11 months ago
23 changed files with 2211 additions and 453 deletions
@ -1,13 +1,52 @@ |
<script setup> |
import { onLaunch, onShow, onHide } from "@dcloudio/uni-app"; |
onLaunch(() => { |
console.log("App Launch"); |
}); |
onShow(() => { |
console.log("App Show"); |
}); |
onHide(() => { |
console.log("App Hide"); |
}); |
<script > |
// import { onLaunch, onShow, onHide } from "@dcloudio/uni-app"; |
// import { ref } from 'vue' |
// onLaunch(() => { |
// console.log("App Launch"); |
// }); |
// onShow(() => { |
// console.log("App Show"); |
// }); |
// onHide(() => { |
// console.log("App Hide"); |
// }); |
export default { |
onLaunch() { |
console.log("App Launch default"); |
}, |
onShow() { |
console.log("App Show default"); |
}, |
onHide() { |
console.log("App Hide default"); |
}, |
globalData: { |
goodsList : [], |
shopList : [], |
accountInfo : { |
brand_id: "63", |
store_id: "167", //stadium_id |
username: "Ella06", |
password: "123456", |
assistant_client:"PC", |
token: "e6cabeae-0c1a-11ee-aa40-5254005df464", |
}, |
loginInfo : { |
phone: "", |
password: "", |
token: "", |
vip: false, |
}, |
payInfo : { |
payType: "", |
paySuccess: false, |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style></style> |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
<template> |
<view></view> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
methods: { |
onEvent(event) { |
this.$emit(event.type, event) |
}, |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<script module="keyboard" lang="renderjs"> |
import { onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue'; |
export default { |
mounted() { |
const onKey = (event) => { |
const keys1 = ['type', 'timeStamp'] |
const keys2 = ['altKey', 'code', 'ctrlKey', 'isComposing', 'key', 'location', 'metaKey', 'repeat', |
'shiftKey' |
] |
const keys3 = ['char', 'charCode', 'keyCode', 'keyIdentifier', 'keyLocation', 'which'] |
const data = {} |
keys1.concat(keys2, keys3).forEach(key => data[key] = event[key]) |
this.$ownerInstance.callMethod('onEvent', data) |
} |
const names = ['keydown', 'keyup'] |
names.forEach(name => { |
document.addEventListener(name, onKey, false) |
}) |
// this.$on('hook:beforeDestroy', () => { |
// names.forEach(name => { |
// document.removeEventListener(name, onKey, false) |
// }) |
// }) |
}, |
setup() { |
// 在组件卸载前移除事件监听器 |
onBeforeUnmount(() => { |
names.forEach(name => { |
document.removeEventListener(name, onKey, false); |
}); |
}); |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ |
<template> |
<!-- nvue用flex布局 --> |
<view class="buy-item"> |
<view class="buy-item-left"> |
<image class="img" :src="mitem.goods_img||'-'" mode="aspectFill"></image> |
</view> |
<view class="buy-item-right"> |
<view class="br-top"> |
<text class="brt-title">{{mitem.erp_goods?.erp_goods_name||"-"}}</text> |
<image class="img" src="/static/index/delete_icon.png" mode="scaleToFill" @click="del"/> |
</view> |
<view class="br-bottom"> |
<view class="brb-left"> |
<!-- 规格 --> |
<text class="brb-specs">{{mitem.erp_goods?.erp_goods_specs||"-"}}</text> |
<view class="brb-price"> |
<text class="brbp-single-price">¥{{mitem.erp_goods?.erp_goods_price||"-"}}</text> |
<text class="brbp-underline-price">¥{{mitem.erp_goods?.erp_goods_price||"-"}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="brb-middle"> |
<image class="img" src="/static/index/del_icon.png" mode="scaleToFill" @click="minus" /> |
<text class="txt">{{mitem.shopCount||1}}</text> |
<image class="img" src="/static/index/add_icon.png" mode="scaleToFill" @click="add"/> |
</view> |
<view class="brb-right"> |
<view class="brbr-get-score"> |
<text class="txt">下单得积分</text> |
<text class="brbr-score">{{mitem.score||0}}</text></view> |
<view class="brbr-total-price"> |
<text class="brbrp-price1">¥</text> |
<text class="brbrp-price2">{{mitem.shopCountPrice||"-"}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script setup> |
import util from "@/utils/util.js" |
import { |
onMounted, |
ref, |
} from 'vue' |
//define emits or props |
const emits = defineEmits(['delItem','addItem','minusItem']) |
const props = defineProps(['mkey','mitem']) |
onMounted(async (res) => { |
// console.log( ` the keyboard_box component is now mounted. ` ) |
}) |
//add or minus |
const add = () => { |
emits("addItem", props.mkey) |
} |
const minus = () => { |
emits("minusItem", props.mkey) |
} |
//delete |
const del = () => { |
emits("delItem", props.mkey) |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.buy-item { |
margin-bottom: 13.89rpx; |
// padding: 11.11rpx 17.36rpx; |
width: 750rpx; |
height: 125rpx; |
@include fls(space-between); |
flex-direction: row; |
background: #F5F7F8; |
// background: #FFFFFF; |
// background: lightgray; |
background: #eaeaea;//真机上颜色不明显,需要加深 |
.buy-item-left { |
@include fls(center); |
flex-direction: row; |
.img { |
width: 97.22rpx; |
height: 97.22rpx; |
background: #F8F8F8; |
border-radius: 6.94rpx; |
background-color: lightgray; |
} |
margin:0 14rpx; |
} |
.buy-item-right { |
@include fls(flex-start); |
flex-direction: column; |
// width: 600rpx; |
width: 100%; |
// height: 100%; |
// height: 102.78rpx; |
.br-top { |
@include fls(space-between); |
flex-direction: row; |
// justify-content: flex-end; |
align-items: flex-end; |
width: 600rpx; |
// padding-top: 10rpx; |
height: 30rpx; |
.brt-title { |
