4 years ago
18 changed files with 1483 additions and 38 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="authorize-modal"> |
<view class="am-content"> |
<view class="ac-tit">微信授权</view> |
<view class="ac-tip">您的信息和数据将受到保护</view> |
<image class="ac-img" mode="aspectFit" src="/static/images/authorize.png"></image> |
<view class="ac-btns"> |
<button plain class="ab-btn" hover-class="hover-active" @click="cancel">取消</button> |
<button |
plain |
class="ab-btn" |
hover-class="hover-active" |
open-type="getUserInfo" |
lang="zh_CN" |
@getuserinfo="getUserInfo" |
>授权并登录</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { API } from '../../js/api'; |
import { servers } from '../../js/server'; |
import util from '../../utils/util'; |
import Vuex from 'vuex'; |
const uniLogin = util.promisify(uni.login); |
export default { |
methods: { |
cancel(){ |
this.closeThis(); |
}, |
closeThis(){ |
this.$emit('close'); |
}, |
async getUserInfo(userRes){ |
if(!userRes.detail.userInfo){ |
this.$emit('loginFail'); |
this.closeThis(); |
return util.showNone('获取用户信息失败!请稍后重试'); |
} |
let loginRes = await uniLogin(); |
if(!loginRes.code){ |
this.$emit('loginFail'); |
this.closeThis(); |
return util.showNone('获取登陆凭证失败!稍后重试'); |
} |
const APPID = uni.getAccountInfoSync().miniProgram.appId; |
util.showLoad(); |
servers.post({ |
url: API.wechatMiniAppLoginAndSync, |
data: { |
code:loginRes.code, |
appid:APPID, |
encryptedData:userRes.detail.encryptedData, |
iv:userRes.detail.iv, |
'avatar_url': userRes.detail.userInfo.avatarUrl, |
...userRes.detail.userInfo, |
}, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
util.hideLoad(); |
if(res.data.code == 0){ |
util.showNone(res.data.message || '登陆成功!'); |
let _data = res.data.data; |
uni.setStorageSync('token',_data.token); |
uni.setStorageSync('userInfo',_data.user); |
this.$emit('loginSuccess',res); |
setTimeout(_=>this.closeThis(), 1200); |
}else{ |
util.showNone(res.data.message || '后台登陆失败!'); |
this.$emit('loginFail'); |
setTimeout(_=>this.closeThis(), 1200); |
} |
}).catch(util.hideLoad) |
// this.$store.dispatch('initStoreInfo') |
// .then(store=>console.log('店铺信息---',store)) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
@import "../../style/public.scss"; |
.authorize-modal{ |
position: fixed; |
left: 0; |
right: 0; |
top: 0; |
bottom: 0; |
background-color: rgba($color: #000, $alpha: .5); |
z-index: 10; |
.am-content{ |
position: absolute; |
left: 50%; |
top: 50%; |
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); |
padding-top: 60upx; |
width: 626upx; |
border-radius: 16upx; |
background-color: #fff; |
.ac-tit{ |
margin-bottom: 22upx; |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 44upx; |
font-size: 32upx; |
color: #181818; |
} |
.ac-tip{ |
margin-bottom: 50upx; |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 40upx; |
font-size: 28upx; |
color: #9A9A9D; |
} |
.ac-img{ |
display: block; |
margin: 0 auto; |
width: 488upx; |
height: 416upx; |
} |
.ac-btns{ |
padding: 60upx 56upx 80upx; |
@include centerFlex(space-between); |
.ab-btn{ |
height: 88upx; |
width: 240upx; |
line-height: 84upx; |
text-align: center; |
border: 2upx solid #C9C9CB; |
border-radius: 44upx; |
font-size: 28upx; |
color: #9a9a9d; |
&+.ab-btn{ |
background-color: $themeColor; |
border-color: $themeColor; |
color: #fff; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
export const ORIGIN = ``; // 测试
// export const ORIGIN = ``; // 正式
export const API = { |
ex: `${ORIGIN}/test/test`, |
} |
export default { ORIGIN, API }; |
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ |
import util from '../utils/util'; |
// import { app as vm } from '../main';
const islog = true; |
export class Server { |
request(url,data,method,header,isDefaultGet,failMsg){ |
return new Promise(async (rs,rj)=>{ |
// const _store = vm.$store;
// let storeInfo = _store.state.storeInfo || null;
// if(storeInfo)data['brand_id'] = storeInfo.brand_id;
