2 years ago
4 changed files with 228 additions and 262 deletions
@ -1,276 +1,215 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="content" v-if="show"> |
<view class="win-mask"></view> |
<view class="win-operate"> |
<image mode="aspectFit" src="/static/images/icon/retail/close.png" @click="onClose"></image> |
<text class="win-title">请选择储值卡</text> |
<view class="win-card"> |
<view class="win-card-search"> |
<image v-if="searchCardValue?false:true" mode="aspectFit" src="/static/images/icon/retail/search.png"></image> |
<input v-model="searchCardValue" @change="searchCardList" placeholder="请输入微信昵称/手机号码/储值卡号搜索" placeholder-style="win-card-search-input-placeholder"> |
</view> |
<view class="win-card-list"> |
<view class="win-card-list-item" v-for="(item, index) in cardList" :key="index" @click="onCardClick(item)" :style="{borderColor:item.mark===choosePath?'#009874':'#979797'}"> |
<view>储值卡卡号:<text :style="{color:item.color.card_no}">{{ item.card_no }}</text></view> |
<view>微信昵称:<text :style="{color:item.color.nickname}">{{ item.nickname }}</text></view> |
<view>手机号码:<text :style="{color:item.color.mobile}">{{ item.mobile }}</text></view> |
<view>卡名称:<text :style="{color:item.color.card_name}">{{ item.card_name }}</text></view> |
<view>卡余额:<text :style="{color:item.color.balance}">¥{{ item.balance }}</text></view> |
<image mode="aspectFit" :src="item.mark"></image> |
<view class="card-search-modal" v-show="isShow"> |
<view class="csm-container"> |
<view class="cc-tit">请选择储值卡</view> |
<image |
class="cc-close" |
mode="aspectFit" |
src="/subpackage/common/static/images/x_close.png" |
@click="hide" |
></image> |
<view class="cc-search"> |
<input |
type="text" |
class="cs-input" |
placeholder="请输入微信昵称/手机号码/储值卡号搜索" |
confirm-type="search" |
v-model="searchKey" |
@confirm="getCanUseValueCardList" |
/> |
</view> |
<scroll-view class="cc-list" scroll-y> |
<view class="cl-item" v-for="(e, i) in cardLs" :key="i" @click="selectedCard = e"> |
<view class="ci-content"> |
<view class="cc-line"><text class="cc-txt">储值卡卡号:</text>NO.{{ e.card_no || '-' }}</view> |
<view class="cc-line green"><text class="cc-txt">微信昵称:</text>{{ e.nickname || '-' }}</view> |
<view class="cc-line"><text class="cc-txt">手机号码:</text>{{ e.mobile || '-' }}</view> |
<view class="cc-line"><text class="cc-txt">卡名称:</text>{{ e.card_name || '-' }}</view> |
<view class="cc-line"><text class="cc-txt">卡余额:</text>¥{{ e.amount || '0' }}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="ci-icon" :class="[selectedCard.card_no==e.card_no?'active':'']"> |
<image class="ci-img" mode="aspectFit" src="/subpackage/common/static/images/choose.png"></image> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="win-way-confirm"><button hover-class="hover-active" @click="onConfirm">确定</button></view> |
<view class="win-iphonex-block"></view> |
</scroll-view> |
<view class="cc-btn" hover-class="hover-active" @click="confirmBtn">确定</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import util from '../../../utils/util.js'; |
import server from '../js/server'; |
import api from '../js/api'; |
export default { |
props: [ |
"show", "price", "storeId", "brandId" |
], |
data() { |
return { |
cardList: [], // 储值卡列表 |
choosePath: "/static/images/icon/retail/choose.png", |
noChoosePath: "/static/images/icon/retail/noChoose.png", |
curCardChoose: null, |
searchCardValue: "", |
} |
import util from '../../../utils/util.js'; |