font-weight: 500; |
font-size: 16.67rpx; |
color: #333333; |
} |
.img { |
width: 23.61rpx; |
height: 23.61rpx; |
// background-color: lightgray; |
} |
} |
.br-bottom { |
@include ctf(center); |
flex-direction: row; |
// width: 100%; |
// height: 100%; |
// width: 600rpx; |
// background-color: #999999; |
height: 60rpx; |
margin-top: 20rpx; |
.brb-left { |
@include fls(space-between); |
flex-direction: column; |
align-items: flex-start; |
// background-color: lightcyan; |
// width: 33%; |
// height: 100%; |
width: 200rpx; |
height: 60rpx; |
.brb-specs { |
font-weight: 500; |
font-size: 16.67rpx; |
color: #999999; |
// margin-bottom: 20rpx; |
} |
.brb-price { |
@include fls(space-between); |
flex-direction: row; |
.brbp-single-price { |
font-weight: 800; |
font-size: 16.67rpx; |
color: #333333; |
margin-right: 20.28rpx; |
} |
.brbp-underline-price { |
font-weight: 500; |
font-size: 12.5rpx; |
color: #9A9A9D; |
text-decoration: line-through; |
} |
} |
} |
.brb-middle { |
@include fls(space-between); |
flex-direction: row; |
// width: 33%; |
width: 200rpx; |
// width: 107rpx; |
height: 50rpx; |
// padding: 0 46.5rpx; |
.img{ |
width: 27.78rpx; |
height: 27.78rpx; |
} |
.txt { |
font-weight: 800; |
font-size: 20.83rpx; |
color: #333333; |
} |
} |
.brb-right { |
@include fls(space-between); |
// background-color: lightcyan; |
flex-direction: column; |
align-items: flex-end; |
// width: 33%; |
width: 200rpx; |
height: 60rpx; |
.brbr-get-score { |
@include fls(center); |
flex-direction: row; |
width: 90.28rpx; |
height: 25rpx; |
// opacity: 0.5; |
// background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, #FF873D 0%, #FFBC70 100%); |
background-color: #FFBC70; |
border-radius: 3.47rpx; |
font-size: 12.5rpx; |
color: #333333; |
.txt{ |
font-size: 12.5rpx; |
color: #333333; |
} |
.brbr-score { |
color: #ff873d; |
font-size: 13.89rpx; |
} |
// >text { |
// font-weight: 500; |
// color: #333333; |
// font-size: 11rpx; |
// } |
} |
.brbr-total-price { |
font-weight: 500; |
font-size: 12.5rpx; |
color: #1A1A1A; |
@include fls(center); |
flex-direction: row; |
.brbrp-price1 { |
font-weight: 800; |
font-size: 16.67rpx; |
color: #ff873d; |
} |
.brbrp-price2 { |
font-weight: 800; |
font-size: 22.22rpx; |
color: #ff873d; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="main-page"> |
<!-- <page-standby v-if="showPageStandby" @click="showPageStandby=!showPageStandby"></page-standby> --> |
<view> |
<view-header class="mheader" @closeStandby="handle_closeStandby"></view-header> |
<view class="holdplace" :style="{ height: 100 + 'px' }"></view> |
<block v-for="(e,i) in shopList" :key="i"> |
<list-item :mkey="i" :mitem="e" @addItem="handle_add" @minusItem="handle_minus" @delItem="handle_del"></list-item> |
</block> |
<view class="holdplace" :style="{ height: footerHeight + 'px' }"></view> |
<view ref="mfooter" class="mfooter" v-if="true"> |
<view-footer :tolPrice="shopListTotalPrice" :tolCount="shopListTotalCount" @clickQR="handle_clickQR" @clickVIP="handle_clickVIP"></view-footer> |
</view> |
<!-- 条形码输入框 --> |
<input-qr-box v-if="showQRInputBox" :maskHeight="screenHeight" :maxInput="11" |
@showIt="handle_closeQRInputBox" @clickCommit="handle_clickCommit_qr"></input-qr-box> |
<!-- 手机尾号后4位数验证 --> |
<input-box-end-phone v-if="showEndPhoneBox" :maskHeight="screenHeight" :maxInput="4" |
@showIt="handle_closeEndPhoneBox" @clickCommit="handle_clickCommit_qr"></input-box-end-phone> |
</view> |
<keyboard-listener style="height: 1px;" @keyup="onKeyup" @keydown="onKeydown" ></keyboard-listener> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import util from "@/utils/util.js" |
import dictKeyboard from '@/utils/dictOfKeyboard' |
import { API } from "@/utils/api"; |
import { ox } from "@/utils/server"; |
import pageStandby from '@/components/index/page_standby.vue';//待机页 |
import viewHeader from '@/components/index/view_header.nvue';//头部 |
import viewFooter from '@/components/index/view_footer.nvue';//底部 |
import listItem from '@/components/index/list_item.nvue';//列表项 |
import inputQrBox from '@/components/index/keyboard/input_box_QR.vue'; //条形码 |
import inputBoxEndPhone from '@/components/index/keyboard/input_box_end_phone.vue';//手机号尾号 |
import keyboardListener from '@/components/index/keyboard/keyboard_listener.vue';//键盘监听 |
import { uni } from "@dcloudio/uni-h5"; |
// import { ref } from 'vue'; |
// import { onLoad,onReady } from '@dcloudio/uni-app'; |
// #ifdef APP-NVUE |
let dom = weex.requireModule("dom"); |
// #endif |
const app = getApp(); |
export default { |
components: { |
'page-standby': pageStandby, |
'view-header': viewHeader, |
'view-footer': viewFooter, |
'list-item': listItem, |
'input-qr-box': inputQrBox, |
'input-box-end-phone': inputBoxEndPhone, |
'keyboard-listener': keyboardListener, |
}, |
watch:{ |
//已拆分standby到单独页面, 不再需要计算在本nvue页面高度 |
// showPageStandby(ov,nv){ |
// if(nv){ |
// // #ifdef APP-NVUE |
// setTimeout(async()=>{ |
// dom = weex.requireModule("dom"); |
// let size = await util.getNvueRefSize(this,dom,"mfooter"); |
// this.footerHeight = size.height.toFixed(2) |
// },200) |
// // #endif |
// } |
// } |
}, |
computed: { |
shopListTotalPrice(){ |
let _total = 0 |
this.shopList.forEach(item=>{ |
_total += item.shopCountPrice |
}) |
return _total |
}, |
shopListTotalCount(){ |
let _total = 0 |
this.shopList.forEach(item=>{ |
