商标注册证》等材料,以证明你可使用该地域范围或地理名称作为账号名称,否则可能审核不通过。</text> --> |
</view> |
<block v-if="exterList.length>0"> |
<!-- <view class="rb-radio b-flex-x b-mb-40"> |
<radio-group @change="selectChange"> |
<radio value="id_card" checked style="transform:scale(0.9)" color="#009876">个人号</radio> |
<radio value="license" style="transform:scale(0.9);margin-left: 40rpx;" color="#009876">组织号</radio> |
</radio-group> |
</view> --> |
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scroll-Y" @scroll="" scroll-left="0"> |
<view class="rb-upload-list b-flex-y b-flex-c"> |
<!-- rb-line --> |
<view v-if="true" v-for="(e,i) in exterList" class="b-flex-y b-flex-c b-mt-10 b-pb-40" > |
<view class="b-mb-20 b-t-24 b-t-B">{{i+1}}/{{exterList.length}} - {{e.name}}</view> |
<view class="b-mb-20 b-t-24 b-t-green" @click="copyUrl(e.url_origin)" v-if="e.url_origin">复制参考链接</view> |
<view class="rb-upload-item b-flex-y b-flex-c" @click="clickUploadImg(e,i)"> |
<image class="rb-upload-bg" src="../../static/regist/upload_bg.png" |
:src="e.url?e.url:imgbg" |
></image> |
<image class="rb-upload-cam" src="../../static/regist/camera.png"></image> |
<text class="rb-input-img-text">点击上传</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- <view v-if="true" class="b-flex-y b-flex-c rb-line b-mt-10" @click="clickUploadImg('license')"> |
<view class="b-mb-30 b-t-26">营业执照</view> |
<view class="rb-upload-item b-flex-y b-flex-c"> |
<image class="rb-upload-bg" src="../../static/regist/upload_bg.png"></image> |
<image class="rb-upload-cam" src="../../static/regist/camera.png"></image> |
<text class="rb-input-img-text">点击上传</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="true" class="b-flex-y b-flex-c b-mt-10" @click="clickUploadImg('naming_other_stuff_1')"> |
<view class="b-mb-30 b-t-26">关键词补充材料</view> |
<view class="rb-upload-item b-flex-y b-flex-c"> |
<image class="rb-upload-bg" src="../../static/regist/upload_bg.png"></image> |
<image class="rb-upload-cam" src="../../static/regist/camera.png"></image> |
<text class="rb-input-img-text">点击上传</text> |
</view> |
</view> --> |
<!-- <view class="b-flex-as-e b-ml-40 b-t-24 b-t-green b-t-B b-t-U">重新上传</view> --> |
</view> |
</scroll-view> |
</block> |
<view class="rb-btns b-flex-x b-mt-40 b-mb-50"> |
<button class="b-btn b-btn-green b-mr-40" @click="closeChange">取消</button> |
<button class="b-btn b-btn-green " @click="clickSure">确定</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import util from '@/utils/util'; |
import { servers } from '@/js/server'; |
import party_api from '../../js/api.js'; |
import { mapState } from 'vuex'; |
export default { |
props: { |
appInfo: { |
type: Object, |
default: ()=>({ |
// showPopup:true, |
}) |
}, |
appid: { |
type: String, |
default: '' |
}, |
queryInfo: { |
type: Object, |
default: ()=>({ |
}) |
}, |
}, |
computed: { |
...mapState(['brandInfo']), |
}, |
created(){ |
console.log("类目 oncreated ") |
this.setData() |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
showPopup:true, |
userInputName: '',//用户输入的名称 |
checkNameRes: "",//查询名称是否可用 |
selectType:"",//选择的类型 |
localImg :{ |
id_card: { |
mediaid: '', |
url: '', |
txt:"身份证照片" |
}, |
license: { |
mediaid: '', |
url: '', |
txt:"组织机构代码证或营业执照" |
}, |
naming_other_stuff_1: { |
mediaid: '', |
url: '', |
txt:"关键词补充材料" |
} |
}, |
imgbg:"../../static/regist/upload_bg.png", |
queryCategories: [[],[]],//类目二位数组 |
queryCategories_child: [],//二级子类目分类 |
queryCategories_index:[[0],[0]],//分类index二位数组 |
queryCategories_show:"请选择", |
queryCategories_sport_index:null, |
exterList: [],//敏感词附件列表 |