import server from '../js/server.js'; |
import API from '../js/api.js'; |
export default { |
props: { |
sid: { |
type: String, |
default: '' |
}, |
created() { |
amount: { |
type: String, |
default: '' |
}, |
methods: { |
// 储值卡点击 |
onCardClick(item) { |
this.curCardChoose = item; |
for (let i = 0; i < this.cardList.length; ++i) this.cardList[i].mark = this.noChoosePath; |
this.curCardChoose.mark = this.choosePath; |
}, |
// 获取储值卡列表 |
searchCardList() { |
if (!this.searchCardValue) { |
this.cardList = []; |
this.curCardChoose = null; |
// util.showNone("请输入微信昵称/手机号码/储值卡号搜索"); |
return; |
} |
let _this = this; |
this.cardList = []; |
util.showLoad(); |
server.get({ |
url: api.assistantGetValueCardList, |
data: { |
brand_id: this.brandId, |
stadium_id: this.storeId, |
total_amount: this.price, |
key: this.searchCardValue, |
}, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
failMsg: '搜索失败!' |
}).then(res => { |
util.hideLoad(); |
if (res.data.code == 0) { |
let color = "#333"; |
for (let i = 0; i < res.data.data.length; ++i) { |
_this.cardList.push(res.data.data[i]); |
_this.cardList[i].mark = this.noChoosePath; |
_this.cardList[i].color = { |
card_no: color, nickname: color, mobile: color, card_name: color, balance: color |
}; |
for (let j = 0; j < res.data.data[i].match_key_fields.length; ++j) |
_this.cardList[i].color[res.data.data[i].match_key_fields[j]] = "#009874"; |
} |
if (_this.cardList.length) { |
_this.cardList[0].mark = _this.choosePath; |
this.curCardChoose = _this.cardList[0]; |
} |
else { |
util.showNone("查询不到该储值卡信息,请检查重新输入"); |
} |
} |
else { |
util.showNone(res.data.message || '操作失败!'); |
} |
}); |
}, |
// 重置数据 |
resetData() { |
this.curCardChoose = null; |
this.cardList = []; |
this.searchCardValue = ""; |
}, |
// 关闭窗口 |
onClose() { |
this.$emit("update:onClose", false); |
}, |
// 支付确定 |
onConfirm() { |
if (!this.curCardChoose) { |
util.showNone("请搜索选择储值卡!"); |
return; |
} |
this.$emit("update:onConfirm", this.curCardChoose); |
this.onClose(); |
} |
}, |
data(){ |
return { |
isShow: false, |
searchKey: '', |
cardLs: [], |
selectedCard: {}, |
} |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
// 关闭 |
hide(){ |
this.isShow = false; |
this.$emit('hide'); |
}, |
show(){ |
this.isShow = true; |
this.$emit('show'); |
}, |
confirmBtn(){ |
let { selectedCard } = this; |
if(!selectedCard?.card_no)return util.showNone('请选择储值卡'); |
this.hide(); |
this.$emit('confirm', selectedCard); |
}, |
getCanUseValueCardList(){ |
let { sid, amount, searchKey } = this; |
this.cardLs = []; |
this.selectedCard = {}; |
util.showLoad(); |
server.get({ |
url: API.canUseValueCardList, |
data: { |
stadium_id: sid, |
amount: amount, |
key: searchKey, |
}, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res => { |
util.hideLoad(); |
if(res.data.code == 0){ |
let _ls = res?.data?.data?.list || []; |
if(!_ls.length)return util.showNone('暂无可用储值卡'); |
this.cardLs = _ls; |
}else{ |
util.showNone(res.data.message || '获取储值卡列表失败'); |
} |
console.log(res); |
}) |
.catch(util.hideLoad); |
}, |
}, |
} |
</script> |
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width: 100%; |
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> view { |
color: #9c9c9f; |
font-size: 28rpx; |
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> text { |
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After Width: 34 | Height: 34 | Size: 233 B |
Reference in new issue