_total += item.shopCount |
}) |
return _total |
}, |
//已拆分standby到单独页面, 不再需要计算在本nvue页面高度 |
// footerHeight(){ |
// return this.screenHeight - 100 |
// } |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
// showPageStandby: false, |
showQRInputBox:false, |
showEndPhoneBox:false, |
screenHeight: '', |
footerHeight: '', |
globalData: app.globalData, |
shopList: [], |
decryptList: [], |
strResult: "", |
} |
}, |
async onLoad(res) { |
console.log("onload:",res) |
await this.updateGoodsList() |
// let skulist = this.searchGoodBySku("1000000001") |
let skulist = await this.searchGoodBySku("10000012") |
//将skulist合并到shopList |
this.shopList = this.shopList.concat(skulist) |
console.log("skulist:",this.shopList) |
// this.test() |
// this.showPageStandby = true |
}, |
async onReady() { |
this.screenHeight = await util.getPageHeight() |
console.log(`the index page onReady----` + this.screenHeight) |
this.setFooterHeight() |
}, |
methods: { |
clickToUse() { |
util.routeTo(`/pages/login/success`, 'nT'); |
}, |
handle_closeStandby(val) { |
console.log("handle_closeSetting", val) |
this.showPageStandby = !this.showPageStandby |
}, |
handle_closeQRInputBox(val) { |
console.log("handle_closeKeyboardBox", val) |
this.showQRInputBox = !this.showQRInputBox |
}, |
handle_closeEndPhoneBox(val) { |
console.log("handle_closeEndPhoneBox", val) |
this.showEndPhoneBox = !this.showEndPhoneBox |
}, |
handle_clickQR() { |
util.showNone("输入条形码") |
this.showQRInputBox = !this.showQRInputBox |
}, |
handle_clickCommit_qr(res){ |
console.log("handle_clickCommit_qr",res) |
console.log(JSON.stringify(res.goods)) |
// util.showNone("条码"+res.inputCode+"-"+res.goods.length) |
util.showNone("添加商品成功,数量:"+res.goods.length+"个"); |
this.shopList = this.shopList.concat(res.goods) |
this.showQRInputBox = !this.showQRInputBox |
}, |
handle_clickVIP() { |
util.showNone("会员登录") |
this.showEndPhoneBox = !this.showEndPhoneBox |
}, |
async setFooterHeight(){ |
// #ifdef APP-NVUE |
let size = await util.getNvueRefSize(this,dom,"mfooter"); |
this.footerHeight = size.height.toFixed(2) |
// #endif |
}, |
// 按键松开事件 |
async onKeyup(event) { |
console.log("按键松开事件: ",event) |
let res = dictKeyboard.dict[event.keyCode]; |
console.log("未转换:",res); |
console.log("this.decryptList0: "+ this.decryptList) |
this.decryptList.push(res); |
console.log("this.decryptList0: ",this.decryptList) |
if(event.keyCode != 13) { |
return console.log("this.decryptList1: ",this.decryptList) |
}; |
this.decryptList.pop(); |
this.strResult = await dictKeyboard.resultScan(this.decryptList); |
console.log("扫码结果strResult--22:", this.strResult) |
this.orderQrcode = this.strResult |
console.log("扫码结果--11:", this.decryptList) |
console.log("扫码结果--33:", this.strResult) |
this.decryptList.splice(0); |
console.log("this.decryptList2: "+this.decryptList) |
//过滤结果中的down_arrow |
if(this.strResult.indexOf("down_arrow") != -1){ |
this.strResult = this.strResult.replace("down_arrow","") |
} |
console.log("扫码结果--44:", this.strResult) |
let skulist = await this.searchGoodBySku(this.strResult) |
//将skulist合并到shopList |
this.shopList = this.shopList.concat(skulist) |
console.log("skulist:",this.shopList) |
// let info = await this.getOrderInfo(this.strResult) |
// console.log("核销码状态---111", info) |
// this.clearTimer() |
// this.isShowPage = 1 |
// this.setTimerCountdown(); |
// if(info.status == true){ |
// this.bindOrderInfo = info.order |
// this.bindOrderInfo.order_type = info.order_type || '' |
// return this.issueBtn(); //发放手环 |
// }else{ |
// return this.tipsTxt = "核销码不可用\n请重试或联系管理员"; |
// } |
}, |
// 监听按键按下事件 |
onKeydown(event) { |
console.log("监听按键按下事件: ",event) |
}, |
handle_add(i){ |
console.log("handle_add",i) |
this.shopList[i].shopCount++ |
this.shopList[i].shopCountPrice = (this.shopList[i].erp_goods?.erp_goods_price||0) * this.shopList[i].shopCount |
}, |
handle_minus(i){ |
console.log("handle_minus",i) |
if(this.shopList[i].shopCount>1){ |
this.shopList[i].shopCount-- |
this.shopList[i].shopCountPrice = (this.shopList[i].erp_goods?.erp_goods_price||0) * this.shopList[i].shopCount |
}else{ |
util.showNone("商品数量不能小于1") |
} |
}, |
handle_del(i){ |
let that = this |
console.log("handle_del",i) |
that.shopList.splice(i,1) |
util.showNone("删除成功") |
// 真机异常, 会导致白屏, 原因未知 |
// uni.showModal({ |
// title: '提示', |
// content: '确定删除该商品吗?', |
// success: function (res) { |
// if (res.confirm) { |
// that.shopList.splice(i,1) |
// uni.showToast({ |
// title: '删除成功', |
// icon: 'success' |
// }); |
// } else if (res.cancel) { |
// uni.showToast({ |
// title: '取消删除', |
// icon: 'none' |
// }); |
// } |
// } |
// }); |
}, |
test(){ |
console.log("test") |
let url = "https://testmanager.ouxuanzhineng.cn/admin/erpRetailGoods/list?brand_id=63&stadium_id=167&type_key=&key=&page=1&page_size=9999&is_sale=1&is_show_on_assistant=1&token=e6cabeae-0c1a-11ee-aa40-5254005df464"; |
//将url请求的参数转化为json对象并打印 |
let urlParams = util.getUrlParams(url); |
console.log("urlParams:",urlParams) |
return ox.get({ |
url: API.getGoodsList, |
data: urlParams, |
isDefaultGet: false |
}).then(res=>{ |
console.log("test suc: ",res) |
return res |
}) |
}, |
// 业务逻辑 |
getGoodFromPad(sku,brand_id){ |
return ox.get({ |
url: API.getGoodFromPad, |
data: { |
sku,brand_id |
}, |
isDefaultGet: true |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
util.hideLoad(); |