// exterList: [{"name":"政府/有政府职能的事业单位:提供《统一社会信用代码证》(机构类型为:机关)","url":"","mediaid":"","url_origin":""},{"name":"非政府/事业单位:提供相关政府部门的《资质授权文件》","url":"","mediaid":"","url_origin":"https://res.wx.qq.com/op_res/BPlSPJtUqcBCopjAOauMB9U_taQRxlbmQ7WTCG44uvOVMs6vXPEM8Zy9XyhU-Jn3aO2szARomffYSfMCO-I64Q"}],//敏感词附件列表 |
exterInfo:{ |
scope:"" |
}, |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
moveHandle(){}, |
closeChange(){ |
this.$emit('close'); |
}, |
async setData(){ |
util.showLoad() |
try { |
await this.getcategory() |
await this.getAllCategoriesByType() |
} catch (error) { |
console.log("setData-err", error) |
} |
util.hideLoad() |
}, |
clickCheckName(){ |
if(this.userInputName == '')return util.showNone('请输入名称!'); |
this.checkwxverifynickname(); |
}, |
async addcategory(arr){ |
let media_res = await this.getMediaidFromList() |
console.log("addcategory:",media_res) |
if(!media_res){ |
return |
} |
let _data = this.getGateWayJson("addcategory") |
let _add_cacategorie = [{ |
certicates:media_res, |
first:arr[0], |
second:arr[1], |
}] |
_data.form.categories = _add_cacategorie |
// data.appid = this.appid |
this.gatewayDo(_data).then(res => { |
console.log("addcategory:",res) |
if(res.code == 0){ |
util.showNone("添加成功") |
this.getcategory() |
} |
}) |
}, |
getMediaidFromList(){ |
let arr = [] |
let {exterList} = this |
//exterList |
if(exterList.length == 0){ |
return [] |
} |
for (var key in exterList) { |
if(exterList[key].mediaid){ |
arr.push({ |
key:exterList[key].name, |
value:exterList[key].mediaid, |
// expire_time, |
// is_permanent |
}) |
} |
} |
if(exterList.length != arr.length){ |
util.showNone("请上传所有附件") |
console.log("需要对比:",exterList,arr) |
return false |
} |
console.log(arr) |
return arr |
}, |
async clickSure(){ |
// let temp = this.getMediaidFromList() |
// console.log("clickSure:",temp) |
let msg = "注意: 最多可以设置的类目数量: 5 个;是否添加?" |
let msg_res = await util.showModalMsg(msg,true) |
if(msg_res){ |
//获取选择的服务内容类型type参数 |
let select_type = [] |
let value = this.queryCategories_index |
select_type.push(this.queryCategories[0][value[0]].id) |
select_type.push(this.queryCategories[1][value[1]].id) |
this.addcategory(select_type) |
console.log('select_type:', select_type) |
this.$emit('sure',this.appInfo); |
}else{ |
util.showNone("取消添加") |
this.$emit('close'); |
} |
}, |
async fastAddCategory(){ |
let msg_res = await util.showModalMsg("一键添加:体育场馆服务类目?",true) |
console.log("fastAddCategory:",msg_res) |
if(msg_res){ |
// this.addcategory([674, 676]) |
this.queryCategories[1] = this.queryCategories_child[0] //强制将二级分类设置为体育场馆. 前提:将体育类目放在第一个 |
this.bindPickerChange_queryCategories({target:{value:[0,0]}}) |
}else{ |
util.showNone("取消添加") |
} |
}, |
bindPickerChange_queryCategories(e) { |
console.log('picker发送选择改变,携带值为', e.target.value) |
let value = e.target.value; |
let data = "" |
this.queryCategories_index = value; |
if (this.queryCategories[0].length != 0) { |
this.queryCategories_show = this.queryCategories[0][this.queryCategories_index[0]].name |
}; |
if (this.queryCategories[1].length != 0) { |
this.queryCategories_show += '/' + this.queryCategories[1][this.queryCategories_index[1]].name |
data = this.queryCategories[1][this.queryCategories_index[1]] |
} |
console.log("bindPickerChange_queryCategories 111:",data) |
//判断选择的类目内容类型, 是否命中敏感词. 如果命中, 则显示敏感词附件列表 |
if (data.sensitive_type === 1) { |
data.qualify.exterList = []; |
data.qualify.exter_list.forEach((item) => { |
item.inner_list.forEach((item2) => { |
item2.mediaid = "";//敏感词附件列表, mediaid为空 |
item2.url_origin = item2.url;//原始url |
item2.url = "";// |
data.qualify.exterList.push(item2); |
}); |
}); |
console.log("类目命中敏感词:",data.qualify.scope,data.qualify.exterList) |
this.exterList = data.qualify.exterList |