const _token = uni.getStorageSync('token') || ''; |
if(_token)data['token'] = _token; |
if(method === 'POST'&&_token)url = url + `?token=${_token}` |
uni.request({ |
url, |
data, |
header: {...header}, // 设置请求的 header // {'custom-header': 'application/json'}
success: res=>{ |
if(islog)console.log('req success---->',{ |
link: url, |
query: data, |
method: method, |
data: res, |
}) |
if(isDefaultGet){ |
if(failMsg == '')throw Error('默认回调,失败提示不能为空 key -> failMsg'); |
defaultGet({ |
url, |
data, |
res, |
failMsg, |
resolve: rs, |
reject: rj |
}); |
return |
} |
rs(res); |
}, |
fail: err=>{ |
if(islog)console.log('req fail---->',{ |
link: url, |
query: data, |
method: method, |
data: err, |
}) |
util.hideLoad(); |
if(typeof(err.errMsg) == 'string'&&(err.errMsg.indexOf('timeout')!=-1 || err.errMsg.indexOf('interrupted')!=-1 || err.errMsg.indexOf('请求超时')!=-1)){ |
util.showNone('网络超时!'); |
}else if(typeof(err.errMsg) == 'string'){ |
util.showNone(err.errMsg); |
}else{ |
util.showNone('请求数据失败!请检查当前网络状态。'); |
} |
rj(err); |
}, |
}) |
}) |
function defaultGet({res,failMsg,resolve,reject,url,data}){ |
if(res.data.code == 0){ |
resolve(res.data.data); |
}else{ |
util.hideLoad(); |
util.showNone(res.data.message || failMsg || ''); |
reject({url,res,data}); |
} |
} |
} |
get({url,data={},header={},isDefaultGet=true,failMsg=''}){ |
return this.request(url,data,'GET',header,isDefaultGet,failMsg); |
} |
post({url,data={},header={'custom-header': 'application/json'},isDefaultGet=true,failMsg=''}){ |
return this.request(url,data,'POST',header,isDefaultGet,failMsg); |
} |
uploadFile({url,filePath,onProgressCallBack,formData={}}){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
let uploadTask = wx.uploadFile({ |
url,filePath,formData,name:'file',success:rs,fail:rj |
}) |
uploadTask.onProgressUpdate(res=>onProgressCallBack&&onProgressCallBack(res)) |
}) |
} |
} |
export const servers = new Server(); |
export default { servers, Server }; |
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="feedback-container"> |
<view class="fc-textarea"> |
<textarea placeholder="请输入您的反馈、建议或者发现的问题"></textarea> |
</view> |
<view class="fc-tit"><text>上传照片</text>(最多上传3张,只支持.jpg、png 格式)</view> |
<view class="fc-imgs"> |
<view class="fi-item" v-for="i in 5" :key="i"> |
<image class="fi-img"></image> |
<image class="fi-close"></image> |
</view> |
<view class="fi-item fi-add"> |
<view></view> |
<view>上传照片</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="fc-fixed-bar"> |
<view hover-class="hover-active">保存</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
} |
</script> |
<style lang='scss'> |
@import '~style/public.scss'; |
page{ |
background-color: #fff; |
} |
.feedback-container{ |
padding-top: 44upx; |
padding-bottom: 108upx; |
padding-bottom: calc( 108upx + constant(safe-area-inset-bottom)); /* 兼容 iOS < 11.2 */ |
padding-bottom: calc( 108upx + env(safe-area-inset-bottom)); /* 兼容 iOS >= 11.2 */ |
.fc-textarea{ |
padding: 20upx; |
margin: 0 auto 36upx; |
width: 692upx; |
height: 360upx; |
border-radius: 10upx; |
border: 2upx solid #D8D8D8; |
>textarea{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
font-size: 28upx; |
line-height: 40upx; |
color: #1a1a1a; |
} |
} |
.fc-tit{ |
padding: 0 30upx; |
margin-bottom: 24upx; |
line-height: 44upx; |
font-size: 24upx; |
color: #9a9a9d; |
@include textHide(1); |
>text{ |
font-size: 32upx; |
color: #333; |
} |
} |
.fc-imgs{ |
padding-left: 6upx; |
font-size: 0; |
.fi-item{ |
position: relative; |
margin: 0 24upx 24upx; |
display: inline-block; |
width: 200upx; |
height: 200upx; |
background-color: skyblue; |
border-radius: 10upx; |
overflow: hidden; |
&.fi-add{ |
padding-top: 36upx; |
>view{ |
&:first-child{ |
position: relative; |
margin: 0 auto 30upx; |
width: 60upx; |
height: 60upx; |
&::before{ |
content: ''; |
position: absolute; |
left: 50%; |
top: 50%; |
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); |