// console.log("离场校验 suc: ",res) |
if(res.data.code == 0){} |
return res |
}) |
}, |
// 更新商品列表 |
async updateGoodsList(){ |
let _list = await this.getGoodsList() |
//打印信息 |
console.log("app.globaldata: ",app.globalData) |
app.globalData.goodsList = _list |
}, |
// 更新购物车列表 |
updateShopList(){ |
app.globalData.shopList = this.shopList |
}, |
getGoodsList(){ |
let url = "https://testmanager.ouxuanzhineng.cn/admin/erpRetailGoods/list?brand_id=63&stadium_id=167&type_key=&key=&page=1&page_size=9999&is_sale=1&is_show_on_assistant=1&token=e6cabeae-0c1a-11ee-aa40-5254005df464"; |
let urlParams = util.getUrlParams(url); |
console.log("需要适配urlParams:",urlParams) |
return ox.get({ |
url: API.getGoodsList, |
data: urlParams, |
isDefaultGet: true, |
failMsg:"获取商品列表失败" |
}) |
.then(res=>{ |
util.hideLoad(); |
console.log("getGoodsList suc: ",res) |
//为res.list中每一项设置shopCountPrice,shopCount |
res.list.forEach(item=>{ |
item.shopCount = 1 |
item.shopCountPrice = item.erp_goods.erp_goods_price |
}) |
return res |
}) |
}, |
searchGoodBySku(sku){ |
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ |
let _list = app.globalData.goodsList.list |
// let _good = _list.find(item=>item.erp_goods.erp_goods_sku == sku) |
//sku可能不唯一, 返回数组 |
let _goods = _list.filter(item=>item.erp_goods.erp_goods_sku == sku) |
if(_goods.length){ |
resolve(_goods) |
}else{ |
reject("未找到商品") |
} |
}) |
}, |
} |
} |
</script> |
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// page{ |
// background: #F5F7F8; |
// } |
.main-page { |
// background-color: red; |
width: 750rpx; |
// height: auto; |
// padding-top: 100rpx; |
// padding-bottom: 120rpx; |
.holdplace { |
height: 100rpx; |
} |
// height: 1000rpx; |
// width: 100%; |
// height: 100%; |
// background-color: #fff; |
// display: flex; |
// flex-direction: column; |
// align-items: center; |
// justify-content: center; |
.mheader { |
position: fixed; |
top: 0; |
left: 0; |
width: 750rpx; |
height: 100rpx; |
// background: #fff; |
z-index: 5; |
} |
.mfooter { |
position: fixed; |
bottom: 0; |
left: 0; |
width: 750rpx; |
z-index: 5; |
} |
} |
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@ -1,169 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="main-page"> |
<page-standby v-if="showPageStandby" @click="showPageStandby=!showPageStandby"></page-standby> |
<view v-else> |
<view-header class="mheader" @closeStandby="handle_closeStandby"></view-header> |
<view class="holdplace" :style="{ height: 100 + 'px' }"></view> |
<block v-for="i in 8"> |
<list-item :ikey="i">i</list-item> |
</block> |
<view class="holdplace" :style="{ height: footerHeight + 'px' }"></view> |
<view ref="mfooter" class="mfooter" v-if="true"> |
<view-footer @clickQR="handle_clickQR" @clickVIP="handle_clickVIP"></view-footer> |
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<!-- 条形码输入框 --> |
<input-qr-box v-if="showQRInputBox" :maskHeight="screenHeight" :maxInput="11" |
@showIt="handle_closeQRInputBox" @clickCommit="handle_clickCommit_qr"></input-qr-box> |
<!-- 手机尾号后4位数验证 --> |
<input-box-end-phone v-if="showEndPhoneBox" :maskHeight="screenHeight" :maxInput="4" |
@showIt="handle_closeEndPhoneBox" @clickCommit="handle_clickCommit_qr"></input-box-end-phone> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import util from "@/utils/util.js" |
import pageStandby from '@/components/index/page_standby.vue';//待机页 |
import viewHeader from '@/components/index/view_header.nvue';//头部 |
import viewFooter from '@/components/index/view_footer.nvue';//底部 |
import listItem from '@/components/index/list_item.nvue';//列表项 |
import inputQrBox from '@/components/index/keyboard/input_box_QR.vue'; //条形码 |
import inputBoxEndPhone from '@/components/index/keyboard/input_box_end_phone.vue';//手机号尾号 |
// import { ref } from 'vue'; |
// import { onLoad,onReady } from '@dcloudio/uni-app'; |
// #ifdef APP-NVUE |
let dom = weex.requireModule("dom"); |
// #endif |
export default { |
components: { |
'page-standby': pageStandby, |
'view-header': viewHeader, |
'view-footer': viewFooter, |
'list-item': listItem, |
'input-qr-box': inputQrBox, |
'input-box-end-phone': inputBoxEndPhone, |
}, |
watch:{ |
showPageStandby(ov,nv){ |
if(nv){ |
// #ifdef APP-NVUE |
setTimeout(async()=>{ |
dom = weex.requireModule("dom"); |
let size = await util.getNvueRefSize(this,dom,"mfooter"); |
this.footerHeight = size.height.toFixed(2) |
},200) |
// #endif |
} |
} |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
showPageStandby: false, |
showQRInputBox:false, |
showEndPhoneBox:false, |
screenHeight: '', |
footerHeight: '', |
} |
}, |
async onLoad(res) { |
console.log("onload:",res) |
this.showPageStandby = true |
}, |
async onReady() { |
this.screenHeight = await util.getPageHeight() |
console.log(`the index page onReady----` + this.screenHeight) |
this.setFooterHeight() |
}, |
methods: { |
clickToUse() { |
util.routeTo(`/pages/login/success`, 'nT'); |
}, |
handle_closeStandby(val) { |
console.log("handle_closeSetting", val) |
this.showPageStandby = !this.showPageStandby |
}, |
handle_closeQRInputBox(val) { |
console.log("handle_closeKeyboardBox", val) |
this.showQRInputBox = !this.showQRInputBox |
}, |
handle_closeEndPhoneBox(val) { |
console.log("handle_closeEndPhoneBox", val) |
this.showEndPhoneBox = !this.showEndPhoneBox |
}, |
handle_clickQR() { |
util.showNone("输入条形码") |