console.log(JSON.stringify(data.qualify.exterList)) |
}else{ |
this.exterList = [] |
} |
this.exterInfo = data |
console.log("bindPickerChange_queryCategories 222:",data) |
//获取选择的服务内容类型type参数 |
let select_type = [] |
select_type.push(this.queryCategories[0][value[0]].id) |
select_type.push(this.queryCategories[1][value[1]].id) |
console.log('select_type:', select_type) |
// this.form.icp_applets.base_info.service_content_types = select_type |
}, |
bindPickerChange_queryCategories_column(e){ |
console.log(e.detail) |
// 当滚动切换一级分类时,为当前的一级分类添加它的子类 |
if (e.detail.column == 0) { |
let children_arr = this.queryCategories_child[e.detail.value] |
if(this.queryCategories_sport_index>=0){ |
this.queryCategories[1] = this.queryCategories_child[e.detail.value] |
} |
console.log("children_arr:",children_arr,e.detail.value) |
// #ifdef H5 |
// 在小程序中直接赋值无效 H5 可直接赋值 |
this.queryCategories[1] = children_arr |
// #endif |
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN |
// 在 H5 环境下 $set 会导致一级分类无法滚动, 小程序正常运行 |
this.$set(this.queryCategories, 1, children_arr) |
// #endif |
} |
}, |
copyUrl(url){ |
uni.setClipboardData({ |
data: url, |
success: function () { |
util.showNone('复制成功') |
} |
}); |
}, |
async clickUploadImg(e,i){ |
//for (e,i) in exterList |
let {exterList} = this |
exterList[i].url = await this.getLocalImg(); |
console.log("clickUploadImg-local:", exterList[i].url) |
exterList[i].mediaid = await this.getUploadImgMediaId(exterList[i].url); |
console.log("clickUploadImg-mediaid:", exterList[i].mediaid) |
//当需要回显数据时, 同时上传图片到服务器 |
// this.localImg[which].url = await this.getUploadImgURL(this.localImg[which].url); |
}, |
resetLocalImg(){ |
this.localImg = { |
id_card: { |
mediaid: '', |
url: '', |
txt:"身份证照片" |
}, |
license: { |
mediaid: '', |
url: '', |
txt:"组织机构代码证或营业执照" |
}, |
naming_other_stuff_1: { |
mediaid: '', |
url: '', |
txt:"关键词补充材料" |
} |
} |
}, |
getUploadImgURL(tempFilePath){ |
return servers.uploadFile({ |
url: party_api.webUpload, |
filePath: tempFilePath, |
name: 'file', |
formData: {} |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
console.log("uploadFile-res", res) |
if(res.statusCode == 200){ |
// console.log("uploadFile-url 上传成功1", res.data.data.url) |
let _data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res.data)) |
console.log("uploadFile-url return type", typeof(_data)) |
// console.log("uploadFile-url 上传成功 接口真正数据", JSON.parse(_data)) |
_data = JSON.parse(_data).data |
return _data.url |
} |
}) |
.catch(err=>{ |
console.log("uploadFile-err", err) |
}) |
}, |
//从相册获取照片 |
getLocalImg() { |
console.log("clickUploadImg"); |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
uni.chooseImage({ |
count: 1, |
sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], |
sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], |
success: (res) => { |
console.log("chooseImage", res) |
let tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths[0]; |
resolve(tempFilePaths) |
}, |
fail: (err) => { |
console.log("chooseImage-err", err) |
reject(err) |
} |
}); |
}) |
}, |
getUploadImgMediaId(tempFilePath){ |
let appid = this.appid |
let _param_str = `module=/cgi-bin/media/upload&appid=${appid}` |
let _url = party_api.gatewayDoDuplicate+"?"+_param_str |
return servers.uploadFile({ |
url: _url, |
filePath: tempFilePath, |
name: 'image', |
formData: { |
'form.type':"image" |
} |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
console.log("uploadFile-gatewayDoDuplicate-res", res) |
if(res.statusCode == 200){ |
let _data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res.data)) |
console.log("uploadFile-url return type", typeof(_data)) |
_data = JSON.parse(_data).data |