width: 60upx; |
height: 4upx; |
background-color: #d8d8d8; |
} |
&::after{ |
content: ''; |
position: absolute; |
left: 50%; |
top: 50%; |
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); |
height: 60upx; |
width: 4upx; |
background-color: #d8d8d8; |
} |
} |
&+view{ |
text-align: center; |
font-size: 28upx; |
color: #9a9a9d; |
} |
} |
} |
.fi-img{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
background-color: slateblue; |
} |
.fi-close{ |
position: absolute; |
right: 6upx; |
top: 6upx; |
width: 40upx; |
height: 40upx; |
background-color: red; |
} |
} |
} |
.fc-fixed-bar{ |
position: fixed; |
width: 100%; |
left: 0; |
bottom: 0; |
padding: 10upx 20upx; |
padding-bottom: calc( 10upx + constant(safe-area-inset-bottom)); /* 兼容 iOS < 11.2 */ |
padding-bottom: calc( 10upx + env(safe-area-inset-bottom)); /* 兼容 iOS >= 11.2 */ |
>view{ |
height: 88upx; |
line-height: 88upx; |
text-align: center; |
border-radius: 44upx; |
font-size: 32upx; |
background-color: $themeColor; |
color: #fff; |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,49 +1,215 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="content"> |
<image class="logo" src="/static/logo.png"></image> |
<view> |
<text class="title">{{title}}</text> |
<view class="index-container"> |
<view class="ic-header"> |
<!-- <button hover-class="hover-active">前往登录</button> --> |
<view class="ih-store-name"> |
<view>广州欧轩智能场馆(共6家)</view> |
<image></image> |
</view> |
<view class="ih-tip">本月课时</view> |
<view class="ih-num">0</view> |
</view> |
<view class="ic-notice"> |
<view class="in-left"> |
<image></image> |
<text>欧轩智能场馆商家助手上线啦!</text> |
</view> |
<view class="in-right"> |
<view>99</view> |
<image></image> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="ic-tab-section"> |
<view class="its-item" v-for="e in 8" :key="e"> |
<image></image> |
<view>我的课程</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="ic-feedback"> |
<view class="if-right"> |
<image></image> |
<text>在线反馈</text> |
</view> |
<image></image> |
</view> |
<authorize-modal v-if="false"></authorize-modal> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import authorize_modal from '../../components/authorize_modal/authorize_modal'; |
export default { |
data() { |
return { |
title: 'Hello' |
} |
components: { |
'authorize-modal': authorize_modal |
}, |
onLoad() { |
data(){ |
return { |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
onLoad(){ |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
.content { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
} |
.logo { |
height: 200rpx; |
width: 200rpx; |
margin: 200rpx auto 50rpx auto; |
} |
<style lang="scss"> |
@import '~style/public.scss'; |
.index-container{ |
padding-top: 24upx; |
padding: 24upx; |
.ic-header{ |
padding-top: 66upx; |
margin-bottom: 24upx; |
height: 364upx; |
border-radius: 10upx; |
background-color: $themeColor; |
button{ |
margin: 0 auto 42upx; |
padding: 0; |
width: 160upx; |
line-height: 40upx; |
height: 40upx; |
text-align: center; |
border-radius: 20upx; |
border: none; |
font-size: 28upx; |
background-color: #fff; |
color: $themeColor; |
} |
.ih-store-name{ |
margin-top: 22upx; |
margin-bottom: 10upx; |
@include centerFlex(center); |
>view{ |
max-width: 80%; |
line-height: 50upx; |
text-align: center; |
font-size: 36upx; |
font-weight: 500; |
color: #fff; |
@include textHide(1); |
} |
>image{ |
margin-left: 20upx; |
width: 28upx; |
height: 28upx; |
background-color: skyblue; |
} |
} |
.ih-tip{ |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 40upx; |
font-size: 28upx; |
color: rgba($color: #fff, $alpha: .7); |
} |
.ih-num{ |
padding: 0 20upx; |
font-size: 104upx; |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 146upx; |
font-weight: 600; |
color: #fff; |
@include textHide(1); |
} |
} |
@mixin sec{ |
margin-bottom: 24upx; |
border-radius: 10upx; |
background-color: #fff; |
} |
.ic-notice{ |
padding: 0 24upx; |
height: 108upx; |