this.showQRInputBox = !this.showQRInputBox |
}, |
handle_clickCommit_qr(val){ |
console.log("handle_clickCommit_qr",val) |
util.showNone("输入条形码"+val) |
this.showQRInputBox = !this.showQRInputBox |
}, |
handle_clickVIP() { |
util.showNone("会员登录") |
this.showEndPhoneBox = !this.showEndPhoneBox |
}, |
async setFooterHeight(){ |
// #ifdef APP-NVUE |
let size = await util.getNvueRefSize(this,dom,"mfooter"); |
this.footerHeight = size.height.toFixed(2) |
// #endif |
}, |
} |
} |
</script> |
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// page{ |
// background: #F5F7F8; |
// } |
.main-page { |
// background-color: red; |
width: 750rpx; |
// height: auto; |
// padding-top: 100rpx; |
// padding-bottom: 120rpx; |
.holdplace { |
height: 100rpx; |
} |
// height: 1000rpx; |
// width: 100%; |
// height: 100%; |
// background-color: #fff; |
// display: flex; |
// flex-direction: column; |
// align-items: center; |
// justify-content: center; |
.mheader { |
position: fixed; |
top: 0; |
left: 0; |
width: 750rpx; |
height: 100rpx; |
// background: #fff; |
z-index: 5; |
} |
.mfooter { |
position: fixed; |
bottom: 0; |
left: 0; |
width: 750rpx; |
z-index: 5; |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,461 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="main-page"> |
<!-- <page-standby v-if="showPageStandby" @click="showPageStandby=!showPageStandby"></page-standby> --> |
<view> |
<view-header class="mheader" @closeStandby="handle_closeStandby"></view-header> |
<view class="holdplace" :style="{ height: 100 + 'rpx' }"></view> |
<block v-for="(e,i) in shopList" :key="i"> |
<list-item :mkey="i" :mitem="e" @addItem="handle_add" @minusItem="handle_minus" |
@delItem="handle_del"></list-item> |
</block> |
<view class="holdplace" :style="{ height:'340rpx' }"></view> |
<!-- <view class="holdplace" :style="{ height: footerHeight + 'px' }"></view> --> |
<view ref="mfooter" class="mfooter" v-if="true"> |
<view-footer :tolPrice="shopListTotalPrice" :tolCount="shopListTotalCount" @clickQR="handle_clickQR" |
@clickVIP="handle_clickVIP" @clickToPay = "clickToPay"></view-footer> |
</view> |
<!-- 条形码输入框 --> |
<input-qr-box v-if="showQRInputBox" :maskHeight="screenHeight" :maxInput="11" |
@showIt="handle_closeQRInputBox" @clickCommit="handle_clickCommit_qr"></input-qr-box> |
<!-- 手机尾号后4位数验证 --> |
<input-box-end-phone v-if="showEndPhoneBox" :maskHeight="screenHeight" :maxInput="4" |
@showIt="handle_closeEndPhoneBox" @clickCommit="handle_clickCommit_qr"></input-box-end-phone> |
</view> |
<keyboard-listener style="height: 1px;" @keyup="onKeyup" @keydown="onKeydown"></keyboard-listener> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import util from "@/utils/util.js" |
import dictKeyboard from '@/utils/dictOfKeyboard' |
import { |
} from "@/utils/api"; |
import { |
ox |
} from "@/utils/server"; |
import pageStandby from '@/components/index/page_standby.vue'; //待机页 |
import viewHeader from '@/components/index/view_header.nvue'; //头部 |
import viewFooter from '@/components/index/view_footer.nvue'; //底部 |
import listItem from '@/components/index/list_item.vue'; //列表项 |
import inputQrBox from '@/components/index/keyboard/input_box_QR.vue'; //条形码 |
import inputBoxEndPhone from '@/components/index/keyboard/input_box_end_phone.vue'; //手机号尾号 |
import keyboardListener from '@/components/index/keyboard/keyboard_listener.vue'; //键盘监听 |
// import { uni } from "@dcloudio/uni-h5"; |
// import { ref } from 'vue'; |
// import { onLoad,onReady } from '@dcloudio/uni-app'; |
// #ifdef APP-NVUE |
let dom = weex.requireModule("dom"); |
// #endif |
let app = ""; |
export default { |
components: { |
'page-standby': pageStandby, |
'view-header': viewHeader, |
'view-footer': viewFooter, |
'list-item': listItem, |
'input-qr-box': inputQrBox, |
'input-box-end-phone': inputBoxEndPhone, |
'keyboard-listener': keyboardListener, |
}, |
watch: { |
//已拆分standby到单独页面, 不再需要计算在本nvue页面高度 |
// showPageStandby(ov,nv){ |
// if(nv){ |
// // #ifdef APP-NVUE |
// setTimeout(async()=>{ |
// dom = weex.requireModule("dom"); |
// let size = await util.getNvueRefSize(this,dom,"mfooter"); |
// this.footerHeight = size.height.toFixed(2) |
// },200) |
// // #endif |
// } |
// } |
}, |
computed: { |
shopListTotalPrice() { |
let _total = 0 |
this.shopList.forEach(item => { |
_total += item.shopCountPrice |
}) |
return _total |
}, |
shopListTotalCount() { |
let _total = 0 |
this.shopList.forEach(item => { |
_total += item.shopCount |
}) |
return _total |
}, |
//已拆分standby到单独页面, 不再需要计算在本nvue页面高度 |
// footerHeight(){ |
// return this.screenHeight - 100 |
// } |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
// showPageStandby: false, |
showQRInputBox: false, |
showEndPhoneBox: false, |
screenHeight: '', |
footerHeight: '', |
// globalData: app.globalData, |
globalData: "", |
shopList: [], |
decryptList: [], |
strResult: "", |
} |
}, |
async onLoad(res) { |
console.log("onload:", res) |
// this.test() |
// this.showPageStandby = true |
}, |
async onReady() { |
this.screenHeight = await util.getPageHeight() |
// this.globalData = app.globalData |
console.log(`the index page onReady----` + this.screenHeight) |
app = getApp(); |
setTimeout(async () => { |
await this.updateGoodsList().then(async () => { |
console.log("skulist:", this.shopList) |
}) |
console.log("test set SKU 10000012") |