console.log("uploadFile-gatewayDoDuplicate-上传成功 接口真正数据", _data) |
return _data.media_id |
} |
}) |
.catch(err=>{ |
console.log("uploadFile-err", err) |
}) |
}, |
getUploadImgURL(tempFilePath){ |
return servers.uploadFile({ |
url: party_api.webUpload, |
filePath: tempFilePath, |
name: 'file', |
formData: {} |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
console.log("uploadFile-res", res) |
if(res.statusCode == 200){ |
// console.log("uploadFile-url 上传成功1", res.data.data.url) |
let _data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res.data)) |
console.log("uploadFile-url return type", typeof(_data)) |
// console.log("uploadFile-url 上传成功 接口真正数据", JSON.parse(_data)) |
_data = JSON.parse(_data).data |
return _data.url |
} |
}) |
.catch(err=>{ |
console.log("uploadFile-err", err) |
}) |
}, |
setnickname(){ |
let _data = this.getGateWayJson('setnickname') |
_data.form.nick_name = this.userInputName |
_data.form.id_card = this.localImg.id_card.mediaid |
_data.form.license = this.localImg.license.mediaid |
console.log("setnickname:",_data) |
return servers.post({ |
url: party_api.gatewayDo, |
data: _data, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
console.log("setnickname:", res.data) |
if(res.data.code!=0){ |
util.showNone("设置失败") |
console.log("setnickname-err", res.data) |
}else{ |
util.showNone('设置成功') |
} |
}) |
.catch(err=>{ |
console.log("setnickname-err", err) |
}) |
}, |
checkwxverifynickname(){ |
this.checkNameRes = {} |
let _data = this.getGateWayJson('checkwxverifynickname') |
_data.form.nick_name = this.userInputName |
console.log("getaccountbasicinfo:",_data) |
servers.post({ |
url: party_api.gatewayDo, |
data: _data, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
console.log("checkwxverifynickname:", res.data) |
if(res.data.code!=0){ |
util.showNone("名称不可用") |
console.log("checkwxverifynickname-err", res.data) |
}else{ |
util.showNone('名称可用') |
if(!res.data.data.hit_condition){ |
res.data.message = '名称可用(注意:改名次数将在自然年 1 月 1 日和微信认证审核通过后重置为 2 次.请慎重修改.)' |
} |
} |
this.checkNameRes = res.data |
console.log("checkwxverifynickname123123:", this.checkNameRes) |
}) |
.catch(err=>{ |
console.log("checkwxverifynickname-err", err) |
}) |
}, |
gatewayDo(postJson) { |
// postJson.token = "2187a643-4d4a-11ee-a364-5254005df464" |
let url = party_api.gatewayDo |
// #ifdef H5 |
url+= "?token=" + "2187a643-4d4a-11ee-a364-5254005df464" |
// #endif |
if(this.appid) postJson.appid = this.appid |
return servers.post({ |
url: url, |
data: postJson, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res => { |
console.log("gatewayDo 0 :", res.data) |
if(res.data.code!=0){ |
return util.showNone(res.data.message) |
}else{ |
return res.data |
} |
}) |
.catch(err => { |
console.log("gatewayDo-err", err) |
}) |
}, |
getGateWayJson(jname){ |
let appid = this.appid |
let _data = party_api["gatewayDoJson"][jname] |
if(!appid){ |
console.error("当前page中: this.appid不存在") |
return util.showNone("appid不存在") |
} |
if(!_data){ |
console.error("先去api.js定义透传数据:",jname) |
return util.showNone("接口不存在") |
} |
_data.appid = appid; |
return _data |
}, |
confirmChange(){ |
let { brandInfo, orderInfo, input_amount, selectType } = this |
if(input_amount == '')return util.showNone('请输入金额!'); |
util.showLoad(); |
deviceServer.get({ |
url: deviceApi.timeOrderEnd, |
data: { |
brand_id: brandInfo.brand.id, |
order_no: orderInfo.order_no, |
pay_amount: parseFloat(input_amount), |
end_type: selectType==1?'end_timing':selectType==2?'end_order':'', |
}, |
failMsg: '加载失败!' |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
util.hideLoad() |
util.showNone('操作成功!'); |
this.$emit('close'); |