@include sec; |
@include centerFlex(space-between); |
.in-left{ |
flex-shrink: 0; |
flex-grow: 1; |
font-size: 28upx; |
color: #1a1a1a; |
@include textHide(1); |
>image{ |
vertical-align: middle; |
width: 52upx; |
height: 52upx; |
margin-right: 10upx; |
background-color: skyblue; |
} |
.text-area { |
display: flex; |
justify-content: center; |
} |
} |
.in-right{ |
@include centerFlex(flex-end); |
>view{ |
margin-right: 14upx; |
width: 40upx; |
height: 40upx; |
border-radius: 50%; |
background-color: #EA5061; |
line-height: 40upx; |
text-align: center; |
font-size: 24upx; |
color: #fff; |
@include textHide(1); |
} |
>image{ |
flex-shrink: 0; |
width: 28upx; |
height: 28upx; |
background-color: skyblue; |
} |
} |
} |
.ic-tab-section{ |
padding: 10upx 0; |
font-size: 0; |
@include sec; |
.its-item{ |
display: inline-block; |
padding: 30upx 10upx; |
width: 33.33%; |
height: auto; |
>image{ |
background-color: skyblue; |
margin: 0 auto 20upx; |
display: block; |
width: 52upx; |
height: 52upx; |
} |
>view{ |
text-align: center; |
height: 40upx; |
line-height: 40upx; |
font-size: 28upx; |
color: #1a1a1a; |
@include textHide(1); |
} |
} |
} |
.ic-feedback{ |
padding: 0 24upx; |
height: 108upx; |
@include sec; |
@include centerFlex(space-between); |
.if-right{ |
font-size: 28upx; |
line-height: 40upx; |
color: #1a1a1a; |
@include textHide(1); |
>image{ |
vertical-align: middle; |
margin-right: 16upx; |
width: 52upx; |
height: 52upx; |
background-color: skyblue; |
} |
} |
>image{ |
flex-shrink: 0; |
flex-grow: 0; |
width: 28upx; |
height: 28upx; |
background-color: skyblue; |
} |
} |
.title { |
font-size: 36rpx; |
color: #8f8f94; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="login-container"> |
<view class="lc-header"> |
<view class="lh-logo"></view> |
<view class="lh-name">欧轩智能场馆</view> |
</view> |
<view class="lc-form"> |
<view class="lf-frame"><input placeholder="请输入品牌ID" v-model="formData.brand_id" /></view> |
<view class="lf-frame"><input placeholder="请输入账号" v-model="formData.account" /></view> |
<view class="lf-frame"><input placeholder="请输入密码" v-model="formData.password" password /></view> |
</view> |
<button |
class="lf-btn" |
hover-class="hover-active" |
open-type="getUserInfo" |
lang="zh_CN" |
@getuserinfo="submitBtn" |
>登录</button> |
<!-- <view class="lf-tip">提示:请联系管理员添加您为员工账号</view> |
<view class="lf-bot-btn" @click="toWebView">成为商家</view> --> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { API } from '../../js/api'; |
import { servers } from '../../js/server'; |
import util from '../../utils/util'; |
const uniGetSetting = util.promisify(uni.getSetting); |
const uniLogin = util.promisify(uni.login); |
const APPID = ''; |
export default { |
data(){ |
return { |
formData: { |
brand_id: '', |
account: '', |
password: '', |
} |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
async submitBtn(userRes){ |
try{ |
util.showLoad(); |
if(!userRes.detail.userInfo){ |
util.hideLoad(); |
return util.showNone('获取用户信息失败!请稍后重试'); |
} |
let loginRes = await uniLogin(); |
if(!loginRes.code){ |
util.hideLoad(); |
return util.showNone('获取登陆凭证失败!稍后重试'); |
} |
let userInfo = userRes.detail || {}; |
console.log(userRes) |
let { formData } = this; |
servers.post({ |
url: API.WechatMiniApplogin, |
data: { |
appid: APPID, |
code: loginRes.code, |
encryptedData: userInfo.encryptedData, |
// is_details: 1, |
// 后端解密错误,直接传用户信息 |
user_info: userInfo.userInfo, |
user_raw_data: userInfo.rawData, |
...userInfo.userInfo, |
username: formData.account, |
password: formData.password, |
brand_id: formData.brand_id, |
}, |
isDefaultGet: false, |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
util.hideLoad(); |
let _data = res.data || {}; |
if(_data.code == 0){ |
util.showNone(_data.message || '操作成功!'); |
uni.setStorageSync('token',_data.data); |
setTimeout(_=>{ |
util.routeTo(`/pages/index/index`, 'rL'); |
}, 1200); |
}else{ |
util.showNone(_data.message || '操作失败!'); |