let skulist = await this.searchGoodBySku("10000012") |
//将skulist合并到shopList |
this.shopList = this.shopList.concat(skulist) |
this.setFooterHeight() |
}, 1000) |
}, |
methods: { |
clickToPay() { |
// 将shopList进行精简为 { |
// "id": 57, |
// "name": "光明纯牛奶", |
// "price": 1, |
// "nums": 1, |
// "unit": "袋" |
// }组成的数组 |
let shopListData = this.shopList.map(item => { |
return { |
id: item.erp_goods.id, |
name: item.erp_goods.erp_goods_name, |
price: item.erp_goods.erp_goods_price, |
nums: item.shopCount, |
unit: item.erp_goods.erp_goods_unit |
} |
}) |
// shopCount |
let _query = { |
shopList: shopListData, |
shopListTotalPrice: this.shopListTotalPrice, |
shopListTotalCount: this.shopListTotalCount |
} |
util.routeTo(`/pages/pay/index?query=${JSON.stringify(_query)}`, 'nT'); |
}, |
clickToUse() { |
util.routeTo(`/pages/login/success`, 'nT'); |
}, |
handle_closeStandby(val) { |
console.log("handle_closeSetting", val) |
this.showPageStandby = !this.showPageStandby |
}, |
handle_closeQRInputBox(val) { |
console.log("handle_closeKeyboardBox", val) |
this.showQRInputBox = !this.showQRInputBox |
}, |
handle_closeEndPhoneBox(val) { |
console.log("handle_closeEndPhoneBox", val) |
this.showEndPhoneBox = !this.showEndPhoneBox |
}, |
handle_clickQR() { |
util.showNone("输入条形码") |
this.showQRInputBox = !this.showQRInputBox |
}, |
handle_clickCommit_qr(res) { |
console.log("handle_clickCommit_qr", res) |
console.log(JSON.stringify(res.goods)) |
// util.showNone("条码"+res.inputCode+"-"+res.goods.length) |
util.showNone("添加商品成功,数量:" + res.goods.length + "个"); |
this.shopList = this.shopList.concat(res.goods) |
this.showQRInputBox = !this.showQRInputBox |
}, |
handle_clickVIP() { |
util.showNone("会员登录") |
this.showEndPhoneBox = !this.showEndPhoneBox |
}, |
async setFooterHeight() { |
// #ifdef APP-NVUE |
console.log("APP-NVUE setFooterHeight") |
let size1 = await util.getNvueRefSize(this, dom, "mfooter"); |
this.footerHeight = size1.height.toFixed(2) |
// #endif |
// #ifdef H5 |
console.log("H5 setFooterHeight") |
let size2 = await util.getH5RefSize(this, "mfooter"); |
console.log("H5 setFooterHeight size2:", size2) |
this.footerHeight = size2.height.toFixed(2) |
// #endif |
}, |
// 按键松开事件 |
async onKeyup(event) { |
console.log("按键松开事件: ", event) |
let res = dictKeyboard.dict[event.keyCode]; |
console.log("未转换:", res); |
console.log("this.decryptList0: " + this.decryptList) |
this.decryptList.push(res); |
console.log("this.decryptList0: ", this.decryptList) |
if (event.keyCode != 13) { |
return console.log("this.decryptList1: ", this.decryptList) |
}; |
this.decryptList.pop(); |
this.strResult = await dictKeyboard.resultScan(this.decryptList); |
console.log("扫码结果strResult--22:", this.strResult) |
this.orderQrcode = this.strResult |
console.log("扫码结果--11:", this.decryptList) |
console.log("扫码结果--33:", this.strResult) |
this.decryptList.splice(0); |
console.log("this.decryptList2: " + this.decryptList) |
//过滤结果中的down_arrow |
if (this.strResult.indexOf("down_arrow") != -1) { |
this.strResult = this.strResult.replace("down_arrow", "") |
} |
console.log("扫码结果--44:", this.strResult) |
let skulist = await this.searchGoodBySku(this.strResult) |
//将skulist合并到shopList |
this.shopList = this.shopList.concat(skulist) |
console.log("skulist:", this.shopList) |
// let info = await this.getOrderInfo(this.strResult) |
// console.log("核销码状态---111", info) |
// this.clearTimer() |
// this.isShowPage = 1 |
// this.setTimerCountdown(); |
// if(info.status == true){ |
// this.bindOrderInfo = info.order |
// this.bindOrderInfo.order_type = info.order_type || '' |
// return this.issueBtn(); //发放手环 |
// }else{ |
// return this.tipsTxt = "核销码不可用\n请重试或联系管理员"; |
// } |
}, |
// 监听按键按下事件 |
onKeydown(event) { |
console.log("监听按键按下事件: ", event) |
}, |
handle_add(i) { |
console.log("handle_add", i) |
this.shopList[i].shopCount++ |
this.shopList[i].shopCountPrice = (this.shopList[i].erp_goods?.erp_goods_price || 0) * this.shopList[i] |
.shopCount |
}, |
handle_minus(i) { |
console.log("handle_minus", i) |
if (this.shopList[i].shopCount > 1) { |
this.shopList[i].shopCount-- |
this.shopList[i].shopCountPrice = (this.shopList[i].erp_goods?.erp_goods_price || 0) * this.shopList[i] |
.shopCount |
} else { |
util.showNone("商品数量不能小于1") |
} |
}, |
handle_del(i) { |
let that = this |
console.log("handle_del", i) |
that.shopList.splice(i, 1) |
util.showNone("删除成功") |
// 真机异常, 会导致白屏, 原因未知 |
// uni.showModal({ |
// title: '提示', |
// content: '确定删除该商品吗?', |
// success: function (res) { |
// if (res.confirm) { |
// that.shopList.splice(i,1) |
// uni.showToast({ |
// title: '删除成功', |
// icon: 'success' |
// }); |
// } else if (res.cancel) { |
// uni.showToast({ |
// title: '取消删除', |
// icon: 'none' |
// }); |
// } |
// } |
// }); |
}, |
test() { |
console.log("test") |
let url = |
"https://testmanager.ouxuanzhineng.cn/admin/erpRetailGoods/list?brand_id=63&stadium_id=167&type_key=&key=&page=1&page_size=9999&is_sale=1&is_show_on_assistant=1&token=e6cabeae-0c1a-11ee-aa40-5254005df464"; |
//将url请求的参数转化为json对象并打印 |
let urlParams = util.getUrlParams(url); |
console.log("urlParams:", urlParams) |
return ox.get({ |
url: API.getGoodsList, |
data: urlParams, |
isDefaultGet: false |
}).then(res => { |
console.log("test suc: ", res) |
return res |
}) |
}, |
// 业务逻辑 |
getGoodFromPad(sku, brand_id) { |
return ox.get({ |
url: API.getGoodFromPad, |