// setTimeout(()=>uni.navigateBack(),1200); |
this.$emit('timeEndBtn'); |
}) |
}, |
async getAllCategoriesByType() { |
try { |
const res = await this.gatewayDo({ |
appid: this.appid, |
module: '/cgi-bin/wxopen/getcategoriesbytype', |
method: 'POST', |
form: { |
verify_type: 1 |
} |
}); |
console.log("getAllCategoriesByType:", res.data.errcode,res) |
if (res.data.errcode === 0) { |
/* |
getTwoArrFromWX(res,needSportFirst,needSportOnly) |
如: |
res,true,true:只需要体育类目 |
res,false,true:只需要体育类目 |
res,true,false:将体育类目放在第一个 |
res,false,false:使用默认数据,可选所有类目 |
*/ |
let obj = this.getTwoArrFromWX(res,true,false)//只需要体育类目 |
console.log("obj:",obj) |
this.queryCategories = obj.array_obj; |
this.queryCategories_child = obj.child_arr; |
this.queryCategories_sport_index = obj.index_sport; |
} else { |
util.showNone(res.data.errmsg); |
} |
// getAllCategoriesByType |
} catch (error) { |
} |
}, |
getTwoArrFromWX(res,needSportFirst=false,needSportOnly = false) { |
if(needSportOnly){//只需要体育类目 |
needSportFirst = true |
} |
let categories = res.data.categories_list.categories |
let firstLevel = [] |
firstLevel = categories.filter((item) => item.level === 1).map((item) => { |
return { |
...item, |
sub_list: categories.filter( |
(item2) => item2.father === item.id |
) |
}; |
}); |
//生成二维数组给uni: [[],[]] |
let array = [[],[]] |
let array_type = [[],[]] |
let array_obj = [[],[]] //携带type,name等信息的二位数组 |
let child_arr = [] |
firstLevel.forEach((item) => { |
// array[0].push(item.name) |
// array_type[0].push(item.type) |
array_obj[0].push(item) |
// let children_name = item.children.map((item1) => { |
// return item1.name |
// }) |
// array[1].push(children_name) |
// let children_type = item.children.map((item1) => { |
// return item1.type |
// }) |
// array_type[1].push(children_type) |
}) |
child_arr = firstLevel.map((item) => item.sub_list)// 将数据源中的二级分类 push 进 childArr,作为二级分类的数据源 |
let _index_sport=""; |
if(needSportFirst){ //是否需要将体育类目放在第一个 |
//将array_obj[0]中id=674的元素移动到第一个 |
_index_sport = array_obj[0].findIndex((item)=>item.id==674) |
console.log("_index_sport:",_index_sport) |
if(_index_sport>0){ |
let _temp = array_obj[0][_index_sport] |
array_obj[0].splice(_index_sport,1) |
array_obj[0].unshift(_temp) |
let _temp_child = child_arr[_index_sport] |
child_arr.splice(_index_sport,1) |
child_arr.unshift(_temp_child) |
} |
} |
// if(!needSportFirst) |
array_obj[1].push(...child_arr[0]) //// 第一次打开时,默认给一级分类添加它的二级分类 |
if(needSportOnly){//只需要体育类目 |
array_obj[0].splice(1,array_obj[0].length-1) |
} |
return { |
firstLevel, //后台管理picker数据: [{一级name,type,children:[二级]},...] |
// array, //uni picker数据: [[一级name],[二级name]] |
// array_type,//uni picker type数据: [[一级type],[二级type]] |
array_obj,//uni picker obj数据: [[一级obj],[二级obj]] |
child_arr,//二级分类数据源 |
index_sport:_index_sport,//需要移动的位置 |
} |
// this.queryIcpServiceContentTypes = firstLevel; |
}, |
getcategory(){ |
let data = { |
"appid":"wxeb7efb9a1cbdd554", |
"module":"/cgi-bin/wxopen/getcategory", |
"method":"GET", |
"form":{} |
} |
data.appid = this.appid |
return servers.post({ |
url: party_api.gatewayDo, |
data: data, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
console.log("getcategory:", res.data) |
if(res.data.code!=0){ |
return util.showNone("errcode:"+res.data.errcode+"-"+res.data.errmsg) |
}else{ |
this.categoryInfo = res.data.data |
return res.data |
} |
}) |
.catch(err=>{ |
console.log("getcategory-err", err) |
}) |
}, |
selectBtn(type){ |
this.selectType = type |
}, |
selectChange(e){ |
console.log(e.detail) |
this.selectType = e.detail.value |
}, |
}, |
} |
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Reference in new issue