} |
}) |
.catch(util.hideLoad) |
}catch(err){ |
util.hideLoad(); |
console.warn('login err', err); |
} |
}, |
toWebView(){ |
util.routeTo(`/pages/web_view/web_view`,'rL'); |
} |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
@import '~style/public.scss'; |
page{ |
background-color: #fff; |
} |
.login-container{ |
padding-bottom: 0; |
padding-bottom: calc( 0 + constant(safe-area-inset-bottom)); /* 兼容 iOS < 11.2 */ |
padding-bottom: calc( 0 + env(safe-area-inset-bottom)); /* 兼容 iOS >= 11.2 */ |
.lc-header{ |
position: relative; |
padding-top: 70upx; |
margin-bottom: 46upx; |
height: 390upx; |
width: 100%; |
overflow: hidden; |
&::before{ |
content: ''; |
display: block; |
position: absolute; |
left: 50%; |
bottom: 0upx; |
z-index: -1; |
transform: translateX(-50%); |
background-color: $themeColor; |
width: 3000upx; |
height: 3000upx; |
border-radius: 50%; |
} |
.lh-logo{ |
margin: 0 auto 20upx; |
width: 170upx; |
height: 170upx; |
border-radius: 50%; |
background-color: #fff; |
overflow: hidden; |
>image{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
} |
} |
.lh-name{ |
padding: 0 24upx; |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 50upx; |
font-weight: 500; |
font-size: 36upx; |
color: #fff; |
} |
} |
.lc-form{ |
margin-bottom: 80upx; |
.lf-frame{ |
margin: 0 auto 24upx; |
padding: 0 20upx; |
width: 610upx; |
height: 108upx; |
border: 2upx solid #dddddd; |
border-radius: 54upx; |
>input{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
text-align: center; |
font-size: 32upx; |
color: #333; |
} |
&:last-child{ |
margin-bottom: 0; |
} |
} |
} |
.lf-btn{ |
margin-bottom: 16upx; |
width: 610upx; |
height: 108upx; |
border-radius: 54upx; |
border: none; |
background-color: $themeColor; |
font-size: 36upx; |
line-height: 108upx; |
color: #fff; |
} |
.lf-tip{ |
margin-bottom: 120upx; |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 40upx; |
text-align: center; |
font-size: 28upx; |
color: #9A9A9D; |
} |
.lf-bot-btn{ |
margin-bottom: 20upx; |
line-height: 40upx; |
text-align: center; |
font-size: 28upx; |
color: $themeColor; |
text-decoration: underline; |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="message-list"> |
<view class="ml-item" v-for="i in 10" :key="i"> |
<view class="mi-tit"> |
<view class="mt-name" > |
<view :class="[i==5?'active':'']">欧轩智能商家助手功能更新</view> |
</view> |
<view class="mt-date">2020/11/23</view> |
</view> |
<view class="mi-desc"> |
<view>喜欢喜欢需和许 i 会修 hi 休闲鞋被选行啊学…休闲鞋被选行啊学…休闲鞋被选行啊学…</view> |
<image></image> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
} |
</script> |
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page{ |
background-color: #fff; |
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padding-bottom: calc( 24upx + constant(safe-area-inset-bottom)); /* 兼容 iOS < 11.2 */ |
padding-bottom: calc( 24upx + env(safe-area-inset-bottom)); /* 兼容 iOS >= 11.2 */ |
.ml-item{ |
padding: 54upx 24upx 40upx 0; |
border-bottom: 2upx solid #D8D8D8; |
.mi-tit{ |
margin-bottom: 20upx; |
@include centerFlex(space-between); |
.mt-name{ |
position: relative; |
flex-shrink: 1; |
min-width: 0; |
&::after{ |
content: ''; |
position: absolute; |
right: -16upx; |
top: 6upx; |
width: 12upx; |
height: 12upx; |
border-radius: 50%; |
background-color: #FF4444; |
} |
>view{ |
line-height: 44upx; |
font-size: 32upx; |
color: #333; |
@include textHide(1); |
&.active{ |
color: #9A9A9D; |
} |
} |
} |
.mt-date{ |
flex-shrink: 0; |
flex-grow: 0; |
max-width: 50%; |
margin-left: 24upx; |
font-size: 28upx; |
color: #9a9a9d; |
@include textHide(1); |
} |
} |
.mi-desc{ |
@include centerFlex(space-between); |
>view{ |
flex-grow: 1; |
flex-shrink: 0; |
max-width: 80%; |
font-size: 24upx; |
line-height: 34upx; |
color: #9a9a9d; |
@include textHide(1); |
} |
>image{ |
flex-shrink: 0; |
width: 32upx; |
height: 32upx; |
background-color: skyblue; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