data: { |
sku, |
brand_id |
}, |
isDefaultGet: true |
}) |
.then(res => { |
util.hideLoad(); |
// console.log("离场校验 suc: ",res) |
if (res.data.code == 0) {} |
return res |
}) |
}, |
// 更新商品列表 |
async updateGoodsList() { |
let _list = await this.getGoodsList() |
//打印信息 |
console.log("app.globaldata: ", app.globalData) |
app.globalData.goodsList = _list |
}, |
// 更新购物车列表 |
updateShopList() { |
app.globalData.shopList = this.shopList |
}, |
getGoodsList() { |
let url = |
"https://testmanager.ouxuanzhineng.cn/admin/erpRetailGoods/list?brand_id=63&stadium_id=167&type_key=&key=&page=1&page_size=9999&is_sale=1&is_show_on_assistant=1&token=e6cabeae-0c1a-11ee-aa40-5254005df464"; |
let urlParams = util.getUrlParams(url); |
console.log("需要适配urlParams:", urlParams) |
return ox.get({ |
url: API.getGoodsList, |
data: urlParams, |
isDefaultGet: true, |
failMsg: "获取商品列表失败" |
}) |
.then(res => { |
util.hideLoad(); |
console.log("getGoodsList suc: ", res) |
//为res.list中每一项设置shopCountPrice,shopCount |
res.list.forEach(item => { |
item.shopCount = 1 |
item.shopCountPrice = item.erp_goods.erp_goods_price |
}) |
return res |
}) |
}, |
searchGoodBySku(sku) { |
console.log("apppp", app) |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
let _list = app.globalData.goodsList.list |
// let _good = _list.find(item=>item.erp_goods.erp_goods_sku == sku) |
//sku可能不唯一, 返回数组 |
let _goods = _list.filter(item => item.erp_goods.erp_goods_sku == sku) |
if (_goods.length) { |
resolve(_goods) |
} else { |
reject("未找到商品") |
} |
}) |
}, |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
// page{ |
// background: #F5F7F8; |
// } |
.main-page { |
// background-color: red; |
width: 750rpx; |
@include fls(flex-start); |
flex-direction: column; |
// height: auto; |
// padding-top: 100rpx; |
// padding-bottom: 120rpx; |
.holdplace { |
height: 110rpx; |
} |
// height: 1000rpx; |
// width: 100%; |
// height: 100%; |
// background-color: #fff; |
// display: flex; |
// flex-direction: column; |
// align-items: center; |
// justify-content: center; |
.mheader { |
position: fixed; |
top: 0; |
left: 0; |
width: 750rpx; |
height: 100rpx; |
// background: #fff; |
z-index: 5; |
} |
.mfooter { |
position: fixed; |
bottom: 0; |
left: 0; |
width: 750rpx; |
z-index: 5; |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
<template> |
<view> |
<page-standby @click="toIndex"></page-standby> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script setup> |
import { ref, onMounted ,getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'; |
import { onLoad,onReady } from '@dcloudio/uni-app'; |
import pageStandby from '@/components/index/page_standby.vue';//待机页 |
import util from "@/utils/util.js" |
// const screenHeight = ref(1200); |
onMounted(async () => { |
// screenHeight.value = await util.getPageHeight() |
// console.log(`page-standby onMounted` + screenHeight.value) |
}); |
const toIndex = ()=>{ |
util.routeTo(`/pages/index/index`, 'nT'); |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
// export const ORIGIN = `http://ouxuanmaganer.ouxuanzhineng.cn`; // 正式
export const ORIGIN = `https://testmanager.ouxuanzhineng.cn`; // 测试
export const API = { |
padLogin: `${ORIGIN}/assistant/WechatMiniApplogin`, //登录
padList: `${ORIGIN}/admin/stadium/list`, //pad 选择列表
// admin/erpRetailGoods/list
getGoodsList: `${ORIGIN}/admin/erpRetailGoods/list`, //获取商品列表
// /erpRetailGoods/getErpGoodsBySkuOfPad
getGoodFromPad: `${ORIGIN}/admin/erpRetailGoods/getErpGoodsBySkuOfPad`, //通过sku获取商品信息
// classifyer/all
getGoodsClassify: `${ORIGIN}/classifyer/all`, //获取商品分类
// admin/erp/retailByPayOfQrcode
makeOrder: `${ORIGIN}/admin/erp/retailByPayOfQrcode`, //生成订单
// admin/order/pay/online/payByScannedCode
payOrder: `${ORIGIN}/admin/order/pay/online/payByScannedCode`, //支付订单
// pay/huishouqian/checkOrder
checkOrder: `${ORIGIN}/pay/huishouqian/checkOrder`, //轮询订单结果
} |
export default { ORIGIN, API }; |
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ |
var dict = { |
'8': 'backspace', |
'9': 'tab', |
'13': 'enter', |
'16': 'shift', |
'17': 'ctrl', |
'18': 'alt', |
'19': 'pause_break', |
'20': 'caps_lock', |
'27': 'escape', |
'33': 'page_up', |
'34': 'page_down', |
'35': 'end', |
'36': 'home', |
'37': 'left_arrow', |
'38': 'up_arrow', |
'39': 'right_arrow', |
'40': 'down_arrow', |
'45': 'insert', //控制键键码值 Insert
'46': 'delete', //控制键键码值 delete
'48': '0', // 以下是0~9 字母和数字键的键码值 0
'49': '1', |
'50': '2', |
'51': '3', |
'52': '4', |
'53': '5', |
'54': '6', |
'55': '7', |
'56': '8', |
'57': '9', |
'65': 'a', // 以下是a~z 字母和数字键的键码值 a
'66': 'b', |
'67': 'c', |
'68': 'd', |
'69': 'e', |
'70': 'f', |
'71': 'g', |
'72': 'h', |
'73': 'i', |
'74': 'j', |
'75': 'k', |
'76': 'l', |
'77': 'm', |
'78': 'n', |
'79': 'o', |
'80': 'p', |
'81': 'q', |
'82': 'r', |
'83': 's', |
'84': 't', |
'85': 'u', |
'86': 'v', |
'87': 'w', |
'88': 'x', |
'89': 'y', |
'90': 'z', |
'91': 'left_window_key', |
'92': 'right_window_key', |
'93': 'select_key', |
'96': 'numpad_0', //数字键盘 0
'97': 'numpad_1', //数字键盘 1
'98': 'numpad_2', //数字键盘 2
'99': 'numpad_3', //数字键盘 3
'100': 'numpad_4', //数字键盘 4
'101': 'numpad_5', //数字键盘 5
'102': 'numpad_6', //数字键盘 6
'103': 'numpad_7', //数字键盘 7
'104': 'numpad_8', //数字键盘 8
'105': 'numpad_9', //数字键盘 9
'106': 'multiply', //数字键盘*
'107': 'add', // 数字键盘+
'109': 'subtract', // 数字键盘-
'110': 'decimal_point', // 数字键盘.