After Width: 488 | Height: 416 | Size: 14 KiB |
Before Width: 72 | Height: 72 | Size: 3.9 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
// 异步方法
import { servers } from '../js/server'; |
import { API } from '../js/api'; |
export default { |
getBrandInfo({commit, state}){ |
return servers.get({ |
url: API.calc, |
data: {}, |
failMsg: '加载数据失败!' |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
commit('setBrandInfo',res); |
return res; |
}) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
import Vue from 'vue'; |
import Vuex from 'vuex'; |
import mutations from './mutations'; |
import actions from './actions'; |
import device from './device'; |
Vue.use(Vuex); |
export default new Vuex.Store({ |
modules: { |
device |
}, |
state: { |
// #ifdef H5
APPID: uni.getAccountInfoSync().miniProgram.appId, |
// #endif
brandInfo: { |
brand: {} |
}, |
permissionObj: { // 权限代号对应
'1001': '营业额', |
'1002': '收款记录', |
'1003': '经营分析', |
'1004': '预约订单', |
'1005': '会员卡订单', |
'1006': '积分订单', |
'1007': '员工管理', |
'1008': '查询核销', |
'1009': '场地管理', |
'1010': '设备管理', |
}, |
// 场地占用提交页面信息
occupyInfo: { |
storeInfo: {}, // 店铺信息
dateInfo: {}, // 时间信息
typeInfo: {}, // 球场类型
venueList: [], // 选择场地列表
} |
}, |
mutations, |
actions, |
getters: { |
permissionArr: state=>{ |
let _arr = [], _obj = state.permissionObj; |
for(let key in _obj){ |
_arr.push({ |
key, |
name: _obj[key], |
}) |
} |
return _arr; |
} |
} |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
// 同步方法
export default { |
// 设置品牌信息
setBrandInfo(state, brandInfo){ |
// console.log(storeInfo,'-----')
state.brandInfo = brandInfo |
}, |
// 场地占用信息
setOccupyInfo(state, _occupyInfo){ |
state.occupyInfo = _occupyInfo; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ |
@charset "utf-8"; |
$themeColor: #009874; |
/*每个页面公共css */ |
/* view,scroll-view,text,picker{ |
box-sizing: border-box; |
} */ |
@mixin textHide($line) { |
display: -webkit-box; |
word-break: break-all; |
text-overflow: ellipsis; |
overflow: hidden; |
-webkit-box-orient: vertical; |
-webkit-line-clamp:$line; |
} |
@mixin centerFlex($justtify){ |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: $justtify; |
} |
@mixin botLine{ |
border-bottom: 2upx solid #e5e5e5; |
} |
@mixin picBgc{ |
background-color: #f9f9f9; |
} |
@mixin closeIcon($width,$height,$color) { |
transform: rotateZ(45deg); |
&::before{ |
content: ''; |
display: block; |
position: absolute; |
left: 50%; |
top: 50%; |
transform: translate(-50%,-50%); |
width: $width; |
height: $height; |
background-color: $color; |
border-radius: $height; |
} |
&::after{ |
content: ''; |
display: block; |
position: absolute; |
left: 50%; |
top: 50%; |
transform: translate(-50%,-50%); |
width: $height; |
height: $width; |
background-color: $color; |
border-radius: $height; |
} |
} |
@mixin hover { |
position: relative; |
overflow: hidden; |
&::after{ |
content: ''; |
position: absolute; |
left: 0; |
right: 0; |
top: 0; |
bottom: 0; |
z-index: 2; |
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1); |
} |
} |
@mixin arrowIcon($size,$line,$radius,$angle,$color) { |
&::after{ |
content:''; |
display: inline-block; |
vertical-align: middle; |
transform: rotateZ($angle); |
width: $size; |
height: $size; |
border-right: $line solid $color; |
border-bottom: $line solid $color; |
border-bottom-right-radius: $radius; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ |
// import {emojiMap,emojiUrl} from './emojiMap';
export const phoneReg = new RegExp(/^1(3|4|5|6|7|8|9)\d{9}$/); |
export const mailReg = new RegExp(/^\w+((.\w+)|(-\w+))@[A-Za-z0-9]+((.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+).[A-Za-z0-9]+$/); |
export const specialReg = new RegExp("[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\u4e00-\u9fa5]","i"); |
export const formatTime = date => { |
const year = date.getFullYear() |
const month = date.getMonth() + 1 |
const day = date.getDate() |
const hour = date.getHours() |
const minute = date.getMinutes() |
const second = date.getSeconds() |
return [year, month, day].map(formatNumber).join('-') + ' ' + [hour, minute, second].map(formatNumber).join(':') |
} |
export const formatDate = ({ date= new Date(), partition= '-' }) => { |
let _date; |
if(typeof (date) === 'string'&&date.indexOf('-')!=-1){ |
_date = new Date(date.replace(/\-/g,'/')) |
}else{ |
_date = new Date(date) |
} |
const year = _date.getFullYear(); |
const month = formatNumber(_date.getMonth() + 1); |
const day = formatNumber(_date.getDate()); |
if(partition == 'zh')return `${year}年${month}月${day}日` |
return [year, month, day].map(formatNumber).join(partition); |
} |
export const formatNumber = n => { |
n = n.toString() |
return n[1] ? n : '0' + n |
} |
// 路由跳转
export const routeTo = (url,type) => { |
switch(type){ |
case 'nT': uni.navigateTo({url}); |
break |
case 'rT': uni.redirectTo({url}); |
break |
case 'rL': uni.reLaunch({url}); |
break |
case 'sT': uni.switchTab({url}); |
break |
default: uni.navigateBack({delta: 1}) |
break |
} |
} |
function showNone(txt,duration=1500){ |
uni.hideToast(); |
uni.hideLoading(); |
uni.showToast({ |
mask: true, |
title: txt, |
icon: 'none', |
duration, |
}) |
} |
function showLoad(title='加载中', mask=true){ |
uni.showLoading({ |
mask, |
title, |
}) |
} |
function hideLoad(){ |
uni.hideLoading() |
} |
function showModal({ |
title='提示', |
content='', |
showCancel=false, |
cancelText='取消', |
confirmText='确定', |
confirmColor='#009874', |
success, |
fail, |
complete |
}){ |
uni.showModal({ |
title, |
content, |
showCancel, |
cancelText, |
confirmColor, |
confirmText, |
success, |
fail, |
complete |
}) |
} |
function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { |
let timeout, args, context, timestamp, result; |
const later = function() { |
// 据上一次触发时间间隔
const last = +new Date() - timestamp; |
// 上次被包装函数被调用时间间隔last小于设定时间间隔wait
if (last < wait && last > 0) { |
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last); |
} else { |
timeout = null; |
// 如果设定为immediate===true,因为开始边界已经调用过了此处无需调用
if (!immediate) { |
result = func.apply(context, args); |
if (!timeout) context = args = null; |
} |
} |
} |
return function(...args) { |
context = this; |
timestamp = +new Date(); |
const callNow = immediate && !timeout; |
// 如果延时不存在,重新设定延时
if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); |
if (callNow) { |
result = func.apply(context, args); |
context = args = null; |
} |
return result; |
} |
} |
function jsonStr(data){ |
return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data)) |
} |
function jsonPar(json){ |
return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(json)) |
} |
export let promisify = api => { |
return (options, ...params) => { |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
api(Object.assign({}, options, { success: resolve, fail: reject }), ...params); |
}); |
} |
} |
function previousPageFunction({fnName,query}){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
try{ |
if(getCurrentPages().length>1){ |
console.log(getCurrentPages()) |
getCurrentPages()[getCurrentPages().length-2]['$vm'][fnName](query); |
rs('success'); |
}else{ |
console.error('当前路由栈为一,无法调取上一页数据'); |
rj('当前路由栈为一,无法调取上一页数据'); |
} |
}catch(err){ |
console.error('调用上一页面栈方法失败!',err); |
rj('调用上一页面栈方法失败!'); |
} |
}) |
} |
// 获取节点信息
function getNodeMes(selector,_this=null){ |
return new Promise(rs=>{ |
let query = _this ? uni.createSelectorQuery().in(_this) : uni.createSelectorQuery(); |
query.select(selector).boundingClientRect(res=>{ |
rs(res) |
// this.height = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight - res.height;
}).exec() |
}) |
} |
export const convertBase64 = function(base64data){ |
const fsm = uni.getFileSystemManager(); |
const FILE_BASE_NAME = 'tmp_base64src';//临时文件名
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const [, format, bodyData] = /data:image\/(\w+);base64,(.*)/.exec(base64data) || []; //去掉 base64 的头信息:
if (!format) { |
reject(new Error('ERROR_BASE64SRC_PARSE')); |
} |
const filePath = `${uni.env.USER_DATA_PATH}/${FILE_BASE_NAME}.${format}`; |
const buffer = bodyData&&uni.base64ToArrayBuffer(bodyData); //将 base64 数据转换为 ArrayBuffer 数据
// console.log(uni.base64ToArrayBuffer(bodyData))
fsm.writeFile({ //将 ArrayBuffer 写为本地用户路径的二进制图片文件 //图片文件路径在 uni.env.USER_DATA_PATH 中
filePath, |
data: buffer, |
encoding: 'binary', |
success() { |
// console.log(buffer)
resolve(filePath); |
}, |
fail() { |
reject(new Error('ERROR_BASE64SRC_WRITE')); |
}, |
}); |
}); |
} |
export function failAuthorizeTosetting(content='调用失败,请打开检查授权状态'){ |
showModal({ |
title:'提示', |
content, |
showCancel:true, |
confirmText:'打开', |
success:res=>{if(res.confirm)uni.openSetting()} |
}) |
} |
// 解析小程序码 scene 参数
export function getSceneQuery(scene){ |
const queryStr = decodeURIComponent(scene) || null; |
let queryObj = queryStr.split('&').reduce((obj,el)=>{ |
let arr = el.split('='); |
obj[`${arr[0]}`] = arr[1]; |
return obj; |
},{}) || null; |
return queryObj; |
} |
function getUrlQuery(key,url){ |
var _url = decodeURI(url).split('?a=1').join(''); //剪切'?a=1'安卓兼容,再获取参数
if(_url.indexOf(`${key}=`) !=-1){ |
return _url.split(`${key}=`)[1].split('&')[0] |
} |
return null |
} |
//获取地址字段栏信息 腾讯获取授权码时
function getQueryString(name) { |
var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)"); |
var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg); |
if (r != null) return (r[2]); // 编码的字符串进行解码
return null; |
} |
function getRandom(min, max) { |
return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; |
} |
export function get_zh_day(date){ |
if(isSameDay(new Date().getTime(),new Date(date).getTime()))return '今天' |
const Arr = ['周日', '周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六']; |
return Arr[new Date(date).getDay()] || ''; |
} |
// 判断是否同一天
export function isSameDay(timeStampA, timeStampB) { |
let dateA = new Date(timeStampA); |
let dateB = new Date(timeStampB); |
return (dateA.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) == dateB.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)); |
} |
// 获取中文日期
export function get_zh_date(date = new Date()){ |
return `${new Date(date).getMonth()+1}月${new Date(date).getDate()}日` |
} |
export function substrDate(date){ |
if(!date)return; |
return date.substr(0,10) || '-' |
} |
// package 貌似为保留字,作为参数时 编译报错
export function requestPayment(query = {}){ |
showLoad(); |
uni.requestPayment({ |
timeStamp: query.timeStamp || '', |
nonceStr: query.nonceStr || '', |
package: query.package || '', |
signType: query.signType || '', |
paySign: query.paySign || '', |
success: function(res){ |
query.success&&query.success(res) |
}, |
fail: function(res){ |
query.fail&&query.fail(res) |
}, |
complete: function(res){ |
hideLoad(); |
query.complete&&query.complete(res) |
}, |
}) |
} |
function getQueryStr({url,name}){ |
let queryArr = (url.split('?')[1] || '').split("&") || []; |
// let vars = query.split("&");
for (let i=0;i<queryArr.length;i++) { |
let pair = queryArr[i].split("="); |
if(pair[0] == name)return pair[1] || ''; |
} |
return ''; |
} |
// 小程序码参数 -> '{}'
function formatScene(sceneStr = ''){ |
let scene = decodeURIComponent(sceneStr); |
let queryArr = scene.split('&'); |
return queryArr.reduce((obj,e,i)=>{ |
let _arr = e.split('='); |
obj[_arr[0]] = _arr[1]; |
return obj; |
},{}) || {}; |
} |
function changeLowerCase(str){ |
return str.toString().toLocaleLowerCase(); |
} |
export default { |
formatTime, |
formatNumber, |
formatDate, |
routeTo, |
showNone, |
showLoad, |
hideLoad, |
showModal, |
debounce, |
jsonStr, |
jsonPar, |
promisify, |
previousPageFunction, |
getNodeMes, |
failAuthorizeTosetting, |
getSceneQuery, |
getUrlQuery, |
getQueryString, |
getRandom, |
get_zh_day, |
isSameDay, |
get_zh_date, |
substrDate, |
requestPayment, |
getQueryStr, |
formatScene, |
changeLowerCase |
} |
Reference in new issue