'111': 'divide', // 数字键盘/
'112': 'f1', |
'113': 'f2', |
'114': 'f3', |
'115': 'f4', |
'116': 'f5', |
'117': 'f6', |
'118': 'f7', |
'119': 'f8', |
'120': 'f9', |
'121': 'f10', |
'122': 'f11', |
'123': 'f12', |
'144': 'num_lock', // Num Lock
'145': 'scroll_lock', |
'186': 'semi_colon', // 以下是 shift+键 或者 键
'187': 'equal_sign', |
'188': 'comma', |
'189': 'dash', |
'190': 'period', |
'191': 'forward_slash', |
'192': 'grave_accent', |
'219': 'open_bracket', |
'220': 'back_slash', |
'221': 'close_braket', |
'222': 'single_quote' |
} |
async function resultScan(result) { |
// 控制键 双键: shift + key 单键: key
let controlKey = ['semi_colon', 'equal_sign', 'comma', 'dash', 'period', 'forward_slash', 'grave_accent', 'open_bracket', 'back_slash', 'close_braket', 'single_quote', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1']; |
let controlRet = [ |
{ double: ':', single: ';' }, |
{ double: '+', single: '=' }, |
{ double: '<', single: ',' }, |
{ double: '_', single: '-' }, |
{ double: '>', single: '.' }, |
{ double: '?', single: '/' }, |
{ double: '~', single: '`' }, |
{ double: '{', single: '[' }, |
{ double: '|', single: '/' }, |
{ double: '}', single: ']' }, |
{ double: '"', single: "'" }, |
{ double: '*', single: "8" }, |
{ double: '&', single: "7" }, |
{ double: '^', single: "6" }, |
{ double: '%', single: "5" }, |
{ double: '$', single: "4" }, |
{ double: '#', single: "3" }, |
{ double: '@', single: "2" }, |
{ double: '!', single: "1" } |
]; |
// 数字键盘
let numKey = ['multiply', 'divide', 'add', 'subtract', 'decimal_point'] |
let numRet = ['*', '/', '+', '-', '.'] |
// 字母键盘
let letterKey = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']; |
let letterRet = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']; |
result = await getControlKey(result, controlKey, controlRet) |
result = await getLetterKey(result, letterKey, letterRet) |
result = await getNumKey(result, numKey, numRet) |
console.log('result 最后结果: ', result.join('')); //指定分隔符)
return result.join('') || ''; |
} |
function getControlKey(result, controlKey, controlRet){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
let list = [] |
try{ |
result.forEach(function(item, index, arr) { |
controlKey.forEach(function(item2, index2, arr2) { |
if(item === item2) { |
if(arr[index+1] == "shift"){ |
// arr.splice(index+1, 1);
arr[index+1] = '' |
arr[index] = controlRet[index2].double |
} |
else arr[index] = controlRet[index2].single; |
} |
}); |
}); |
list = result |
}catch(e){ |
console.warn("异常:",e); |
} |
rs(list) |
}) |
} |
function getLetterKey(result, letterKey, letterRet){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
let list = [] |
try{ |
result.forEach(function(item, index, arr) { |
letterKey.forEach(function(item2, index2, arr2) { |
if(item === item2) { |
if(arr[index+1] == "shift"){ |
// arr.splice(index+1, 1);
arr[index+1] = '' |
arr[index] = arr[index].toUpperCase(); //小写字母转大写字母
} |
} |
}); |
}); |
list = result |
}catch(e){ |
console.warn("异常:",e); |
} |
rs(list) |
}) |
} |
function getNumKey(result, numKey, numRet){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
let list = [] |
try{ |
result.forEach(function(item, index, arr) { |
numKey.forEach(function(item2, index2, arr2) { |
if(item === item2) { |
arr[index] = numRet[index2]; |
} |
}); |
}); |
list = result |
}catch(e){ |
console.warn("异常:",e); |
} |
rs(list) |
}) |
} |
export default { |
dict: dict, |
resultScan: resultScan, |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ |
import util from '../utils/util'; |
const islog = true |
export class Server { |
request(url,data,method,header,isDefaultGet,failMsg){ |
return new Promise(async (rs,rj)=>{ |
// const _token = uni.getStorageSync('venueData').token || '';
// if(_token)data['token'] = _token;
// if(method === 'POST'&&_token)url = url + `?token=${_token}`
uni.request({ |
url, |
timeout: 60000, |
sslVerify:false, |
data, |
header: {...header}, // 设置请求的 header // {'custom-header': 'application/json'}
success: res=>{ |
// if(islog)console.log('req success---->',{
// link: url,
// query: data,
// method: method,
// data: res,
// })
if(isDefaultGet){ |
if(failMsg == '')throw Error('默认回调,失败提示不能为空 key -> failMsg'); |
defaultGet({ |
url, |
data, |
res, |
failMsg, |
resolve: rs, |
reject: rj |
}); |
return |
} |
if(islog){ |
let weburl = getWebURL(data,url) |
let temp = url.split("?")[0].split("/") |
let postName = temp[temp.length-1] |
console.log("-------------------->> ["+postName+"][log]\n"+"请求 Data: \n" + JSON.stringify(data)+ "\n URL:\n"+weburl+"\n <<-------------------- ["+postName+"][log] ↑↑↑\n") |
} |
rs(res); |
}, |
fail: err=>{ |
if(islog)console.log('req fail---->',{ |
link: url, |
query: data, |
method: method, |
data: err, |
}) |
util.hideLoad(); |
if(typeof(err.errMsg) == 'string'&&(err.errMsg.indexOf('timeout')!=-1 || err.errMsg.indexOf('interrupted')!=-1 || err.errMsg.indexOf('请求超时')!=-1)){ |
util.showNone('网络超时!'); |
}else if(typeof(err.errMsg) == 'string'){ |
util.showNone(err.errMsg); |
}else{ |
util.showNone('请求数据失败!请检查当前网络状态。'); |
} |
rj(err); |
}, |
complete(result) { |
// if(util.debug){
util.showLog(data,url,result) |
// }
} |
}) |
}) |
function defaultGet({res,failMsg,resolve,reject,url,data}){ |
if(res.data.code == 0){ |
resolve(res.data.data); |
}else{ |
util.hideLoad(); |
util.showNone(res.data.message || failMsg || ''); |
reject({url,res,data}); |
} |
} |
} |
get({url,data={},header={},isDefaultGet=true,failMsg=''}){ |
return this.request(url,data,'GET',header,isDefaultGet,failMsg); |
} |
post({url,data={},header={},isDefaultGet=true,failMsg=''}){ |
return this.request(url,data,'POST',header,isDefaultGet,failMsg); |
} |
// post({url,data={},header={'custom-header': 'application/json'},isDefaultGet=true,failMsg=''}){
// return this.request(url,data,'POST',header,isDefaultGet,failMsg);
// }
uploadFile({url,filePath,onProgressCallBack,formData={}}){ |
return new Promise((rs,rj)=>{ |
let uploadTask = wx.uploadFile({ |
url,filePath,formData,name:'file',success:rs,fail:rj |
}) |
uploadTask.onProgressUpdate(res=>onProgressCallBack&&onProgressCallBack(res)) |
}) |
} |
} |
function getWebURL(data,url){ |
let result = "" |
for(var i in data){ |
result+=`&${i}=${data[i]}` |
} |
return url+"?"+result.slice(1) |
} |
export const ox = new Server(); |
export default { ox, Server }; |
Reference in new issue